/smg/ - Stock Market General

Failed pump edition

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>1.5 trillion cant stop it

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dow 22k any second now

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>mfw I bought the dip

Will tomorrow also be a bear day?
Not sure what to do with my puts that expire tomorrow, if I sell now I exit without a loss.

I need AMD to drop another 3%

Looks like the PPT is coming in again boys.

Here it comes again


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Fuck these threads are moving fast

When should I buy AMD?

The trend is your friend until it ends..

The money doesn't just pop in instantly, it will gradually be put in over a period of weeks or some shit. Instantly pumping the market with a trillion would cause the market to probably jump 10-15% before dumping 10-15% kek'd.

will there be an end of day pump?

>try to save the market
>it immediately drops again

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I got VXX puts. Bottom is in, and there's no way this gets worse. Trump/Pence have this under control frens.

CHRIS: Playing poker against Paulie ”You read the news about that Corona virus?"
TONY: Sitting down in the bada bing office chair with a sandwich in his mouth "mhm-eah, chink eating rat soup or some shit like that"
CHRIS: "Bat soup, yeah."
TONY: "Bat soup, rat soup, dog soup, last time I'm ever eating chinese again"

Crew laughs, except for Feech of course.

CHRIS: "Zipperheads are infected too, on a major fucking scale. This shit even made it's way to the old country"
TONY: "Get the fuck outta 'ere. Italy? Where?"
CHRIS: "Northern Italy"
FURIO: Smirks

CHRIS: "Entire fucking cities are quarentined. I'm talking ghosttown, Rome looks like a fucking Will Smith movie"
PAULIE: "Corona virus? Heh. Biological fucking super weapon if you ask me. A week or some' after the first case they already built a fucking hospital. It’s like they had it all planned out, resources ’n’ everything. Bet ya they fucking rigged it to evolve too, like a fucking time bomb or something.”
TONY: Quickly raises his hand to the side of his ear ”Gettafuckoutahere! Got a fucking wife and kids at home, don’t think anyone ’ere wanna hear ’bout your theories and doomsday scenarios Paulie”
SIL: Counting money and shrugs ”ehhh, I’m not too scared ’bout the virus. Papers agree with Tony, says it's nothing more than a flu"
TONY: "Yeah but people are freaking out, already lost 9% in our webistic stocks" Looks at Christopher, slight dead-eye
CHRIS: "Sorry T, shit like this can't be helped.”
BOBBY: ”Don’t they have scientists that can predict these kinds’a’things? Maybe some of that artificial intelligence, who knows?”
CHRIS: ”I dunno, anyways, like Sil said it's nothing to be worried about unless you already got a disease, AIDS or some shit like that"
Close up of Vito looking down at the table.

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Tomorrow is Friday the 13th.


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Do you hear that?

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The hidden Yas Forums discord link is discord gg xFuuSTZ
It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down.


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SOXL user, we're down 64%. 21% just today, what the fuck is happening?

after that drop either tomorrow or monday will be a bit green i guess

Tomorrow has to be the bottom right?

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When it hits 35.

Buy WM

that bitch is so turned on

The fed pump failed, is it safe to cash out and buy fresh puts?

I bought the dip... 3 weeks ago...

>fed to inject 1.5T into penny stocks because they just might moon for real this time


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>3 days
>$1.5 trillion

>pump it

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>hitting the monetary AZ-5 button

Not great, not terrible! :DD

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How do I make money from this? Just hold cash and wait?

It wil be a bloodbath, if 1.5 TRILLION had almost no effect, nothing will stop the chaos from tomorrow

wooovie lads what a fantastic bull run we had today

FED announced they would increase spending by 1 trillion and it only made things suck less. Fucking hilarious

HAHAHAHHA I sold everything three weeks ago

dow 22k

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Everyone thinks buy KO at 44?

this wasn't to try to pump the market...
it was to keep it from total implosion
>municipal bonds are being sold
big positions are hurting and when they go, everything does

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>he shorted?

This is crazier than crypto. The FED fucked everybody over with that shock pump.

God I wish that were me.

>He shorted.

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NHL suspended their season!

there's no way they will let it close below 22k

I’m glad I closed out my margin 3 weeks ago.

what will they pump
how does this work?

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Imagine not closing your positions when the S&P hit fucking 2500

Everything did

my account today at one point was -1000% and now it's up 10%. fun stuff.

this is snss user by the way

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a story in three edits.

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Please just let AMD and INO rise.

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>organic slow decline and a massive Trump Pump spike
this can't be healthy, right?

What website is that? Robinhood?

Canadafag here. Don't cry for us; we're already dead.

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Waiting on INO to get ~9 first


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>"Fiscal stimulus and further rate cuts from the Fed could offset some of the damage, but we now expect GDP to fall by 4% annualised in Q2 and stagnate in Q3, with growth for 2020 as a whole slumping to 0.6%, down from our previous forecast of 1.8%."

What actually happens with the money the feds pumped in. Where do the 500billion go? How are they supposed to help the market?

There's no healthy slide into this crisis besides letting the recession happen on its own

Not going to get to that point my man.

ok so dow was actually pumped 1500 points, from 21350 to 22850, a 7% increase. In 15 minutes. How often does this happen?

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snss user should apologize right fucking now


I didn't like the version I made yesterday, so here's a new one.

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Everyone even the bots are short right now. It ruined a lot of people.


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>don't worry, the economy is still growing
yeah nah
negative GDP 2020

The whole economy isn't healthy.

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We got him.

Fuck you nigger, please let AMD die.

They just laid off all the NBA and NHL players.

they put it in a large vault

Well now it doesn’t seem it’s going to get that low.

