>ruins Bitcoin
>spreads pandemic
fuck this country, right?
Ruins Bitcoin
The only reason it spread so far is because of Trump, who also ruined bitcoin.
they got rekt by trump in trade negotiations and had to spread a virus to distract from their embarrassment. its all a chink psyop to distract as well as get rid of trump. the sad part is its been working. it wont succeed tho. trump always wins. just stack cheep sats and go back sleepy weepy. pence's steady had will guide this ship to shore and reassure the world of our supremacy once again
based country, the crash will be hard but the end of the (((anglo-american))) world hegemony will usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for humanity
>the end
keep dreeming XI chingping
yep fuck em
>Releases deadly disease either through biolab leak or eating bats
>covers it up
>denies it
>calls you racist if you try and protect yourself
>lets it spread
>crashes your economy
>crashes your crypto
>buys up all of the masks/hand sanitiser/toilet paper to price gouge
>claims the only reason it's not worse is because of how well they handled it
>demands an apology
Just about had enough of these subhuman asian insects tbqhwtyf
You forgot
>blames America for their virus
bat eating is more of a SEA thing anyways, seems more likely it sprouted up in indonesia or something and found its way to wuhan
Man I fucking these rats
You know it
I know it
We all know it
I like China...
None to little degeneracy.
Don't trust'em though, they're semi-autistic and always low-key looking for ways to GAIN something FROM you.
>12 November 2015
>An experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus — one related to the virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) — has triggered renewed debate over whether engineering lab variants of viruses with possible pandemic potential is worth the risks.
>In an article published in Nature Medicine on 9 November, scientists investigated a virus called SHC014, which is found in horseshoe bats in China. The researchers created a chimaeric virus, made up of a surface protein of SHC014 and the backbone of a SARS virus that had been adapted to grow in mice and to mimic human disease. The chimaera infected human airway cells — proving that the surface protein of SHC014 has the necessary structure to bind to a key receptor on the cells and to infect them. It also caused disease in mice, but did not kill them.
Classic chinese playbook. The only surprising thing would have been for these chinks to actually accept the blame.
Editors’ note, March 2020: We are aware that this story is being used as the basis for unverified theories that the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 was engineered. There is no evidence that this is true; scientists believe that an animal is the most likely source of the coronavirus.
disprove it. you can't
prove it. you can't
>Editors’ note, March 2020: We are aware that this story is being used as the basis for unverified theories that the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 was engineered. There is no evidence that this is true; scientists believe that an animal is the most likely source of the coronavirus.
literally WHO 'no pandemic it's just a flu bro' tier.
>its Trump fault Italy has fallen
you sure that wasnt done by the chinese?
Bat soup is a delicacy in USA, not even joking.
China released the full genome before any of you shitfucks heard about it, December 14, first cases were confirmed some days earlier.
Never denies it.
China handled it better than any other country with almost 4 month warning!
Also important: USA has had a major increase (record highs) in Pneumonia deaths since September. "Flu-like" deaths are at all time highs, those are that did not or tested negative for flu!!!
and yet the orange faggot wanted to reduce funding from the CDC, lol
americans are fucking retarded, they will vote for the guy who offers them less subsidies and government programs WHILE being the targets of said programs...
i absolutely agree
"we can't test because we have no test kits"
China has told the world that you don't even need test kits... a simple CT scan is slightly more accurate than the test kits.
Also, who the fuck, besides brainwashed faggots, would believe the lies of "muh, we have no test kits, but we don't have any cases therefore everything is fine".
Americans are so hard brainwashed... Yuri Bezmenov unironically.
Fuck the chinks
When do we start the lynching?
Most bitcoin miners are chinese, they account for around 65% of the hashrate I believe so they're also keeping the network going.
its good time to buy now right?
It's an American weapon.
>10 years ago China receives no fanfare they're just an economic partner
>Now China is the undisputed biggest threat to the US and now the rest of the world
black plague and Spanish flu which was actually chinese flu originated in china.
rent free
based as fuck
black pague was during the war at which mongol empire was winning, therefore not china.
spanish flu originated most likely in usa as it were the american troops that brought it to europe
swine flu originated in usa
>Chinese internet defense force in full swing
How much are you being paid?
There will be a reckoning here anons. Mark my words. The remaining pro-gook lobby groups in Washington are being run out of town. They were the only brakes on unleashing the full power of Lighthizer and Navarro on these bug people. The pain is coming.
