/smg/ - Stock Market General

chika chika edition

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Don't panic, futures will recover and we will be green

>mfw I bought the dip

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Tomorrow will be red all across
Futures are not even holding a positive 1%
Amazon is saying to work from, fucking amazon
Black friday is now

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nice webm but "screeners" wasn't capitalized so C-

All in on SQQQ boys what am I looking at?


Chika is cute CUTE!

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green tomorrow

Key buying back in tomorrow. After this the corona dip will be priced in.

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The Queen dressed in red.

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She has a dick you know.

Where are you guys finding all these pictures of coronachan

>mfw I'm locked out of my main league of legends account because riot made me change the login and I forgot it

those of you assholes picking on snss guy take a look at the charts. up over 5% after hours who is laughing now.


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Your mom's computer you gay ass nigger faggot.

>Ontario just cancelled 2 weeks of school following spring break
>Trudeau has corona
>US borders closed
>NYC probably going to be shut down
I think I'm finally going to sell everything tomorrow. Fuck all this shit.


Chika shitposts are the best shitposts

amazon has been wfh for like 2 weeks user

I miss ebola-chan, please bring her back.

Here you go bro:


With that ID, I wouldn't be surprised

>selling everything at the bottom

kaguya is shit and you should feel bad for making this shitty OP. never post here again

>>Trudeau has corona
Is this for real, or just rumor?

Nothing is priced in, nothing has been priced in, the markets aren't thinking ahead anymore they're reacting to whatever news comes out the day of.

Repostin my autism

>why is everyone talking disney instead of seaworld? Look at that absolutely gorgeous drop, and they are already a thirded and haven't even closed the parks yet, and unlike disney they have both no secondary revenue streams and ludicrous mandatory expenses from all the expensive as shit animals they have to keep alive in all their parks. If I wasn't a dumbass and shorted that shit a week ago I would be six figures now

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Every school in WA state just got shuttered until late April

Uh well, no University or College is closed besides that one in Sudbury

Who /pandemicbasket/ here? So far have LAKE INO APT

why is she so wet?

>was up to 3K the other week
>blew 2K on shit trades that bombed
>made about 2.3K back today

Good enough. It may be chump change, but I'm out until things stabilize.

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Futures being so mild and quiet is jarring after 24 hours of dumpster fires.

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Guys, take a look at crypto

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Isn't the market moving a bit too fast?
Dow is 28% down in barely a month

>the bottom
The bottom is probably like 5,000 more points on the Dow.

He's quarantined his wife is showing symptoms and they're stuck waiting for results

She has a high temperature

The s&p asx 200 is doing well, recovered from -7 to -4
Face it, we're going green.

You buy into any FAZ or TVIX?

>VIX topped out (same as today) on Oct. 10th 2008, there was a rally the day after, and then the market proceeded to shit itself in March of that year

The question is, will people fall for it again?

Boomers at work panic sold today, possible bottom?

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Oh yeah if nothing is priced in then how do you know where the bottom is priced in? Where is your crystal ball faggot?

Elementary and high schools, which means parents need to take time off work to take care of their sniveling fuckwit kids, which means economic decline.

My lips have been dry the last couple days. Am I dead?

its 80% emotional reacting, everything will be fine and moon in a month

Noob question: how come panic selling lasts for several days/weeks? Who sees a blood-red market and decides they want to sell, just not until the following day? Surely the people who are looking to offload their shares would want to get rid ASAP and all the selling would happen in one day?

how is it possible to stop the bleeding?
federal reserve just dumping money into the market (trading stability now for inflation in the future)?
what are the options available for halting freefall? why not just let it go, and the invisible hand will fix it eventually?

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no u

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On the next dip yup

Nobody knows where the bottom is, that is my point, this shit could keep diving for another month for all I know.

Open the schools and business back up now

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I'm in CHFS and IBIO. I'm dying, bro...

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Yeah dead cat incoming boys

Buy into the (huge) dip and be happy with your free money in 2 or 3 months.

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Oh shit! I had no idea. Trudeau’s fucked.

>1.5 - 3% of the population will die
>5 - 10% will require critical hospital care
>emotional reacting

And remember that these statistics are from China, a healthy country, and Italy, a healthy country. We have diabetes and obesity everywhere.

