Looks like the boomer market is starting to realize this is all a hoax over a literal common cold.
Looks like the boomer market is starting to realize this is all a hoax over a literal common cold
Hello CCP.
The common cold doesn't hospitalize 20% of people who get it.
Lol. Nice photoshop.
The vast majority of people don't even get tested because they just have a mild cold.
pretty much everyone with the mildest cold symptoms wants to get tested now
Here we have a retard who actually believes they just dun thunk up the name coronavirus for this specific viral strain and that there's a cover up because it's really just a common cold, rather than Corona being a designation for a kind if virus
Stay salty fear monger. Its a common cold.
According to the cruise ship results (the most comprehensive picture of the virus due to everyone onboard getting tested), the mortality rate is more like ~0.5% and the majority of people displayed no or mild symptoms. Everyone who has died was 70 or older.
So that's kind of bad but not apocalyptic like we're being told. This is a potentially scarier flu for old people.