Hurrr someone placed a 0.0001USD Link buy order EIGHT SECONDS after USDT/Link pair went live

>hurrr someone placed a 0.0001USD Link buy order EIGHT SECONDS after USDT/Link pair went live
>oh and we implemented a 30% price range rule on buy orders immediately after

If you believe this man, and still trust Binance with your shit, then you deserve to lose everything.

Attached: cz binance 0001 buy order 8 eight seconds.png (1409x1013, 637.99K)

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It was the same thing when LINK/PAX went to $10000.

Chinks, man. Not even once.

checked. fuck chinx

Wouldn't the order be visible to binance? He said they don't cancel orders, but shouldn't that be an exception if its already breaking the rules?

The price band rule was already in effect, but he spouts some bullshit to explain why the price band didn't apply to this particular trade because it was so quick.
That's like opening a new road with a 60mph speed limit, and just letting some fag blast across it at 130mph without repercussions "because he was so early".

Imagine believing CZ... God you have to be a cuck

Well if the fag was you then it would have been an exhilarating experience and you'd have zero regrets.

Go through the Twitter thread. There are sycophants saying "oh wow, well played dude", probably reminiscing on exploiting multiplayer glitches and how much fun it was without realizing that money came from all of them.

Nobody except an insider could've posted AND KEPT that fucking buy order.

1) who the fuck posts shit like that 8 fucking seconds after the pair opens for trade
2) why the fuck didn't Binance simply retroactively cancel that buy order because it so blatantly violates the price band rule

How can you have a price band if there is no price? Is there some preset price that the first order should be set at? What is that predeterminated price?

Who cares? Price manipulators gonna price manipulate. Don't you understand how bullish this is for LINK if he is willing to go through these lengths to accumulate as much as possible?

We are all in this together. You heard POTUS. It's happening tonight boys. Strap in.

>How can you have a price band if there is no price?
It's not like Binance invented Link's USD value on that day you dolt.
They could've entered an approximate price band based on the USD price at that time, until actual trades came in.

And even if the actual mechanism couldn't activate yet, if this had been some average user's buy order it would've been pulled retroactively for violating the price band principle.

Who cares? Go back to r*ddit.

>Who cares?
The words of a literal cuck.

Most of the link posting is schizo crap, but there has to be something to the manipulation of link. Why link and not any others? Is it just because of the volume? Crashing it to zero is ridiculous, even for binance.

If you want moderation and rules to keep you from hurting yourself then r*ddit sounds like the perfect place. You might get a nice amount of upvotes.

I don't want rules, I'm just exposing this shit.

>Crashing it to zero is ridiculous, even for binance.
The point was simply to get a buttload of Link for absolutely nothing.

>It's not like Binance invented Link's USD value on that day you dolt

Yes, but how should the program know it? It works based on the active market. This is an extremely improbable edge case that could potentially only happen when a new pair is introduced so it could be an oversight on the programmers/designers part.

>if this had been some average user's buy order it would've been pulled retroactively for violating the price band principle.

Does the price band actively remove user orders that slide outside it's scope? If not then it was working as intended, if yes you got goofed by chinks.

How many link were filled in this buy order?

>Yes, but how should the program know it?
By using a pre-set price range, based on the current Link price until actual trades came in.
Like I said.
Or just pull all the non-compliant buy orders afterwards.

>Does the price band actively remove user orders that slide outside it's scope?
Of course.
Or they could've done it manually.

The point of the price band isn't to see how well the price band mechanism functions; it's to keep people from setting buy orders beyond a certain range.

>By using a pre-set price range

And if the program does not have the ability to set a pre-set price range?

How fucking retarded are you? Why are you even on this board?

itt linkies cope
link is finished you fucking mongs
fucking sell before it goes to sub 20 cents

even after the wick this guys still had +900 000 link buy order
I wonder how much he actually got down there

Attached: ES6qFWSXsAMZpAc.jpg (720x1520, 87.45K)

Are you absolute fagots jealous someone scooped up cheap "linkies"? You cuck cultists.

