/smg/ - Stock Market General

Volatility and u: edition

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Massive dump before market close. Massive, massive dump.

F-fuck Australia. They don't even have fee free trading platforms!

>Aussie boomers getting baited

Why do companies care about their share price? Why does it matter?

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Thankfully Australia will save us. Everything is going to be alright.

>VIX 75


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Dow 19,000 end of day tomorrow. Calling it.

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Reminder to close your positions at least 2 hours before closing time (honestly closing within the first 2 hours of open is probably the best play).

Last week when we had that 5% green day i told people to sell the rip and they laughed. Now i feel vindicated and smart but also retarded since i didnt follow my own advice.

Care to explain why?

Fuck aussies and fuck algos, I've waiting too long for this.

This isn't the end of the market. This is the end of the dollar.

Australians are merely postponing their demise until Monday. Some fund or another decided to 'bet' that showing a nice little Australia rally would lead global markets to be higher after the weekend. Not the case.

The futures are barely hanging on by a thread.

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I fucking hate this new Yas Forumsbiz. It fucking blows tbqh

Any Covid cases in india?

I'm guessing coronachan is getting bullied by the dozen literal nurgle plagues ravaging different parts of india at any one time

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Hodl until it all bottoms out. When that is, who knows. Although it was mentioned in a previous thread, what are some prime stocks to be eyeballing during this monumental crash? I'm thinking within the next few weeks KO, O, VZ, what are some other sweet divie stocks that are in fire sale territory?



the futures contracts are just bets made by retards

basically all in on UVXY
do i sell tomorrow afternoon expecting a real response that'll pop the markets green over the weekend (for a day or two before the apocalypse returns, obviously)
or do i hold through the weekend in the expectation that COVID mutates or an earthquake sinks LA or something....

I get that canada is a meme, but is there any solid stocks to grab for cheap with dividends? IPL is the only one i've seen worth fuck

More states are closing their schools. I'm starting to regret not getting in on the SQQQ when it was 25.

Probably going to wait until around noon to squeeze what little pump out of my speculative stocks to go bargain bin shopping around close, or wait to see how lower some others will go

Who would go long right now, america is about to be shut down within 2-3 weeks. In california practically every large event has been banned, churches are being shut down, almost everyone who can work from home is. It's shocking the optimism right now. Yes corona virus will be defeated and overcome but that time is not now, we're barely at the beginning of it in america.

1) as a publicly traded company they are beholden to their stock holders
2) some quantity of their own money is tied up in stock, whether as a result of just the nature of issuing stock and the restrictions on insider trading (they can't just dump it all right after their IPO), or point 3
3) Employees (both at the lowest level and the highest level) may have or receive compensation in the form of stock, they may even be given stock as part of a retirement portfolio

That list isn't exhaustive but that's good enough


I've been around the world
A couple of times or maybe more
I've seen the sights, I've had delights
On every foreign shore
But when my mates all ask me
The place that I adore
I tell them right away...

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if we even start recovering in the next month, next earnings season is going to tank it right back down when the lost business of COVID finally becomes apparent

if you want to go long, go for high calls like a year out

A rope

>Dow futures dipped to below -3% and are now green
The fuck happened

SQQQ should be pretty cute tomorrow right? I might queue up some buys before bed

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Ausies give everyone neet bucks and saved the world.

Straya shitposted the markets into green.

Been thinking the same thing myself, look out for something big tomorrow like Trump getting rona'd or NYC/any full state going into quarantine. One of those is bound to happen soon and if it doesn't happen tomorrow it will happen over the weekend.

They printed money again.

Dead cat bounce in Australia.

So I know SQQQ is triple leveraged and inverted it's a U.S. based ETF has anyone used any of the canadian variants like HXD, HSD or HQD? SQQQ is up so high and being Canadian it would save me currency conversion plus with our PM's wife and possibly our PM having corona-chan I figure the Canadian markets are gonna go down a lot. Anyone use these?

