How many btc for a girl like this?

how many btc for a girl like this?

Attached: 1584139818032.jpg (1092x1303, 202.52K)

>you will always be too much of a shitlord to get a Greta gf

Attached: 1582200181420.jpg (486x732, 49.78K)

Attached: 1573397981156.jpg (368x368, 108.52K)

Invisalign + hair conditioner + gym membership + social media isolation + strong father figure + modest breast implants

And she's good to go.

0. Just be darkskinned, move to sweden, claim to be a refugee (don't worry, they don't do background checks) and get free swedish girls.They'll even let you rape them without repercussions.

She looks like a half downs with fetal alcohol syndrome.

she will tell you to stop breathing

She looks like a normal person in this pic

She looks prettier here, is this a shop? Or is she just growing up and I'm not a pedo?

It's heavily photoshopped.