Usually precious metals go up when the market goes down, but they're falling too.
Why are metals falling?
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Big holders of precious metals need liquidity. Central banks around the world realise that the Dollar matters more.
Exactly. First thing people flock to in a recession is cash.
This. A lot of people who have gold in their portfolios have to sell it to cover their positions. Gold is taking collateral damage, but it is a 'golden' opportunity to buy in because after a couple of months it'll rebound hard (Look at 2008 crash).
Yup, it's why you didn't see gold prices go up during the GFC.
is it a good time to buy gold?
Gold goes down in a deflationary market, all asset s do
They go down during recession historically.
but they shot up during the 2008 recession. Silver was close to $50
Are you from another timeline?
I’m going to wait until next week. But yes it’s going to be a good time to buy pretty much anything
It's all hysteria.
>Silver was close to $50
Silver plunged as low as $8 USD in 2008
Gold is a hedge against inflation. It rises when the value of currencies fall.
When hard economic times approach central banks print and inject (lend) money. This causes inflation and the price of everything goes up.
This can work if the system can take more debt. If it reaches a point where the credibility of governments, companies and individuals to repay their dues evaporates so does the effectiveness of QE.
The Repo market mess is proof that banks don't trust each others capacity to repay their dues.
Would it be better to buy silver if I'm a poorfag?
What other anons have said about liquidity, and a lot of margin calls too
the dip is boomers selling their long term metal bonds to cover their stonk losses
There is a lot of industrial need for metals. Which gives them positive correlation if the industrial bears outnumber the boomer metal hoarders. (Like when the global economy grinds to a halt)
This is your dip to buy in on
Silver I mean, 100/1 ratio is literally a no brainer
JPM can't keep it that high once all their staff start dying
reliable place to buy gold or silver?
Silver is way more volatile than gold, and never has the same growth.
Is silver really worth anything?
Silver has many real practical uses unlike gold. For example welders use silver a lot.
Electric cars are full of silver. Literally every wire connection has silver in it.
See you on the other side of the moon brother. I play the long game.
It is also used in many applications, for example in different industries. And it has functional use too since it isn't just money. In some fields, it is being implemented more and more, and that is just one situation. In conclusion, silver has a lot of potential with all its uses.
People liquidate to get ready to buy stocks
From an LMBA accredited refinery
Because it's a useless lump of metal.
If only there was some sort of a central bank that could stabilize the price of precious metals by controlling its supply through direct and indirect means...
yep, literally no use case except price go up
Shot up in 08. Shot up during the great depression.
Shut up retard.
Because money isn't backed by them anymore. They are just a piece of metal LMAO.
Who is to say we will never go back to asset backed currency?
When to buy airline stocks?
Every law in clown finance is a meme, do you realize that?
Metals take a hit during market turmoil, they will bounce back so buy now.
It shot up in 2007 then dropped in 2008, dumbcunt
Why not both?
103:1 ratio. It's officially THE WORST TIME IN HISTORY to own silver.
Your government’s national mint. A nice bonus is that it’s legal currency as well (although you would be crazy to spend them for their face value rather than their value as metal).
Here in Britain for example you can by gold sovereigns. Pretty much every major country issues similar coins tho, and a lot of them will let you buy interesting historical coins from them too (for example, the South African mint sells historic Kruggerands that used to be illegal in America back in the day).
If you think coins are for anoraks you can also buy bars instead usually.
You mean the best to buy
because china doesn't need them anymore to manufacture electronics.
these got bats on em
Usually loses value during recessions. only went to around $50 in 2011. Really volatile and heavily based in industry demand. I have some 20 oz, but I rather have gold.
Silver shot up to near $50 in 2011 way after QE was implemented
Hundreds of industries use silver. There is potential for silver to catch up to gold.
What would a new, gold-backed currency mean for silver?
For me its coke silver.
Come on bro, this is end times. If you haven’t already liquidated and bought into TP bottle water guns ammo dried beans you are going to die of starvation while dehydrated with an unwiped ass.
I can trade metals for your mother's t-shirt that I will wipe my ass with.
Does it piss anyone else off that all these bars are the same size and weight? Why is Yas Forums to retarded to use a real picture.
Who controls the money now?
Why would they give up the ability to freely print?
Prices are set largely by people trading, options, futures, CFD's etc, and those people are currently raising cash.
Idk about silver, but gold is still up a lot for the year, and even way more trailing twelve months.
The mad max days of trading gold for ammo have not yet come, and it's fairly unlikely that they will. But you never know..
Gold has plenty of practical uses, not as many as silver though
Them all being exact wight is more annoying.
People are selling their paper gold and silver to cover losses.
But then when they realize it was a nothing burger they put their money back in investments. What investments will this be? Gold and silver