Trump Corona Virus News Conference stream
fuck chinks
fuck gooks
fuck chicoms
fuck nintendo
fuck baby metal
fuck north korea
fuck the pedo cult government of south korea
and fuck the dahli lama
my president is orange and my ford focus is blue nigger
>fuck chinks
>fuck gooks
>fuck chicoms
>fuck nintendo
>fuck baby metal
>fuck north korea
>fuck the pedo cult government of south korea
>and fuck the dahli lama
>my president is orange and my ford focus is blue nigger
Ayy drumpf
12 minutes to 3k bitcoin
Trump will announce that he contracted the virus.
You read it here first, the market are already reacting to the inside news.
triple digit bitcoin*
Road to 1$
When to buy BTC
It's about to hit $1300
BTC is about to skyrocket in one hour. Screencap this
What after the press conference?
> My fellow mutts we have gathered here today as one nation under god to praise the brave actions of the fed for feeding the jewish corporations gib and to condemn China and all Chinese people for releasing this horrible virus on the world. I know we have the best bullets to save the day and also the best guns.
>put premiums ridiculously high for some reason
>sell a bunch of them that expire in two hours
>heh, suckers
>dad calls, says he heard from people at work that the government is planning a mandatory quarantine for two weeks and nobody can leave their house
>panic buy back the puts for loss
pre conference pump
This fag is always late to his engagements
>trump does good things
>stock goes up
>stock goes down
yes and if a meteor hit the NYSE that would be his fault too right
get fucked retard
It's 3:03 what's the holdup
I'd literally empty my bank account if that happened.
buying the last of XRP before trump sends it 1000x
We have the best muscle for the job to eradicate this virus. John Deere is working closely with top American minds to kill this evil Chinese version. Top American scientific minds have decided that dousing the virus with fine American bourbon and firing bullets is the best solution.
Alternate stream with live video
Holding up until market close, so only futures are tanking into oblivion and he cannot be accused of market manipulation
200 IQ
Welp, I guess he didn't make it until the conference. TRUMP IS DEAD, IT'S OFFICIAL!
Yeah why are they staling...
Big if true
"15 mins behind"
I just heard a cough
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Trump is dead Bernie is going to do the Press Conference sell everything.
fingers crossed
Yfw Trump collapses on livestream
see you in an hour faggot
Can this fat fuck hurry up?
>no Trump conference yet
He's dead.
thanks user
Kek is here right frens? It's happening
He is literally doing the ahem. pause. gather round. pause.
atleast I'm listening to some dude talk about briskets
Why are these boomers talking about brisket prices in the fucking mic
Body double coming right up.
Let the panic start
Well, now we must wait because the conference is delayed but stay tuned. BTC up 100% in a few hours
what's the delay, is he being tested?
jews love brisket and discounts
What stream?
Trump will declare a national emergency. Liquidity must be preserved.
People are going to PANIC. I hope you bought supplies already before the normies.
It got pushed back 2 hours!!!!
Its stuff that will tank the market isnt it.
lmao get ready for him to say a bunch of stupid shit and crater any recovery we've made so far
can confirm, also groveling
The people are the grocery store are PANICKING. I went to one at 8AM and it was empty, by 10am when I went for a second run there was a line around the store. I talked to a few people and NONE OF THEM had any idea a state of emergency was about to be announced.
So, after the announcement, all hell will break loose. People fleeing their offices, running to the grocery store. It is going to be totally, 100% fucked and you will see fight videos and freak out videos tomorrow I guarantee it. Total panic is about to hit the united states
Ok back to swinging link for 2 hours then I guess.
I'm Chainlink and I hold gay
this one
Based and marketpilled. Bears absolutely S E T H I N G
I think you win user. The Coofer is the new paradigm
>Let the panic start
The department of health in my city just closed all of our schools until April 13th. I think papa drumpf is unironically going to announce a state of emergency or something
I went last night. It was packed but most people didn't know what was going on.
He's not scripted.
Expect financial carnage.
Why can't the government do anything right? They can't even show up to a press conference on time.
When's the stream fellow goyim?
Two hour delay, so that what he says won't immediately crash the markets
Where is this fat fuck get your ass out and tank this market
It's been delayed until for 2 hours
i'm a bong zoomer, is this actually significant or a nothing burger
Markets will be closed until Monday since it's the weekend, right?
