Why is the economy going into recession globally because of this? It's basically harmless to anyone under 50...

Why is the economy going into recession globally because of this? It's basically harmless to anyone under 50, and the elderly are a burden on the economy anyway. If anything, removing those people should help the economy.

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Because it's to protect themselves (boomers)

Overweight people are at risk here as well and there are a LOT of them in the West. Economy is pretty much going to be halted to delay the spread until a vaccine comes.

Boomers own everything.
The silent generation handed off the keys to the boomers nice and early. Whereas the boomers dug their claws in and never let go.
Corona is their reaper and they will kick and scream all the way to hell where they belong.

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ironically the economic disruption this has caused will probably end up killing more than the virus.

Because the boomers have all the capital you brainlet

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Good. Survival of the fittest. They are also a disproportionate strain on the medical system due to poor lifestyle choices.

this isn't japan
the amount of subhuman fucks we have among us is ridiculous
I only have like 40 bullets too because I'm not prepared

tru, it is good in the long term
not good for the next 2 years though

The problem isn't the deaths, it's the absence of the sick-but-recovering workforce. One of the many pitfalls to economic inequality is the workforce that means of production owners depend upon for their wealth lacks the safety net of liquid capital neccessary to provide purchasing power in the event of a large scale work stoppage.
This is the future free-market cücks chose

Because there are a lot of people this will send to the hospital. This overwhelms hospitals and makes it impossible to be treated for anything both coronavirus and anything other than coronavirus. To prevent this we need to slow infection rates and that means people staying at home, cancelling school, work, etc. Also global supply chains are fucked by restriction in movement between countries. This all fucks up the economy in many ways.

Because they still buy a lot of shit. If people don't buy shit, there is no economy

True, they should just ban hospitals from admitting patients due to coronavirus then.

I mean they will just pass on their capital to their children when they die anyway. Better soon than later.

The NBA just canceled the rest of its season (for you non /sp/ fags, there was still about 25% of games to be played, not including playoffs).

Once the Shockwave of the cancelation of the NBA season is felt, you're gonna see a shit storm unlike any you've ever seen. The NBA is only the world's 4th largest sports league, with a yearly revenue of about 4.8 billion. Imagine if the upcoming MLB or NFL seasons are canceled too. This would impact the entire world, not just America.

Regardless of how potent the virus actually is, you can't deny that shit is going down, and it rolls downhill as we speak.

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I'm not arguing that, I just think it's a crazy reaction to a virus that is harmless to all but the elderly.

Quietly hoping my boomers die to get life insurance/inheritance pay outs

Even Yas Forums doesn't understand. The economy is not going to recession because of the virus. The virus exist and is (was) spread, due to the economical recession that is coming. Causality reversal. As usual.

Boomers just die on the first infection so there numbers are higher
Once zoomers start getting reinfected their death stats will go up as well

But this has literally nothing to do with chainlink.

They found in Germany that kids were passing around the virus but not getting sick.

>implying they won't spend every penny on life extension

They had a good run, time to give the next generation a chance.

>implying anyone outside of the US gives a shit about burger sports

This is the fast crash in history and it will be one of the fastest recoveries too.

What a time to be alive. 2020 srly is the year

Selling boolits for linkies, got more 5.56 than there are people in my city

Boomers have all the wealth. Millenials and X are basically producing goods for boomers to consume.

Once the boomer stops consuming it will annihilate a lot of Y and X jobs service and manifacturing

I have no idea. this outbreak is no bigger deal then sars or bird flu was

Because the economy was already a precarious house of cards. The virus just pushed it over and now everyone see's the emperor has no clothes.

>40 bullets
That won't even fit that in the coupled mags in my home defense AR. Get your shit together man.

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look at the amount of people that have recovered from it, apparently from without a vaccine or cure yet. the panic this has caused is just ridiculous

>basically harmless to anyone under 50
False. It causes life-long organ damage. You don't want to get sick, it'll be expensive, lower the quality of your life forever, shorten your life, and it'll be expensive to take care of yourself all the while.


>virus can spread from asymptomatic person
how? unless you have sex or share saliva with one it won't spread to you. aslong as those that experience symptoms stay at home, the contagion won't be that bad. don't want to downplay the virus but let's see it for what it is please

This desu, although I also have a lot of personal baggage to go along with that.


Because goverments overreacting will kill business and trade.

Port of Long Beach is dead for exports and imports... And the us economy is 100% based on consumption. Right now we can say it is constipated. China just sunk the usa.

Any proof?

How is basedball so big when it's so fucking boring to watch

>believing china statistics

Short term it slows everything down. On the large scale short term they're relying on 4% growth per year. 2% negative growth is a huge disaster to them that can cause bankruptcies.

It's the cure and not the disease that are causing the recession.
Factories, stores, etc. are being shut down to contain the virus, that is what is causing the recession.

Because China basically shut down cause of it. Nobody was making products. Apple only made 55% of what they usually make in terms of products. It was only a matter of time after that.

While few are going to die from it, 70% of people are still going to get a nasty flu in the next few weeks which will be nasty to the economy.

You don't realise how tight the economic system is.
If you shut down factories, cancel events, make people stay at home even a few weeks then all revenues go down.

If you have a few % of benefits yearly and you lose 10% of sales you're suddenly in a loss.
That's what the economy is dealing with.

If every single person above 50 dies i think the world would become a better place.
So there is something to hope for.


Boomers are continuing to rob future generations, even in a pandemic, to keep their power. Interest rates should be going up while assisting industries being effected, that way it doesn't stay in the economy n doesn't cause hyper inflation. Yet here we are.

It's not because of the virus, it's because the king of saudi arabia croaked. Honestly, I am not really sure if the recession is here yet. It might be, but I feel like it can get way worse since companies haven't gone into bunker-mode yet.

well doesn't matter if you find it good or not, if people die and suffer it affects the economy

This, it's a domino effect. Most workers live paychecks to paychecks but companies live commands to commands too.
It will do sone cleaning though, all those diversity officers will have to find a new occupation soon.

The infection sends more people to the hospital than can be taken care of. The only method to prevent transmission is good hygiene and quarantine, meaning people are going to be out of work. 16% of the US population is over 65. That is over 50 million. If half of that gets infected, that would mean millions of death in the US alone and even more recieving permanent damage to their lungs. Most of the top level business and political leaders are also 65 and older making them far more terrified of this than the average person.

this so much....

Studies have shown it is asumptomatic for 5 days and can be spread in that time. That’s why it’s in almost every country on earth lol.

I just hope your family and grandparents die. But most likley you are already a humanoid without any relatives you care about. Fuck off

the economy has been trying to go into recession for over two decades, continuously being staved off by central bank intervention and debt monetization, it literally doesn't have shit to do with any fucking media scare about a virus

boomers don't care about their children

This and the flu are specialized air spreaders. The primary way it spreads is not through saliva or doorknobs like the media seems to think. The most effective counter is good ventilation.
The most dangerous places are wherever groups of people are sharing the same air. Children and people with strong immune systems can at any time be carrying the virus with no symptoms.

How would this impact anything at all?
It's just entertainment.

It’s a meta virus, some of its symptoms are hysteria and economic downturn

Ive seen the general health of young people decline my whole life. Mentally and physically