Biz will never learn

biz will never learn.

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Central planning always fails.

Gooogooo Gaga

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>market goes down
>somehow this makes communism right

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Ussr was a dictatorship. Cuba was a dictatorship. The CCP is a dictatorship (and is now capitalist). Spot a similarity?


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Capitalism is failing system that is being killed by the inevitable greed that grows within. For example: if every single company didn't fucking put all of their manufacturing in China so they can use sweatshops instead of properly paying local workers or at least having local automation plants, our supply chains wouldn't be fucked right now.

we should give our property rights to the state

Capitalism is a system that rewards cutting corners and concentrating wealth to a few individuals. It will only lead to opressive States or collapse

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this. we should just skip straight to the oppressive state part

he knew

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Depends on what you mean by that.

Your house? No. That fuck huge manufacturing plant? Sure. No single individual on this planet should control that many resources in such a finite universe.

A coffee shop? That's okay too ( but it would to be regulated to avoid the problems of capitalism.

Is that Jerry Garcia?

How about we actually develop a actually good and interesting system instead of falling for some nihilistic doomed bullshit

exactly comrade.
No one should be allowed to have 1million dollars of wealth. The government should take it and give it to other people
999999 is ok but 1million is too much

Can I have multiple houses, and rent a few of them out?

Yugoslavia was based af tho


I agree the government should own all the wealth. That is ok

Ron Jeremy

and we should reduce the value of the dollar against an index of consumer goods so that that 1million dollar become less and less, until we effectively abolish private property. Then only the party will control peoples lives

Atleast, not without some good old regulation. If you trading items or some shit, that may be fine and dandy.

>Ib4 Marx is economics
No, else the udssr, Venezuela, China, Nord Korea and Vietnam as kambodscha might not be shitholes

Then to hell with your system.

Rent is theft comrade.

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where in the manifesto did it say that a virus would make panicfags crash the market?

>would you pay rent willingly
Yes, if the arrangement benefits me.

But if it gets to a point where your concentration of resources might cause a type of hierarchy, then the gov might go after your ass.

why don't you want to be poor with us comrade

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>Rent is theft
>But the government stealing everything from everyone isn't theft


>All are oligarchy and/or dictatorial societies.

Commies are more guilty by an order of magnitude more evil than what they accuse capitalists of.

>paying for food is theft
>would you pay for food willingly
>then why do you pay rent
Because the farmer makes me.
>if someone forces you under threat to give them your money, that's theft
Selling food isn't theft though.

Apply this to whatever good or service you want, its just as retarded.

read what op comrade wrote people shouldn't be allowed to own things outside of what lets them survive while working.
No one should be allowed to accumulate wealth

Not quite if everyone gets free quality housing and the trade is in good faith, regulated, and causes no disturbance in society.

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>No one should be allowed to accumulate wealth
So what is the point of working?

The gun to the back of your head, comrade.

Food and water is all you need.

the party will put you in a gulag if you don't work, what are you a capitalist?

I disagree. That type of forced bare bones living is completely necessary. We can properly distribute resources to everyone without such a cruel solution. And if someone does accumulate too much, we can just redistribute.

>everyone gets free housing
this is the kind of adult innovative thinking communists are only capable of

>That type of forced bare bones living is completely necessary.
exactly comrade

Gulags are completely inhumane. If someone refuses to work, just send them to therapy or rehabilitation center. And if they are being a disturbance to society, send them to a place like halden

Don't worry about it bro.

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Sorry, unnecessary. There's no reason for it. We already live in a society that can mass produce goods like no tommorow. Shouldn't be too hard to avoid that type of living.

>rehabilitation center
but if there is no consequence to not working everyone will choose this option. I still vote gulag comrade

>rehabilitation center
here's your rehabilitation center bro

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To give purpose to your existence by doing what you can to support your community and fellow man who support you in turn. There's a reason that the root word of socialism is "social."


Imagine all the organs you could redistribute

Unfortunately, I'm good friends with the local commissar. I'm immune to prosecution. Now, off to the gulag with you. Social dynamics never go away, they simply change.

oh look, impoverished losers have come to gloat. i am so btfo right now.

Restrictions on travel and personal time is enough punishment. Halden has the data to show this method works.

Inhumane prison camps aren't the answer

Organ harvesting is on the verge of irrelevance due to lab grown organs

>To give purpose to your existence by doing what you can to support your community and fellow man who support you in turn
What happens if this community doesn't actually support me or care about my contributions? What is stopping somebody who is far more socially manipulative from taking control of this glorified high school environment you plan to throw everyone into? Good looking people and those who are socially more connected will have greater power than those who are not, no?

What is stopping your worker's councils from turning into a thinly veiled popularity contest, like all democracies and communes turn into?

your never gonna make people want to be human when they like being dogs op

>Unfortunately, I'm good friends with the local commissar

Wrong. Under communism all humans are perfect and moral and would never act like this. Off to gulag with you for being evil and corrupt

why haven't you moved to a communist country comrade

Hopefully regulation and the government. But that's a problem every type of society has, even this one. Sometimes shit slips through at the very beginning and everything slowly decays.

Because there are none that exist. All the governments of the wor

This has little to do with the faults of capitalism, any economic system, any type of society, can be brought to its knees by a pandemic.

what about the chinese communist party

All the governments of the world are either too weak or too corrupt.

Thought that too at first I guess its stalin?

Yes, we know CRUZ is mooning. Don't rub it in.

Big brain

That's state capitalist at best. They are unfortunately a oligarchic tyrannical state that gives the corps cheap sweat shop labour and silences anyone with legitimate criticism.