/smg/ - Stock Market General

Trump announces news conference.

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im jew

Japan shorts are printing

get in on that.

I’m already drinking liquor and it’s 8 am

Fuck Powell
Fuck Bonds

There's no way this pump is going to hold, right?

It's news US has a kung flu vaccine. Watch.

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Trump conference gonna dump afterwards?

What could he say that it would pump

How low will dow(n) go after he says he has corona-chan.

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Nah. Way too soon for that.

Rolling for a 15k drop if Trump is diagnosed

no running

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If your not buying the dip, your going to hate yourself for the next 12 years

Not possible.

>it costs 100,000 and only one can be made a month

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below zero

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no one does you fucking retard
and they wont for at least a year

>finally switch to big boy broker fidelity
>deposit 500
>get options enabled
>get margin enabled
>says I have 500 available to trade
>try to execute $100 in options trade
>not enough available funds

RH never did this shit to me

How can i profit with puts from trumps speech?

Only way it goes up is if he says they found a vaccine, which I know for a FACT is not the case, any other scenario is a red dong.

So no change

fuck shorts and inverse ETFs, what are some good stocks to get that are at fire sale prices at the moment?

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If that user is still around I was talking to, George actually is the one who mentions shriller @ 15 for entry!

If he had kung flu he wouldn't announce a conference, he'd tweet it for safety you fucking retards.

Daytraders buy cheapies right now before it pumps.

>Topic: CoronaVirus!
That's something Trump would definitely tweet before announcing he has the plague, right?


watch at 39 seconds and tell me he doesn't have it

It's the end of the week, he's at least gonna announce that from a federal level, all schools are to be cancelled I would imagine.

>If he had kung flu he wouldn't announce a conference

If he had the kung flu he would totally announce it on a press conference and say how its just a flu and there is nothing to worry about

That's right because with RH, you'd still be waiting like another week for your deposit so show up in your account, lol.

RCL, DAL, XOM, AMD. Wait with RCL and DAL though.

He is announcing that he has the coronavirus. Screencap this.

t. Insider

i really hope you stupid niggers aren't betting on trump saying or doing anything reassuring


I'm gonna crash this market, anons. Give me your energy!

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More like inside my ass haha wouldn't that be funny


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In the first place he's not gonna just get in a press room and say he has it unless he wants someone to fucking lynch him on live tv

why would he ever admit that

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Trump's about to have a press conference? SHORT EVERYTHING.

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this market is fucking lame
I was promised bloodshed

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I get 1000 dollar credit from RH now, not that guy btw

I still want to switch to TD though

He ends literally every tweet with an exclamation point

>at a press conference filled with people
Him announcing Pence has it is realistic though, would that even tank markets at all?

What if he announces US is going on gold standard?

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My plan for the day was to go balls deep short around 3:50, but now I'm thinking I need to do that before Mr. Two Scoops talks. Sad! Many such cases!


>The Federal Reserve exists for one task and one task only. The inevitable bail out of wallstreet
This is why I love CoronaChan. She is the embodiment of chaos, and at least one thing is certain. Chaos is fair


Trump declares national emergency

wait for the retard to accidentally say something at 3:30

i want to leverage my long term investments, whats the best way to do this?


blonald blumpf

i want trump to cough one time
just once

This. It's going to be "good" news

At 1 hr before market close?
He's just gonna ramble about QE and consumer confidence

Really a sad state that most of the working class is hoping for a market crash while most of the elite is not. Really different from 2008. I think it will recover quickly because of this fact but it just shows you how dystopian the world has gotten. We are like cockroaches begging for cheap scraps.

write options

Even if he does have it, they'll never tell us unless he directly dies from it.

annoying orange: martial law now in effect


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>one post by this ID

The year tiemline includes multiple trials though they can’t just go injecting the entire population with shit before testing

Fake and gay pump, red EoD

I'm gonna make it.

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>tfw having a press conference in front of healthy boomers
What a madlad.