>when were first list a new pair, the price band restrictions don't work because there is no price in our system for that pair
so he's saying I can set a 0.0001 buy order on any newly listed pair and just hope some retard buys up the order book eventually? sweet

rebdit are the CZ nuthuggers faggot if thats how you feel then you should go there.

Jealous some one bought an asset for less than a cent, which is currently trading above $2.00? Yes, I am jealous.

fuck yeah im jealous

You tell it what the fucking global range is for the previous 30 days or so.

>And if the program does not have the ability to set a pre-set price range?
That argument is stupid. They wrote the program. It works like they decided it should work.

>You tell it what the fucking global range is for the previous 30 days or so.

And if you can't manually input anything to the program?

And also hope they don't pull your order for violating the price band (which they will if you're not an insider).

>That argument is stupid. They wrote the program. It works like they decided it should work.

What are bugs? What are exploits? What are vulnerabilities?

>Muhh they wrote the program the decided it should work hurrrrr durrrrr

Holy shit I can't understand how you stainstinkies can be such absolute brainlets.

Then they pull the order manually. Obviously.

And of course it has that ability, they wrote it ffs.

>Then they pull the order manually. Obviously.

And if they expect that the program works as intended and is taking care of that, thus not knowing about the existance of such an order? Why didn't anybody whine about that particular order BEFORE shit hit the fan? huh?

>And of course it has that ability, they wrote it ffs.

What are bugs, exploits and vulnerabilities? muh they wrote it?

Are you 12?

>What are bugs? What are exploits? What are vulnerabilities?
What the fuck? Are you fudding "computer programs" in general now?

>And if they expect that the program works as intended and is taking care of that,
Then anything that slips through anyway should be pulled manually.
CZ is saying Binance doesn't cancel orders OUT OF PRINCIPLE, meaning they saw the order but didn't want to pull it (even though the price band software would've pulled it).
It's pure, unadulterated bullshit.

>What are bugs, exploits and vulnerabilities? muh they wrote it?
What are you even saying?

>Then anything that slips through anyway should be pulled manually.

Then you can surely direct me to a reddit thread, or anything at all, where people were whining about such an order existing and asked Binance to remove it before this shit happened.

>CZ is saying Binance doesn't cancel orders OUT OF PRINCIPLE, meaning they saw the order but didn't want to pull it

That doesn't explicitely mean they saw it though. Although if their price band mechanism does pull out orders it should be no problem for them to pull orders that were missed by the price band. Assuming of course they knew about the existance of such orders. Once again I'm asking for proof (plebbit, faceberg, twitter, anything at all) that anybody cared about that order at all and contacted Binance concerning it.


>What are you even saying?

I'm saying that even if they wrote the program it is completely possible they did not think there would be a requirement to manually insert the price band. Did you get it now that I spelled it out?

You seem to have hard time understanding, that maybe they didn't think that inserting a price band manually would be necessary thus they did not build tools to do that. Here I was trying to lead you to the point so that you wouldn't look too stupid.

>Then you can surely direct me to a reddit thread, or anything at all, where people were whining about such an order existing
It's not anyone else's job to monitor this shit.
Binance instituted the price band, it's their responsibility.

>That doesn't explicitely mean they saw it though.
It's their job to see it.

>I'm saying that even if they wrote the program it is completely possible they did not think there would be a requirement to manually insert the price band.
>maybe they didn't think that inserting a price band manually would be necessary
CZ is well aware that the price band does not work in the beginning.
He says so in OP pic.

>It's not anyone else's job to monitor this shit.
>Binance instituted the price band, it's their responsibility.

And if they did not it might just as well be a humane error and not some kind of consipracy shit. If you had proof that they knew about the existance of that order and did not pull it after getting complaints you could claim it, otherwise you're just a butthurt stinkie.

>It's their job to see it.

And if they don't see it, even though it's their job, it might just as well be a humane error and not some conspiracy.

>CZ is well aware that the price band does not work in the beginning.

Yes AFTER this shit happened. Do you have any proof he knew it BEFORE this shit happened, while they were writing that software?