People need to stop fucking selling, but at this point it has cascaded so far that I think the entire economy will grind to a halt. Just wait until people and companies start going bankrupt, then shit will get real.

I thought they said crypto was immune to this shit

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That's what I'm thinking but it keeps fucking GOING DOWN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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Because there are people panic buying as well.

>2 or 3 months

Probably a little too early. 5 or 6, I think.

>China, a healthy country

Lol they huff smog and chain smoke.

>China, a healthy country
Are you smoking fucking crack? Literally every adult in China is a chain smoker.

cash gang gang gang what u buyin

not true, japanese and aussie stocks could well finish green at this rate

>all 3% are boomers
moon confirmed

So I had been trying to save up longer before I thought about investing but given the current situation
Would it be a bad idea to start putting $500 into some kind of medical or mortuary stocks?
Is that to little to even bother with? Or will things keep dropping maybe?
I could comfortably lose 500 and still have a decent savings is why I picked that number - had been trying to get to a comfy thou before jumping in but wondering if the time is ripe now

Wall Street jews got their hands in crypto so now it goes up and down with the regular market.

America has more people with obesity, diabetes, and heart problems.

Accumulate REFR cheapies

What do I get if it’s real red tomorrow, KO, DIS, or MO?

That's what I mean by a dead cat bounce. We'll finish green but there won't be anything holding it up since the issues are still the same

feels good man. i've been calling for a huge crash, still think 14,000 is possible. Shiller PE has been bloated for ages and no one respects that earnings should determine price. "it's different this time". get fucked dummies

It's a combo of panic and a small stock bubble popping/deflating (SPCE at $35, seriously?). Once the trauma of clogged hospitals and morgues fades it should come back from depression to generic recession territory

>since the issues are still the same
the market is fundamentally strong, this virus just has idiots panic selling

Hey, it bounces back a lot harder than it sinks and for even less reason too but maybe you will learn that the hard way you faggot.

He'll be fine
No one thinks he actually sleeps with his wife or touches her ever
It's just a publicity stunt

The state needs to stop shutting shit down, we could have been green today if not for Trump's spastic kneejerk travel ban.

Does not even compare to other risk factors.

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Okay. Corona is a respiratory infection.


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I bought disney puts at $93 earlier today, before the disneyland shutdown announcement.
I feel like a golden god


No one can say if the time is ripe now.
Just buy and wait or dont buy and lose this chance...

Savanon...Pendy...how much lower can it go....

bruh the important thing is safety and health. Nobody cares about stonks and money

>completely uncited graph about something irrelevant
smoking + pneumonia = dead

I'm of the same mindset. Valuations are fucked and this was 30 years in the making because bailouts didn't let the unproductive capital flush.

In the sense that you got pissed on?

Diabetes is rampant in Asian cultures due to their rice consumption and I’d wager hypertension is higher because they work themselves to death in literal sweat shops.

>fundamentally strong

What is fundamentally strong about quarantines, small businesses going bankrupt, and drop in consumer demand? You do not have a day like Monday of this week and come back from it without a recession. The Jews smell blood and they're short this to the bottom, profiting off of those who deny reality.


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Un fucking acceptable
film industry is shut down my equipment is stalled that I depend for income. OPEN ALL BUSINESS BACK UP NOW

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JP morgan is now forecasting a US recession in 2020

JP morgan is now forecasting a US recession in 2020

JP morgan is now forecasting a US recession in 2020

JP morgan is now forecasting a US recession in 2020

JP morgan is now forecasting a US recession in 2020

JP morgan is now forecasting a US recession in 2020

By a beautiful woman

All of these fund are gains from today alone so losing them is not a big deal. What are the chances I'm gunna make it with these shorts.

Or at least get a nice nest egg

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Whats better is that its a fucking useless ban at this point, when all the major cities already have people spreading it. The time for a travel ban was a few weeks ago, as always its LATE LATE LATE.

If he had spent 100 million dollars testing people coming in from europe and isolating them for a couple of weeks he wouldve saved himself the rest of the money that the panic caused. It was fucking retarded.

No actually that isn't the important thing, the important thing is money because you need money to be safe and healthy in the first place. Poverty, depression and unhealthy lifestyle all go hand in hand.

>implying it will stop here
Most schools will be shut down by this time next week. Then all commercial flights. Trump even said this morning it's a possibility that they'll have to enforce travel restrictions in the country, at least in hot zones.