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It will recover quickly unless something goes horribly wrong and we're all quarantined 6 months later

how come FXAIX cost isnt changing even though DOW is fluctuating throughout the day. should i sell now or wait until the end of today.

i do not stonk

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>Market closes at 4pm
>4:05 martial law announced

Everytime Trump addresses the public stocks dump, so why does he insist on daily speeches/conferences? Quality over quantity

I’m being dead serious. DC lobbyist family, this is what the announcement is about. Several other world leaders also infected. The announcement will regard others helping on pressing issues while he focuses on recovery.

There's a confirmed case at the pentagon.

nice fren, but remember to add two zeros to all your gains to be compliant with /smg/ rules :)

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Quick, name me one oil company to invest in now. I don't have time.

>That husky voice
>Visible effort not to cough
Its over guys, enjoy the final ride

Check your option level in account features.

just buy $GUSH


>VIX is 72 despite indexes going up 3%

well this was nice. it's officially over. monday will be the blackest monday of them all. fucking reset back to 2008 incoming, NOT EVEN JOKING, just pull your shit out asap

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If every university/school student is taught online for the next 4 weeks, will they ever go back to physical classes, or will it be online forever afterwards?

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this is why I think it isn't that he has Corona. Either going to be stimulus package, or more lockdowns/quarantines.


Trump declared a national emergency because now he has a chance of getting it



The FED just backstopped the Bond market. He is going to backstop the IG and HY market. Then they will close the markets for two weeks and declare a national state of emergency.

This. If it was bad news, he would of waited till the market closed.

The interesting thing is this might be something that happens more frequently. Can you imagine if every year the world had to close down?

What if the next pandemic is a super-resistant bacteria? If this is how they handle a novel season flu, I think we are fucked for anything else.

He already did.


When do I take profit?

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the market needed a correction.

>Really different from 2008.

Well 2008 was "Most banks will not exist in a week."
As far as I can tell this crash is due to a series of massive decreases in consumer demand; this time the banking system is relatively fine.

>recover quickly

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what if this boost was the last call by the fed for everyone who's anyone to get out?

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you don't have time? how much time did you spend jerking off to my little pony this week you dumb loser?

>they bought?

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>just pull your shit out asap

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Why would I sell my puts tho?

monday or tuesday

He wants to kill the fed. He said so during his campaign, he said so all along his tenure.

>Then they will close the markets for two weeks
imagine VIX after they reopen


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when it reaches 50% or higher I'd say, huge drop but TSLA is a big company and they'll tank the hit soon enough

is a national emergency bullish?

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No, bogdanov. I sold. My options.

will bernie live to the end of the primaries? will biden? will the sniffing finally cost him?

so this is the power... of the pump.

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worthless when the crisis actually happens and liquidity is gone. so don't hold on for too long

But it has shown you that the world is not prepared to deal with even the slightest pandemic, and that consumer trust is very volatile.

>; this time the banking system is relatively fine.
The repo market shit may have started because one of the major banks was secretly insolvent

Insider here, Trump is going to announce hes been infected by Corona and hes taking Hillary and Biden with him

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I'm a bear bro but don't think this helps us, markets will probably be happy he's taking control of the situation

>tfw have wanted to buy puts for the past 3 days, but transferring accounts to E-Trade is taking forever to get my funds settled and available

Robinhood was shart, but at least they were instant

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Made 15k real money off the ASX today. Already made 3k on the NASDAQ.
Siiick boi.


It is very suspicious that they are “fully capitalized” but needed a pump. Interesting. I think the next 10 years will be crazy

very nice. nobody went broke taking profit!

bullish desu

Could you read a yield curve as a market bottom predictor? As in the bottom is in 3 months?

>Its over guys, enjoy the final ride

The man who steamrolled past Bushes, Clintons, corporate MSM, FBI/CIA, survived a special council investigation, an impeachment trial...will survive Coronavirus too.

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