1) kicking China out of WTO
2) kicking China off SWIFT system ( this will hurt)
3) delisting of Chinese entities on stock exchanges unless they open their books
4) tarriff bukake on any remaining Chinese industry after this
5) US nuclear arms Defense treaties with Japan, Taiwan. Philippines and Vietnam
6) heavy restrictions on foreign visa students for American universities. Why educate our enemies ?
7) sponsor seperatist movements in Tibet, UIGHAR lands
8) sponsor Chinese racism awareness officially
9) entertain the Dalai Lama weekly at White house
And that's just a fucking start. We didn't start this shit, but we're going to finish it.
Where exactly does "China nukes USA in response" fit in that list?
They might be retarded, but they aren't quite that retarded
heard that on CCP TV did you?
Yes, yes, give Latin America and Africa a reason to embargo the US while China has an excuse to violate all patent laws openly :^) !
spanish flu originated in china, Black plague originated in china. , Swine flu was originated from chinese pigs. Sars originated from china.
China has invented nothing for the past 1000 years except many many diseases that wiped out half the worlds population.
they get 50 cents, the 50 cent army.
>Where exactly does "China nukes USA in response" fit in that list?
american troops brought it to europe. you can't name 1 reason why your troops were hitted the hardest and brought it to europe if china had the outbreak.
black plague was during a war at which mongol empire was reigning, todays northern china (outbreak)
theory about chinese pigs is not accepted by anyone as it never made sense. it would've needed to travel from mexico to usa, usa to china, china to mexico and back to usa. it originated in usa.
you're right about sars.
bovine insulin, drones and e-cigarettes are just some of the last chinese inventions that are revolutionizing the industries.
now as you seem to be so active. name me 1 reason why "the greatest country with the best people" is not able to test people.
why aren't you doing CT tests?
why are you still not allowing people to test even if they want to?
why have countries like switzerland tested more people than yours?
are you hiding something?
why was the US military, once again, one of the first ones to get infected?
>american troops brought it to europe. you can't name 1 reason why your troops were hitted the hardest and brought it to europe if china had the outbreak.
>black plague was during a war at which mongol empire was reigning, todays northern china (outbreak)
>theory about chinese pigs is not accepted by anyone as it never made sense. it would've needed to travel from mexico to usa, usa to china, china to mexico and back to usa. it originated in usa.
>you're right about sars.
>bovine insulin, drones and e-cigarettes are just some of the last chinese inventions that are revolutionizing the industries.
>now as you seem to be so active. name me 1 reason why "the greatest country with the best people" is not able to test people.
>why aren't you doing CT tests?
>why are you still not allowing people to test even if they want to?
>why have countries like switzerland tested more people than yours?
>are you hiding something?
>why was the US military, once again, one of the first ones to get infected?
Hang yourself Chang you disgusting insect
i'm from spain and after learning about how your propaganda wokred to name it "spanish flu" i knew better.
someday you will realize that FBI, CIA, NSA and whatever else is just the same as CCP.
can't answer as you're brainwashed way too hard and seething right now.
Your mom originated from China too, she was the considered a prized pig when she was there.
>i'm from spain
Holy shit
CDC even confirmed that your deaths are already way higher and were not reported
enjoy your slow and painful death
>it never made sense
Why does my libtard roommate get massively asshurt when I point out the fact that this virus originated in China?
posts images titled as "coronavirus" when it is about swine fever which is not the swine flu that originated in USA
you mutts are retarded as fuck
and still nobody has answered the questions.
because you are being racist you xenophobe.
kill your roomate.
the swine flu was started in china, the US imports tons of pork from china, china is one of the largest producers of pork.
>was ground zero for the Bubonic Plague
>spawns SARS
>shits out Corona AKA SARS 2 electric boogaloo
These fucks are so disgusting that they have a talent for unintentionally unleashing bioweapons on the world through their sheer filth. Fuck China and fuck bat soup.
>communists fuck everything up
>free market America saves the world.
It's just history repeating itself. I wouldn't worry about it crypto, it will survive this.
you fucktard, the first infected were farmers and not the meat itself... you got infected only if you had contact with an infected swine. those farmers spread it to other people
it's a fucking variation of the flu and not something else.
Because everything bad in the world is because of white people
>Posting literal chinese propaganda
You fucking chinks are so easy to spot
>Y-your government lied!!
Everyone knows this shit Whang, it's not like your country is any different
now as you seem to be so active. name me 1 reason why "the greatest country with the best people" is not able to test people.
why aren't you doing CT tests?
why are you still not allowing people to test even if they want to?
why have countries like switzerland tested more people than yours?
are you hiding something?
why was the US military, once again, one of the first ones to get infected?
>the greatest country with the best people
I never said it was you fucking bug, all you subhumans know is causing problems. Shut the fuck up.