They just give boomers money, beer and smartphones?
No wonder this isnt doing much.

Fuck you I want to buy them cheap

Well there goes my lunch break. Didnt eat, no appetite. Good luck fellas


Ugh, the fact that people hears him out at all is just ridiculous. The guy literally sat here on /smg/, lying about the size of his SNSS position for months until SNSS actually pumped and he felt the need to show his position to brag about it, now he's down again below his entry and is in all-out cope mode



Why? If you buy penny stocks that is what you deserve.
Like drinking bleach and then blaming the guy who told you to do it. Your own fault.

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they gibs 0s and 1s to banks and banks """provide liquidity""" when no one wants to buy

uuuuuuh... Bros?..........

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$TSLA is pure delusion. Trading at early 2020 levels in a market that's gone back to 2017.

Only a matter of days before it is forcibly brought in line.

Can someone break this down?

>add zeros to bank account
Who's bank account does this go to?
>No The fed buys 1.5T in assets
What do they buy?

Where is this from. If that happens were officially in a recession.

All this FED pumping and not doing shit.

Not having a SL or anything is insanity anyways

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They buy back government backed securities.


Do you think we will see a lot of bankruptcies?

Post Bears

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Tons. Only giants and companies too important/big to die will survive.

Most companies live payroll to payroll, what do you think will happen when the cashflow is strangled?

>SPX kisses the upper bollinger band on the 1 minute
>immediately drops 30 points

Someone is coughing out a lung in the bloomberg studio

>Banks hold securities
>Fed buys them with printed money
>Banks get lots of digital numbers
>"Use the money to fund the stock market!"
In simple terms

the fed will pump the companies creating massive inflation, and they'll still go bankrupt but at a later date

1 case in my city in Canada.
should i expect my uni to close and exams to be cancelled?

I need a way to go into a coma for 24 hours and close my shorts this time tomorrow.

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Need to pop an aspirin. This market is absolutely insane. Got whipsawed for 16k and nearly lost everything I made on the fed announcement.

I agree, same with AMD. Short the fuck out if it please.

>tfw snapped up a shitload of coke stock at the bottom right before the ex/div

I’m still hungry amigos...

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except from stockprizes stopping to be overpriced

TD Ameritrade just blocked me from entering orders and I'm literally looking to move to another state or another country. Literally screw the Fed. They are CROOKS.

Is this mode achievable natty?

can't claim bankruptcy if you kill yourself

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>15 trillion pump already vanished

I'm never going to be able to retire. Fuck boomers and fuck jews, should just blow my brains out and be done with it. Clown world

Only if you’re a dripster

do i buy SQQQ now?

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Remember this one Yas Forums?
>Suze Orman’s advice to investors on the market’s drop: ‘Rejoice’

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Is tomorrow the bottom? It really feels like we’re on the eve of peak despair. I know the virus isn’t going to just slow down over the weekend, but by then we’ll just accept it as a fact of life.


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Stock on toilet paper

J Powell stepping down could take us to the stone age.

Only if you drink natty daddy to the point of severe ascites.

why didnt you buy during the pump

CNBC guy just said 2.5T overall overtime

I hate jews

Post your panic buying face

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bros the Fed is going to buy all of our cheapies...
if they buy the dip, then no one else can buy the dip...
it's not fair !

Yes. I dont think banks necessarily buy more government backed securities since the Mutual funds, pension funds that have these government backed securities all have mandates on how much of each asset class they must hold

i got scurred

everything is expensive. Try buying puts on a country not yet severely affected

>7.3% of GDP
7.3% of gdp
>7.3% of GDP
7.3% of gdp
>7.3% of GDP
7.3% of gdp
>7.3% of GDP
7.3% of gdp
>7.3% of GDP
7.3% of gdp

Aaaand it's gone

You guys are so comfy.

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At this point he's either executed by Trump or shot by a disgruntled trader.

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Man I kept telling you guys that SNSS user was one cold motherfucker to trick a-holes on here to buy an overbought bioshit penny stock. Shaking my head senpai but fuck it bro it's their life.

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"Free" markets my ass

Fed intervention on this scale is preposterous

TVIX and SQQQ anons, make money in this dying economy.

>Was down $700 when bagholding TQQQ 2 days ago
>Up $700 with TVIX and SQQQ

>Last Price

im fuckin blowing on these candlesticks, lil bit lower niguh

Wait for the EOD pump at least.

We haven't even seen the impact on earnings yet, and that's assuming that corona is the only problem.

Tell me when to sell SQQQ and UVYX

A lot, if this keeps up. A friend of the family is a 65 year old real estate agent running a small company. He was already doing a bit poorly and living month to month and now the guvmint in the area expects all 60+ year olds to self isolate and shit, and for businesses to stop doing services, but at the same time they wont really reimburse for the downtime.

What happens when he still has to pay wages to his employees, is told he cant go outside himself, everyone is afraid of using their money/speculating for lower prices in the future? Shits looking grim for so many small businesses.

it's dropping again
what happens when drump stops the pump?

So the nigger fed is actually going to make tomorrow a green day huh. Next Monday will be a bloodbath again.

Not like any of us have 401ks or do anything other than shit post online and gamble.

Most normies only have some basic savings that will get wiped with money printing, I'm in debt so I'm happy that shit gets inflated away.

It will just make things worse.

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Nice ""pump"", feds.

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Friend without an OGA beging created or the fed act being changed its all the FED can legally buy

Every single friday so far has been deep red, I wouldnt gamble on green.

Buy 1k+ shares at 0.25.

Haven't you been around for the last happening?

Corona Virus is racist

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