CZ clearly says this is something that always happens when starting up a new pair.
This was not the first pair that was started up after the price band was implemented, so they knew the first orders would not follow the price band.

You're twisting every which way to find excuses in CZ's place, fuck right off.

>CZ clearly says this is something that always happens when starting up a new pair.

In hindsight yes. He can say it now that the behaviour has been observed even if he had no prior knowledge of it.

>This was not the first pair that was started up after the price band was implemented, so they knew the first orders would not follow the price band.

It's entirely possible that this behaviour has not been observed, or even if some technician had observed it he did not bother reporting it, because it had not caused problems before. It could have easily been sloppy design paired with sloppy oversight.

>You're twisting every which way to find excuses in CZ's place, fuck right off.

Rather, you're just absolutely buttblasted shitstinker who got his longs liquidated. How does that $1000EOY work for you now?

>In hindsight yes.
This was not the first pair that opened on Binance with the price band.
They knew about this, as clearly stated by CZ in the OP pic.

It has to be someone at Binance who knew how to trick the system. Probably one of the developers.

Not only did he have to know how to trick the system, he also had to assume they weren't simply going to pull the order.

As I said:

He can say it now that the behaviour has been observed even if he had no prior knowledge of it.

I'm certain the binance chinks are astroturfing to try and spin this positively or to justify this blatant manipulation




Weren't you jizzing your pants back when Binance listing caused your shitstink to pump? Why are you crying now that Binance dumps your shit to $0.01

They knew about this after the very first new price pair with the band mechanism.
They do not "assume" it works, they check.

Binance was a very minor exchange back then, and Link only pumped because Binance was its first exchange after ED.

>They knew about this after the very first new price pair with the band mechanism.

Any proof?

>They do not "assume" it works, they check.

Any proof?

>Binance was a very minor exchange back then, and Link only pumped because Binance was its first exchange after ED.

Oh I still remember all of those threads where you stinkies were jizzing your pants about the Binance listing. You shat up the board for weeks with that shit so you deserve all of the shit that's happening to you.

If they run a program like that without checking if it works, then that makes them even more guilty.

You absolute moron.

>i-i-it's an extremely improbable edge case
>May 7, 2019

Just a coincidence on a LINK based pair AGAIN? Show me how you spin this one you whiny little cunt.


>>i-i-it's an extremely improbable edge case
>Proceeds to link one - one - instance of an exact opposite happening

You jsut proved my point about it being an extremely rare case. Also, weren't you jizzing your pants when that flashpump happened? I don't think you wen't crying to Binance back then, so shouldn't you suck it up just as well this time when the opposite happens? You need to signal to them about bugs when they happen, not when they fuck you in the ass, stinkshit.
So why did nobody care about it back then?

Did it actually get filled though? Or is it just there to catch things if someone clears the order book with a mass market sell?

>If they run a program like that without checking if it works, then that makes them even more guilty.

The program obviously works. It looks like, however, that one part of it either does not work as intended or was not designed in such a way that it would anticipate this kind of behaviour.

I'm glad you shitstinks got raped in your ass.

They knew and know the price band let the initial orders slip.
The fact that this was an order placed within SECONDS after opening, and was left standing (despite clearly violating the price band rule), speaks absolute volumes.

>I'm glad you shitstinks got raped in your ass.
Nobody got raped aside from the general market meltdown; this 0.0001 drop was a blip on the radar. Lasted all of half a second.
Only problem is this reeks of manipulation on CZ's part.

>xhe dismisses the scam wick just because it went in the opposite direction
>xhe has to divert by spinning up bullshit about how we allegedly condoned it

What a slippery little rat. Keep grabbing your ankles for your chink master.


I'm salty that CZ crashed the fucking market to zreo so he could re-fill his bags and r*dditcucks like you will suck his cock for it

Probably 1 Mill buy order, so hé got 30k for free

The price band rule was not implemented until the 10000PAX/1LINK trade happened, which was mid-late 2019. Quit lying.