Where the fuck is this orange retard
trump is buying the dip and confirming his transactions before announcing the vaccine and that bernie and biden are both sick with coronavirus and he's declaring himself president for life
Let's make it back to back Black Mondays
It's going to be insane this weekend. I fully expect neighbors coming by begging for food in the next couple of weeks
Nevermind must be fake news
how will a state of emergency announcement affect the crypto market?
where is this fat failure?
idk, I lived through sars, h1n1, etc. and we never had our schools closed for a month over any of them
every single person sitting in this area now has corona virus
He is taking a diarrhea dump and looking for toilet paper.
They're deliberately trying to cause panic because it's election year.
Yeah, but why would he announce 3pm press conference and then not show up? That's gonna freak the markets anyway. Just wait until the weekend to say what you need.
Remember to buy ammo
this is the last shakeout before the biggest pump in history
based magatard. The stock market goes up on its own. Its not like the stock market hasn't offered great returns before trump.
But it is occurring in a similar manner all over Europe. We are panicking less than other places
If he's not on 5 mins to 4pm I'm buying all the puts
you grandma will be dead by next month from slow suffocating death in a hallway full of beds in an understaffed hospital.
You and others you know will lose their jobs and their homes.
In a week you might have trouble finding a grocery store with food in it
I'm not even trying to be edgy I'm just trying to get the point across
>goes up on it's own
>goes down because of trump
feel the bern 2020
Literally stalling till market closed
It's literally too late for that now. SHTF tonight.
the most obvious one is that he's busy dealing with shit from all kinds of people on top of probably being sick with the virus himself. it's a miracle they can keep the guy on any schedule as is
part of stock market is emotional, president and politics can have some effect, but blaming the president for a global virus and stock losses after the global economy shuts down for 2 months is desperate shitlib panic. they know trump can't be beaten by a mortal man and theyre begging mother nature for favors at this point.
called it
He was going to crash the market with emergency announcement. Received a Koch bros. call to wait for two hours while they dump
Drumpf's advisors making him go over the lines for the fifth time
Again, if he's sick why announce the conference? It's not like this was scheduled well in advance.
US is literally the only country that matters, and I say this as a eurocuck
Honk honk, its probably bad.
HOLY SHIT BROS TRUMP HAS CORONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT BROS TRUMP HAS CORONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT BROS TRUMP HAS CORONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT BROS TRUMP HAS CORONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT BROS TRUMP HAS CORONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT BROS TRUMP HAS CORONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
should I buy eosbear or ethbear or xrp bear right now boys
Everytime Trump coofs BTC -10%
is sound off for everyone?
how fucking stupied were they scheduling it for 3pm?
Maybe they didn't want to spook the market by telling them it was after 4pm.. HAHAHAHAH. evil fuckers.
Now anybody not paying attention can't get out. oh my god these fucking scumbags
is he delaying until the stock market closes?
Hes is waiting for markets to close
go buy some rice bruv. every trip to the store you should buy a bit extra non-perishable stuff and a bring of bit of cash home. there is a chance you won't be able to take out money from the bank next month
there wasnt a bank run during 2008 retard nothign is going to happen
while I agree there's always the possibility that this is all just one big illusion, that doesn't make the reaction to it any less real. You have to play along as if the illusion is real. The markets don't care.
I learned this the hard way by refusing to sell because "it's all fake corona is overblown!!! this is a big scam!!!" and ended up having to panic sell
big if true
take this stream for hearing wagie banter
this is the biggest bear signal ever right? allin puts ?
The fox stream is live at
lol yeah im hearing these fucking cringelords
I never said I blamed him for the crash. If he's gonna take credit for the (tax cut induced) pumps he's inevitably gonna eat credit for the fall. Trumpers attribute literally everything positive with Trump and say trump can't be blamed for all the negative shit. Trump has fucked up the virus response so far. We had a month to get ready for mass testing and strengthen the healthcare system which we squandered with "its just a flu bro"
2 minute signal
if only the president really felt this way
at what time they close?
>2 minutes!
>2 minutes! 2 minutes!
Where is this MF....
im stocked up mate, beans and rice :)