Its gaining traction

Biz did you buy when we told you?
From here on its just waiting and accumulating. This is the best project of 2020 by far. A new narrative will rise of human-centric blockchains, just watch.

If you don’t know wtf i am talking about, check this article:

Attached: CFF99CB0-C3DA-4BA0-A21F-D7488D19C56D.jpg (907x528, 57.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


getting ready for validation

Me too, make sure to turn on your node 30 mins before validation. Otherwise you could be stuck with a screen saying “synchronizing” and miss the validation.

I'm already mining and running my node from a VM. This will be my second epoch, soon I can start inviting anons

>have to be at your computer an odd hour of the day so you can report in to the shill network, or you don't get paid

Pretty stupid.

Its a testnet sir, they are currently busy preparing an app, to run the node on your phone. Imagine millions of people running an idena node..

>spending 15 minutes every 9 (soon more and increasing) days to earn easy bucks
Pretty cool.

Although with mobile validating it will be much less of a hassle

If it's a testnet then what are the tokens for?

Rewards are biggg

Its an experiment main net

Where can i buy this

So it's not a test net at all then. Stupid currynigger.

Bro fucking brainlet pajeet. Their plan was to get listed in Q3, but Qtrade listed them earlier. Check this article its an experimental main net:

I am very comfy now with 10k stack, do i need more?

experimental main net aka "we aren't responsible if you get fucked or if scammers dump their shitcoin on a fly by night bucket shop"

Calling it experimental does not remove their responsibility.

Where do you store this? If I buy I don't want to keep it on q trade, is their a wallet or does any ETH address work?

Lol wtf, i just said they weren’t supposed to launch until Q3 this year. Have you tried there testnet node and looked into the code? Bet you didn’t cause its fucking sublime..

Human here, we will make it anons

Attached: idena-pepe.png (700x730, 162.21K)

And what will happen when AI will get good enough to solve any puzzle that a human is able to solve?
This is a cute idea but not a real solution in a future where AI get smart.

They want to dance with AI

Its almost impossible, but check:

>Its almost impossible
Retard. Give it 10 years, worst case 20 years. Of course it will happen. There is no magic in human intelligence. If you think that AI will stay dumb forever you're incredibly naive. Progress is made constantly in software and hardware and it goes very fast. It's only a question of time.

Eth address technically work but it can be a headache to retrieve. I would recommend downloading their client and storing it on your own node.

Would I have to run a node just to store DNA on the client? And what are the requirements for running a node?

No you can install the node, send the Idena to your generated address. Backup your keyfile somewhere safe and delete.
>And what are the requirements for running a node?
An absolute pajeet tier pc/vps. You have to run for 24/7 though or you will get penalized. Some guys in the discord are running 2 nodes on the 5$/month vultr vps

long shot but anyone got an invite? i've been waiting for ages in the invite request telegram and discord. my friend didn't know you could only invite one person and invited a random user not knowing he couldn't invite his friends.

This is the same as FUDding bitcoin because quantum computers will destroy PoW

Thanks, I'll download the client after I'm done waging. What kinda returns are you getting running a node? And how often do you have to solve the flips?

I earned 366 DNA this epoch. (80% goes into stake when you're newbie status).
I got penalized twice because my VM disconnected (2x16 DNA penalty). Was my own fault, been online 24/6 for the last 7 days.
Right now you have to validate every 9 days. This will increase when more nodes get validated. Th maximum period between validations will be 3 months.

Attached: stake.png (597x319, 16.86K)


I forgot to mention that 50 out of 366 was a bonus for passing my first validation. Also wrong pic

Attached: staking.png (557x285, 21.91K)

No because I don’t know how to buy the fucking coin.

Just follow the green dildo's on

No because the fix is easy with Bitcoin. Quantum resistant crypto algorithm already exist. For this chain there is no fix.

Profits from this are flowing to Cruzbit. If you aren't dumping now you're gonna have a very bad quarter.

Seems alright, is running a node is invite only right now? How do I go about getting in the que for that?

Maybe not right now but there will be. Anyway GL fudding people from accumulating Bitcoin 3.0 literally for free

Yes, invite only. Either pm Andrew Idena on telegram or check out the discord. There is a high demand for them now unfortunately. After today's or next week's epoch more Yas Forumsraeli's will hopefully start giving away invites. Most of us need to validate once or twice more to able to send them out.

Also you can stake with 0 DNA. So there's no need to buy them if you don't want to. You can contribute to the network by getting validated and submitting/solving flips.

There is no such thing as staking sir, its a totally new model. 100x more decentralized than any other system there is

Thanks for the info, do you have a link for the telegram? Also does the time between epochs decrease or increase as more nodes join?

You're right, what's the correct term? In your client it says staking

Increase. Right now 9 days is pretty annoying. At max you will have to validate once every 3 months.
They've added a seperate request channel so it's a little less hectic right now. But I prefer discord

I'm sending a bit of BTC to Q trade right now, I'll pick up a few hundred to start with. How did you accumulate such a large stack? How was the initial distribution done? Sorry for all the questions

"bitcoin 3.0"


I bought at 700 sats
There was a 36m premint

is the dev wallet. they hold 17m
7m was bought by initial investors

>Maybe not right now but there will be
No. You show that you don't understand. The chain's proof is based on the superiority of humans over AI to solve puzzle. Once this superiority is gone this is over, there is no fix to that. It becomes a shitty PoS chain.

Anyone has invitation for me?

As far as I can see one of the main use cases is advertising. I'm assuming that's in the future but where would users be viewing these ads?

As i said, the difficulty will be improved over time and there’s also a reward for $55k if you solve puzzles with machines

It doesn't invalidate the fact that AI will get better than humans eventually... You seem to be in denial, or low IQ

Its the same as saying quantum computers will crack bitcoin.. it might happen in 50 years and by then the system is already upgraded. Same for Idena..

No it's not the same... Bitcoin is fixable by changing the algorithm... You can't improve human brains, so your dear chain is not fixable, unless you turn humans into cyborgs but I suppose it defeats the whole purpose.


Changing the way the flips work is equivalent to changing the algorithm you brainlet.

that medium article was written by an 8 year old with learning difficulties

Just downloaded the wallet. Now it's asking about invitation codes and there's something about doing flips to prove I'm a real person. Are flips something I need to bother with? Do I need a code? Is there a way to mine this?

What is wrong about it? Tell me? You know not everyone is native english?

You have way too many questions. Start reading what they have published on Medium
