Donald Trump 3 PM Conference

What do you think will be revealed at the conference? Do you think it will be bullish or bearish?

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National emergency. Dow gains will be wiped out by end of session.

The conference will reveal to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam

omg his hands are so fucking big, he literally can't get the virus because of his german arish genes

Based. I just went and bought some ETHBEAR

He'll try to infect as many people as he can

He's going to order the extermination of all jews in the United states, and then the entire globe.



a lot of gets happening right now

Corona virus is just another Jewish myth. Look up the definition of 'corona'

Trump is bull. Buy the bottom now

Bearish after lunch.

Cancellation of every us citizens debt. School, car, house, credit card. Anything. Funding business to give everyone payed time of for atleast 3 weeks. Nesara/gesara in April.

including his daughter?

bearish as fuck

if the topic is the corona virus, it can only be bad news for the market

Vaccine discovered

He’s going to announce the use of LINK to verify covid-19 cases.

He's gonna beat up Alan Greenspan on live TV and then cancel all debts

That Eric Holder had Paul Walker assassinated to cover up his illegal gun smuggling operation in Mexico known as Fast and Furious.

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Stafford Act declaration so the states can do his job for him now that shit's hit the fan. He's found his way out so he can blame others as the numbers increase exponentially next week and beyond. Plus he can shift blame on who's responsible for the stock market being down as time passes - he's going to tell his base to turn on their governors and that the states, especially the population heavy liberal business hubs, are responsible for the economic slowdown because they'll have "taken too long" to sort out their individual public health crises. And it'll work. The whole narrative will be changed in two months while hospitals are getting overloaded and Trump keeps crying about the $40B last minute aid.

The guy's a snake covered in Teflon.

Virgin polcels will defend every one of his fuckups. You are spot on.

Whatever it is, I'm selling.
No matter what he says, retards at Wall St like to crash it for the lulz and then blame him.
Crypto will be worse. You'll see.

If dubs he sneezes during the conference and everything dumps


Hes gunna tell the world hes positive for the kung-flu


His breathing struggles seen Wednesday night are significantly worse noticeable but he still doesn't admit he has it.

Trump is banning bitcoin at 3pm

It makes more sense for states and local governments to handle it anyway, retard. The federal government isn't some magic fairy in the sky that can provide immediate aid and boots on the ground in every single city, that's the state and city's job. All he can do is handle federal matters e.g. international travel restrictions and funding.

The federal government can't handle a fucking postal service, don't give me this shit about them being able to control a massive, distributed country without resorting to outright China-tier authoritarianism (which is clearly against our traditions and culture).

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The last one went so well, let's do another!

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seriously, can trump just stfu and sit down

watch for the 2:30 sell off kek

Agreed. Thats why Trump shouldn't have interfered with states using Medicaid to prepare and prevent Corona, why he should have let the states accept the WHO testing kits weeks ago, calling the virus a nothingburger hoax instead of something for individual states to prep for, etc. He needs to step aside if he's not going to actually fix the problem instead of fucking everything up at every turn.

Would be fucking BASED.


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yep. bloomberg confirmed

Trump is gonna announce he is ending the fed, unironically bullish!

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he is going to announce that ivanka has the virus.

Based Arkposter

The market usually tanks when he starts talking.

Absolutely bearish

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>deluded arkie

Why wouldnt he have a 4p news conference if the news was bad? Give it the weekend for a tiny bit of cooling off.

An hour before the market closes? Fucker is dropping tax cuts and stimulus.

digits confirm

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Whatever he says comedy's likely planned to ensue

Get ready to buy cheap ether and Linkies boys

Speaking of this. Check out this shirt...

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Oh my god, we're doomed

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>*Ting *Ting
>I want to make an announcement
>Corona bad
>Economy good
>Repo pump
>Buy the dip
>MSM is fake news

that he has corona and hands over everything to the vp?

where can I watch the conference online?

stop user, stop.
too good to be even slightly a real possibility.

one can only dream.


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Anime is real.

they need to upgrade their shit or I'm gonna go back to watching queen Poki

very beautiful virus folks, very much fake news, its just a baby flu folks I can assure you this is a beautiful situation we are in, only the best virus in the usa folks the flu people the flu people. beautiful

These sounds like reddit conjured "stories" to sow FUD.

>interfered with states using Medicaid to prepare and prevent corona

What does this even mean? They control their own Medicaid budgets that are apportioned to them.

I don't see many state governors taking much action beyond basic crowd control edicts. Why were Newsom and Inslee letting chinkshit continue to wash up onto their shores despite what was going on in China?