/smg/ - Stock Market General

intensely studying h-manga to learn the secrets of the ancient stock traders edition
buying stocks edition
posting about buying stocks edition

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fresh reposties

>meema died jan
>left a trust, it's all in the market
>talk to the lawyer couple weeks ago, says he's going on vacation first two weeks of march
>no call back to 3 voicemails left when shit started to hit the fan

what the fuck should i do
i see currently a collective 17% drop from what shit was on feb 29th. only just got the holdings details on monday, proctor, chevron, johnson, intel, was at ~27k, now at ~22k

if i get through to anyone tomorrow, should i still sell everything and buy back in later?
might just even pull it all for credit card payoff and close the trust

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reply with which stocks to buy for profit or your mother catches corona tonight

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why? stonks only go down


it's over now

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How low are we going Yas Forums?

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Go on my son. Buy, buy, and buy until you are unable to buy anymore.
This is the bottom.
We've entered bedrock.
Literally stealing at these prices.
You're no fool, are you?

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market needs to crab for 2 days so i can get my paycheck ffs
then all in on negative ETFs

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how much credit card debt do you even have?
what interest rate?

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It'll be airlines when the time comes. don't mess around with shorting or puts or inverse etfs right now if you don't know what you're doing.

Travel ban is for Euros coming to America only, trade is not suspended.
Trump met with big banks yesterday, big plans ahead.
200 billion in repo money tomorrow.
Tomorrow is not the crash.
>Monday is the crash.

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19k Screen Cap This.

the media went all out on fear mongering yesterday and it probably peaked today. what day I do go all in, and what short term calls should I buy? its gotta be either tomorrow or right before the end of this week surely.

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SQQQ. Im tired of saying this over and over

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>market tanks
>corona declared a pandemic
>Trump declares travel ban
>gold still somehow slips on the ASX

Just fucking kill me when will people start buying up gold

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For those that missed it

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We're 85% pink wojak index at best

Thread Theme:

>this pump
right on time powell, still won't fucking work

Bulls no longer in control
Bullish breast crust incomplete, bearish was thoroughly violated to a record. I should’ve known that was the tutes.
Bobo in control for a while. Did unspeakable things to me.

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there's no denying it now
BEARS are fully in control now
sweet, sweet justice

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Stocks are looking good to me too right about now. We all know that the most important thing is time in the market, not timing the market. Holding stocks over the long term, even despite temporary drops, allows one to reap the rewards of year after year of compound interest, which makes a lifetime of investing worthwhile.

enough to warrant paying it off first, graduate school expenses while i wasn't working
i can pay shit off in about 2 months or i can pull all stocks and have it paid off now, and buy with same power in two months

though i do work that is 100% travel, so that might be fucked soon enough

This is quite the pump though.

I need another circuit breaker in my life and I don't want to wait until open for it

Fresh beef, anyone?

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>mfw I bought 1 billion SPY calls $420 exp 3/13

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I prefer staying with SSO/QLD at the very most aggressive.

my overall guidance is still 50/50 in KNG/QLD, but SSO/QQQX is basically the complementary portfolio, so an even split between those four is fine as well.
the point is to have some healthy yield generation to supplement the equities, without giving up too much of the long-term upside

Don't fucking pull it out. In a few years it's going to be back to it's previous value and keep climbing

how much money did u lose

>i do work that is 100% travel
not good for you

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Which airlines you doing once they get hit?

>few years

Gold is a scam you retard.

I dunno, whatever charts look best.

it's time like these where i think to myself i should've stuck to investing in real estate

everybody dance now!
bo che che che bo che che che

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poorfag here, just gonna go for American

big agree

Rec me something to fap to

It's midnight lads. I'm going to sleep and pray that I'll wake up from this nightmare.

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fucking retarded bulls, it will take the better part of the decade or LONGER you stupid nigger. he needs to cash out then wait to get back in once the depr/recession ends

bud dwyer suicide video

Despite being my least favorite airline to fly on, I’ll probably do the cheapest as well.

Shadman's newest pic

guess i'll take a week to study each airline fundamentals

the bull/call rush after corona chan will be intense

So what happens when tons of schools are shut down and parents have to watch their kids and can’t work?
It’s already beginning to happen.

You don't get it.

The death rate looks to be something like 0.1-3.5%.

But 20% of people get put in the ICU needing help to breathe.

As long as we have enough equipment for those 20%, the death rate stays low around 0.1-3.5%.

But it turns out that equipment is very limited in quantity. If the number of infected goes too high, there won't be enough for everyone who needs it, and the people left out will die.

Italy is already seeing this.

The farther you go past your capacity, the more deaths you have, and it distorts the death from 0.1-3.5% up to a maximum of 20% (if you get to the point where there are so many infected that virtually all the 20% group goes untreated).

I think it's very unlikely to get to that point, because individual cities in the us would prob change their behavior and do real lockdowns as soon as they see people dying in hospitals.

But if Germany actually did have 70% of their population, resulting in 14% of their population needing life-saving equipment with only enough for 0.1% of the population, they'd see something close to 14-0.1=13.9% of their population die.

It's not that the death rate of the virus is high, it's that every nation's life-saving capacity is very low because nobody has stockpiled this kind of equipment expecting to need it for a global pandemic that leaves 20% of people unable to breathe unassisted.

I got you bro:

Powell's going to cut rates by a couple hundred points any time now. Bond prices will go through the roof. You literally can't go wrong in the markets now. Keep your cool, stay invested, buy something and just don't panic!

>the bull/call rush after corona chan will be intense
>implying there will be people left after Corona-chan

At this point probably not worth doing anything. Don't listen to doomers, we are more than halfway down. Only iffy one is Chevron because oil is fucked right now. Maybe once this is over in a year, you can switch some of it into tech stocks.


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The death rate depends on medical bandwidth. If the system can support all the sick people it's between .2-.5%, if hospitals are overwhelmed it's 3-5%. A huge jump, which is why preventing transmission is going to be fucking vital.

WWE, UBER puts
thinking of EWG and EWI as well
hoping morning premiums don't fuck me. any other recommendations are appreciated




First time playing with puts. So buy it at $111 strike price with a March 31 expiration and just hold and take my profits when I see fit??? Is that right?

Someone please help me understand - i don't know how i pick strike price

post yfw the billionaires buy out the market tomorrow just to spite the bears

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lookin good :^)

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>back to only -3%
Where did the doomers go? Suddenly their -7% day isn't looking to well. Almost like theres 200 billion repo tomorrow.

Depopulation will fuck real estate.


I just typed out a whole explanation of how much I am up/down but then realized that's a rhetorical question.

I forgot to buy more SH today though which was dumb. And then I figured I could get it cheaper after Trump's speech but holy shit he's showing his true retard colors now.

Not just equipment and beds, but personnel too.

There will be medical attrition the likes that there have never been seen before. I’ve seen docs where the majority of nurses dealing with corona patients in Seattle/Washington are reporting symptoms.
Not only that, think of all the female soldiers who freaked out during the Iran incident and became weeping messes at the very hint of being shipped off.

Who will care for the caretakers?