S&P 2K is the bottom.


Beautiful Corona, blessing us with cheap, quality, divvy stock.

>spy Jan 2021 calls are extremely cheap

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so, is everyone on this board getting poor? i sure hope so


im just waiting for English speakers to recover from corona and explain to people its not that big of a deal

I read that a few prominent celebrities have tested positive, so we will know for certain the potential effects from what i still believe is just a really bad type of flu.

The largest cryptos lost like 40-50% of their value in one day, I wonder what the "halvening" people feel now. Fucking retards thinking that shit matters


So you aren't going to be recording that video of yourself that you promised me...
I demand a refund

I guess I’m more wondering if $500 is chump change piddly shit that wouldn’t be worth it?

Sales and production hasn’t been halted in any meaningful way. Government institutions and theme parks are not economic drivers.

I'm cashing out all stocks, considering cashing out 401k penalty be damned. The collapse is full scale

Market brainlet here. If I want to buy stonks can I buy them everywhere I want, for instance Chinese market, Tokyo exchange, London exchange or can I only buy regional stocks only?

Why would you wish such a thing?!

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Would you all recommend me use RobinHood to begin buying stocks? I hear it's not good for Crypto but that's okay I don't really wanna mess with Crypto right now

I make $60k a year, monthly bills & expenses is around $1500 so I have plenty of extra income that's just sitting in my savings account doing nothing.

I noticed Carnival (the popular cheap cruise ship) stocks have fallen from $52 or so to $14. This makes me want to buy about 1,000 stocks and wait out and see what happens..

Enjoy that IV crush, it will decimate any leaps you buy right now. Do not buy leaps with such insane volatility, they are extremely prone to IV crush due to high vegas.

95% cash and i will buy when april comes.
Pussy Nigger.

if you think that there will be a total collapse, your money isn't going to help you. Only guns and ammo will.

Kek, so I've lost money and shit like that in my 401 and my brokerage account but I ain't worried. Cause it'll all bounce back. I got time you know. Not like I'm retiring next month or nothing. Sides I still got a decent pile in the bank and a pension and a paycheck coming no mater what. So this market can do what it will, I've been buying the dip so once the rebound begins, my gains will be epic and all the while while I wait I'll be collecting Divvies.

Depends on the broker.

Tom Hanks is gonna go on Kimmel or something and talk about his Corona Virus experience of drinking OJ and watching TV for a couple days. Bet.

5,000 people have died. It was a pretty big deal to them. You're young, healthy? Good, I guess. You have diabetes, hypertension, are a smoker, and over the age of 50 while being obese? You really might die from this one.

How to short bitcorn that shit is going to zero

how about if i'm only smoking when i'm drinking?


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Jesus, everything is getting sold to cover margin calls.

lol every supply chain globally has been fucked for weeks, you dont know what youre talking about

500 isn't too little but as a noob I wouldn't recommend picking a specific stock that you know nothing about and instead to an ETF for a sector you think is going to do well.
I get that you think tons of people are going to die and therefore morticians are going to do well but that's not necessarily the case because the laws that govern corpse disposal, plus that many of the dead will also be from the poorest class of people (who are more likely to be cremated by the state after sitting in the morgue for years) and who will be cremated by the state in an emergency, also funeral homes are an extra weird business in that they're functionally a monopoly owned by Service Corporation International (stock symbol SCI) but also a franchise.

If you didn't know any of that, or even understood what I just said, then you should probably spend a while on Investopedia while parking your money in SPY or QQQ or a nice dividend stock

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amerilards not gonna make it

Just use td ameritrade or another broker with free trading, several companies brought their fees down at the end of last year, robinhood has been shoddy and crashes during big events so it’s really not worth it except for the easy to use ui that lacks information on other brokerages

ONTX is dead fren.

we know, the poor hate people with money because their dog brain can't mature past childish envy. so played out, glad you'll never win in this country


Don't cash out your 401k, just make bigger risk plays with the money from your stocks, it ends up being equivalent without the penalty.

>in any meaningful way.

Yet. This is where the winners (people shorting) and the losers (bulls) differ. The bulls are seeing this as just a dip because everything's not so bad right now. The bears are looking a month into the future and seeing what will happen when a full quarantine is imposed in NYC because there are 100,000+ infected, health systems are overwhelmed, and the National Guard is mobilized.