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We haven't even seen oil bankruptcies yet. This ride still has a looong way to go.

Yes I use the betapro etfs on occasion. They work fine. Don't long hodl of course.

it'll last shorter than muh 500 gorillion did

It's going to back down right guys, or do I need to sell my puts first thing?

>only 1.73%
Aussies just baited some boomers

What does "beholden to stock holders" mean?

You might be right and I hope you are.. fuck the dollar.. fucking stupid as fuck... cash is trash

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they're going to get a bailout

Any better canadian options? Think it's a decent alternative to SQQQ because I feel unless we get a green day tomorrow SQQQ is too high to get it right now

The old Waltzing Matilda dead jumbuck bounce.

I believed in you Australia, valiant effort, back to our regularly scheduled SPY gap down in the morning.

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Defend this.

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Why are future traders so retarded? The only reason Australia went green is because they went Yang Gang. That shit isn’t going to happen in the states. They just saw them go green and thought we are going to rally back to 30k tomorrow

It's just bouncing around between 20XXX and 20XXX, don't get your hopes up.

Guys what the fuck is happening

Just be aware inverse ETFs pay a derivative (as opposed to a dividend), so the tax implications might be different for you (for example in the US they can be counted as ordinary income)

BUY WMT (Wallmart) AND COST (Costco) AND KO (Coca cola)

20XXX and 20YYY*


An oil bailout with a dem house? Doubt it.

Horizons betapro is pretty much the main option if you want leveraged etfs in Canada. They only do 2x. Now you be very careful about going leveraged short right here. If you're paying attention to US futures right now you will see just how precarious everything is. Market can rocket up in blink of an eye with this kind of volatility.

It’s literally niggers, pajeets, algos and gamblers betting against each other clinging to any scrap of news

Why are futures mooning lmao, shit is getting shut the fuck down.


if you are trading US stocks in anything but a RRSP, prepare for the IRS and CRA to tag team your butthole.

AUS managed to steal some of our celebrities by infecting them with a mild form of covid

All you have to do is get a little momentum so that the people who shorted get the fear of god and watch those big profits walk out the door. Theyll start closing positions and it creates a spike.

This shit is way oversold to begin with. dont get me wrong, i think 15k Dow is possible...but were ahead of ourselves here.

I'm young enough that if my stocks don't recover at some point it's because we're living in a nuclear hellscape where people are investing in berries and rocks instead, and I don't need cash. Should I just ride this coaster to the end?

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Holy fuck that 6% S&P swing with fed pump at 9pm tomorrow is green.

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Because two or three Australian funds had a moment of advanced senility, all COVID-19 should be forgotten. Nobody's falling for this shit.

>Dont Forget!!
shit when is earnings season starting...

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a little racist not include African percentages user

Did you guys see this, that means dementia Joe has it

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The cat hit the stairs so fucking hard it bounced a few metres

Yeah I know that but I cant imagine people are gonna wanna stay long on a lot of stuff over the weekend. I'm thinking there will be a sell off. Where did U.S futures finish I was with the family tonight


Why are the European markets a gay nightclub?

* 20XYZ and 20UVW

It determines their valuation which is all they care about. That valuation is used in anything from credit lines, buyouts, bailouts, etc.

Futures are going to be shat on when the Australia seratonin-rush depletes itself.

Who cares? Market is going down for another month.

Futures are open and currently up 2.25%

Blacks unironically think they’re immune to this btw. It’s borderline schizophrenic that they think that ancient blacks were super high tech and friends with aliens and that a black scientist created whites as a mistake.

too big to fail
the dems arent all bernie sanders waiting for the collapse. barring a miraculous recovery trump already lost the reelection on this. biden gang needs to somewhat limit the chaos now

I thought everything in australia is upside down?

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Explain what you mean dirivitive instead of dividend

Does a TFSA count or just RRSP
