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get ready for bail-ins

I wish you were right, I really wish

Christ I fucking hope so
Fuck Deutsche Bank
Fuck them with a rusty rake

Imagine the shit if banks start collapsing.


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Lol money printer go brr brr

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Deutsch bank more like douche bank

More like get ready for bail-ins user. That's when the bank takes everyone's deposits. We're all unironically fucked.

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Citi bank will probably be the first to fail.

easy money

Attached: db.jpg (547x541, 42.54K)

Who cares, I'm all-in LINK

hey guys it's me, Sewing,
just got off the phone with Frau Merkel and Mlle Lagarde,
ive got a new check for 700 billion eurobux to cover my lunch,
Deutsche is fucked tho LMAO

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Hitler imminent

Why is it that some part of me wants everything to crash to 0?
I don't know, I guess the crazy socioeconomic times that we are going through has made me blackpilled without me noticing it. Perhaps coronavirus and the 2020 financial crisis are necessary to realign the world to what matters most.

I am down 40% and I can't even feel it.

DB is a fucking fagland holy shit
I thought they could hold until fucking may
dumb kikeniggers

best time to collapse economy the next logical step

what to short to profit from this?
is there anything downstream from banks that are gonna collapse?

>what to short to profit from this?

>shit knowledge
>shit opinions
>shit thread
DB is unironically fine
pic so very related

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-12 DXB Interactive Stock Chart Deutsche Bank Contingent Capital Trust II TR PFD SEC 6 55% Stock - Yahoo [...].png (2350x1241, 109.4K)

I have 3k in my dB account what do?

explain us

thanks mate, just went balls deep in a short on Gold and Sugar.

Gold is down 4% today so good short.

BTFOing of OPletty continued
pic also very realted
>samefagging like there is no tomorrow

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-10 (149) biz - MAXIMUM TERRIFYING HAPPENING - Business Finance - 4chan.png (1158x227, 11.52K)

Nice fucking try

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give it some time. most big players and countries like UK USA and Germany didn't even start with curfews and stuff. wait till they shutdown life for 2-4 weeks in major countries

They can't take my Bitcoin.

>give it some time. most big players and countries like UK USA and Germany didn't even start with curfews and stuff. wait till they shutdown life for 2-4 weeks in major countries
And this is a threat to a bank which has the ability to conjure up currency ex nihilo how exactly?

DB falling would be an actual issue for the system, because DB is the dirty bank of the system. A lot of off-the-books business would fall out.

Central banks will hyperinflate both the currency and debt into oblivion before that happens

>how do they fucking work

Lads is it unironically happening? I've made almost 20k shorting things in the last week, is this money gunna be worth anything?

they all need cash-flow. when half of the people are infected and stay home the cash-flow reduces dramatically. why do i have to explain this

I agree. DB has the potential "to make the whole system go poof" in a (((controlled demolition))) scenario.
If such (((scenario))) is not initiated, DB as well as the (((System))) will most likely remain stable.
The common person however will likely get F.I.T.A. whatever the outcome.

>what to short to profit from this?

short the purchasing power of the money you're using to short.

Here come the bailouts again

If the crash doesnt end DB, this comment will.

Trump owes them a shitload he better hope they don't need that money.

>they all need cash-flow
Do they?
In a completely man-made system that is our current fiat monetary system - which in result is completely mallable - there can simply be a change of rules and terms because of and ez-pz no one in the banking industry needs cash flow anymore.
Haven't you fucking witnessed 2008+?
The rules are artificial and can be changed on a whim.
If you don't recognize this, the (((System))) lives rent free in your head like a parasite.

nigger deutsche bank pulled back from the stock market in total what your posting here?

brilliant user, are you by any chance a comedian for a living?

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How about it's actually a bail-in..
. sounds this time?

Not going to happen but like you said - it will take the rest of the world with it. That would happen regardless of which bank collapses. IMHO they won't let that happen. There is no way (((they))) will give up their power. This time it wouldn't matter if it was a recession, depression, or total collapse. There would be no recovery.

Preferred stock are (most of the time) a good indicator as to how confident market participants are in a certain companys ability to
>repay debt
>create profit and pay dividends
ie a representation of the overall health of a company or operation.
So far with DXB at 24.61 the market is seemingly not worried at all that Deutsche Bank will be able to redeem every single one of this preferred stock at a price of $25.00 each at its redemption date AND pay out dividends on every DXB preferred stock 4 times a year resulting in an average yield of 6.55% on an hypothetical value of $25.00.
The long term chart I posted is to illustrate that during the time of 2008-2011 investors were way way way way way less confident that Deutsche Bank is able to service their debt, operate at a profit and pay dividends than they are now.


winner winner chicken dinner

Attached: stonk crash of 2020.png (1570x1507, 448.51K)

why do chad's arm go like that.

Because he doesnt give a shit what you think

To make you seethe because yours can't.

Move it out. They will be raping the common man soon. They'll make up some bullshit and take everyone's deposits. Get gold or tethers. Or buy bitcoin once it crashes even worse on march 15th to 18th. Bitcoin will rally in April, dip in June, and then the bull run will commence on the 22nd July.

to grab nearby fertile pussy

believable timeline sirs

>Bitcoin will rally in April, dip in June, and then the bull run will commence on the 22nd July.
>source: my ass

Check bank of brazil

They will print euros to bal it out and all euro holders will lose value, amirite?

Good luck cashing your gains without banks.


Why is this shit bringing crypto down with it. I thought this should be making crypto explode in price as people ditch trad financial institutes for crypto coins.