Your stocks will not increase in value in such a situation. I repeat. Your stocks will NOT increase in value in the situation that is coming.


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Why invest in that dying shit cruise?

Better to buy some blue chip stocks and wait it out in a month or two. Right now the US is gonna shit the bed you can make money until markets start rebounding by using puts or investing in inverses like SQQQ

As long as you aren't a habitual smoker you're fine. The fact is, most Chinese men smoke an insane amount and they are the ones dying, not the women of the same age that don't smoke.

this sentiment is bullish tbqh

Yeah by now its no point selling if you have no hurry and can wait for it to bounce back. If theres a massive rally where market goes up 10% two days in a roll or something then I would probably sell, otherwise just ride it out at this point.

I have an urge to panic sell and every single time Ive done that thinking the market is gonna get shittier Ive been burnt, so this time I'm gonna inverse myself and hold tight on my stocks, while I keep gambling on options with some other money.

economy is a big nigger

every investment could be worth it.
these 500$ could build a starting point to invest bigger.

>how is it possible to stop the bleeding?
Market has to play out the game. Fed can try but they're not making much headway. Everybody who wants to sell needs to finish selling. Once nobody wants to sell much anymore, price floats back up. Could be at -35% or -50% or something. Earlier if there's some kind of extra bullish news about Corona and/or oil.

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Once I understand them, they'll be a great investment.

Bold prediction, given that the markets have only dipped around 25% and nobody's allowed to go outside. Let's see wait and see if they're correct.

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Robinhood is good if you aren’t a jelly handed fag who mashes the sell/buy button everytime there’s a tick in the market.

Look dude, just buy companies whose products you use. Who do you bank with? Who do you buy your utilities from? What kinda cereal do you like.

Niggas here try to church it up but the fundamental tenant of buying stocks is “Does a company make a product that people want to buy?”.

Thanks, I really appreciate the advice

Its totally probable

> drinking OJ and watching TV for a couple days.

That pretty much is going to describe 99.8% of everyone's corona experience by the end of April.

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I'm fucking hoping it goes to 70s i have 6k reserve just in case

Below 5000 now, (° ۝ °)

I work for a fortune 50 with a global supply chain that’d make your head spin. It hasn’t been impacted in the slightest.


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Then why aren't orange juice futures mooning ?


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Lots of people have made good money starting from 500, but youd need to do options rather than stocks. Even with REALLY good news youd stand to make like 20% gain with stocks, which is a lot if you had 100k, but its just fucking 100 bucks with 500.

Options can make you lose that money but they can also make it multiply faster. It all depends on one question, can you afford to lose it all? If so, options.

>name buying
Absolutely terrible strategy though. Do some fucking research at least before you go all-in on Kellogs because you eat corn flakes every morning.

Jesus just how many of those tards were selling naked puts

so French scientists claim that according to the French cases the virus severely impacts the health even of healthy young adults and call for the quarantine of ALL OF FRANCE, but Macron wants to wait till Monday because he wants to hold local elections on Sunday? Wtf French anons can you confirm?


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Too late bro

same here, the main disruption is toilet paper and sanitizer

because people have to go outside and shake the trees until the oranges fall down

And it's going to go lower homie we are in bear country now


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tomorrow we start the recovery, because this post is dubs.

Please, give us a primer on options trading.
Something safe to start out with (and how).

This but you can usually get exposure to international stocks in a couple different ways. There are stateside traded ETFs tracking them, and a lot of big international companies with no US listing do have a US OTC listing you can buy. OTC has low liquidity so be a little extra careful if you go that route. And some brokers do allow you to buy international stocks directly but watch out for forex fees in that case.

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Your grandparents will die. Perhaps a few aunts, uncles too. If you're older and your grandparents are dead already? Your Mom or Dad may perish.

You think this is a drinking OJ situation? Bodies multiplying so quickly in local hospitals that healthcare workers don't even have the time to take them to the fucking morgue? You are in for one Hell of a ride.

How do you think the blacks will react when they take their granny to the ER and no one can tend to her? When only the white people with insurance get treated?

There's a possibility we could see LA-style race riots across the nation. A possibility, I can't say so for sure.

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good, maybe Yas Forums won't be so shit

zoomers on reddit are killing the mouse as we speak

God damn justice has finally come for all the smug cryptoniggers of the world