>closed at a historic loss of -2000 yesterday (23,850)
>surpassed the 25,000 mark by 18 points today

Who do they think they're fooling?
Post your predictions for tomorrow here.

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Lmao theyre so desperate. At best i dca a little every few weeks. But i sure as heck aint going all in at all.

What a fucking paper tiger this market is. Tomorrow the S&P will be down at least 4% is my guess.

>Coronachan cases double or triple bc we can now do a marginal amount of further testing
>People realize we have a serious outbreak in the USA
>Market dumps
>Trump and co. try to do triage
>Dems realize this is their chance to take the election
>Dems start giving real statistics & create useful fear
>Market plummets to oblivion
>Coronachans natural course fades almost completely by election
>People still salty over Trump lying to them and destroying the economy
>Biden takes over and we do nothing for 4 years

thread is being slid by the shills super hard
have a bump


Even yesterday when they were injecting constant cashflow, you could tell because it would be a huge jump out of nowhere and it was getting eaten up pretty quick. It's obvious at this point, the human race is ready to enter a new paradigm free of kike debt slavery. (((they))) know its over very soon.

>tfw thousand point swings are the new normal now

The Greatest Depression has yet to come

Very disappointed, was hoping for a proper freefall. I can only hope today was a shill cat bounce.

down 1.5-2% across all US indices
DAX down another 2-3%
CAC down 2.5-4%

What are you talking about? The Chinese market tanked and they shut off the sells and artifically pumped it


Can someone tell me how to make money off a doomed market? Im thinking of buying SPXS or SQQQ or buying puts with DIA or SPY. Any advise what I should do? If I get puts what Exp should I aim for?

fp allcaps angry jew needs to become a new Greater Depression meme

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4% price swing, how many days has been?

The idea of a peper tiger is that once it falls it does not get back up. We just had the biggest single day loss in all of history to the point where there were stickies on Yas Forums and Yas Forums, the nation of Italy has collapsed, and the market recovered in a matter of hours. Not 8 years. Not 16 quarters. Not 35 weeks. 40 hours.

they need to stop, instead of adding fuel to the fire they need to mitigate the fucking damage

So what does it mean? Bull market?

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Biden is too incompetent to win, Trump atleast won people over in the debates. Biden literally has dementia, he isn't winning shit.

Dow futures is down again so the fed is trying to kick the can down the road but is failing miserably at keeping the "mm muh market correction". Boomers are going down and I dont feel the bit sorry for them.

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High instability due to circumstances but under that is an economy strong enoigh to shoulder the weight. Hercules weighed down by a boulder.

That said US elections are coming up and if Democrats win expect them to squander future economic growth on stupid social programs in a dumb attempt to secure votes again and fuck over the domestic market.

You will since crypto is now linked to the market for some odd reason

>for some odd reason
Stocks are not linked to buisinesses performance.
Both stock values and crypto values are connected only to investor confidence.

It’s a Frankenstein market now, as always. Average goy by now knows it’s all fake and they should get out into cash.

Check em

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Stocks is a numbers game that people play to make the numbers big, but cashing out doesnt prevent other people from continuing to play and continuing to devalue your cash. The best bet is to play yourself in order to keep up with inflation.

>”free market” crapitalism
As soon as mah shtoncks goes down a few percentage points they halt the market so it doesn’t collapse.
What a great free system we have. I can’t believe people aren’t more angered by this and still haven’t pulled the curtain back. TSX is such a fucking joke I can’t believe Canadians willingly put their money into Canadian company stocks with all those selling halts they’ve done in the past week so we don’t go into a depression. Btw it looks like Canada is the most exposed out of all first world nations. Fuck this country.

Maybe that was true between 2009-2014 when QE was in effect and everything artificially pumped but it’s clearly not the case right now. I don’t believe Dow Jones will hit past 30k and everybody is going to cash out.

Atleast you have muh free healthcare

At least 13% of companies globally are zombies (annual interest on debt >= annual earnings).

Just because money is being injected doesn't mean its going anywhere.

Likely scenario is that when we default on our debt we forever become a third world nation and lose our free healthcare unless we exploit to oblivion our almost untouched natural resources and not give a shit about the natives but then i believe the natives will become insurgents and start waging war against mountiees and then the army.

Lol, imagine being this fucking retarded and posting you .002 cents

>strong economy
>when a single big bankruptcy would destroy the entire market
2008 never finished.

>i believe the natives will become insurgents and start waging war against mountiees and then the army.
Don't the natives believe in peace and stuff?


at a certain point it would be better for us (Democrats) to step in and pop the bubbled in as much of a controlled fashion as we can, rather than let Republicans let this continue like it has and let it wreck itself. a switch to Democrat is like a political cashing out, which is what needs to be done to preserve our "gains" /opinion

You can shove your gun bans and anti-white agenda up your ass cuck

holy shit its glowing

The bubble formed under Obama, with all those years of zero interest, tard.

I don't know how you retards are consistently wrong on economics especially and still have people vote for you. Probably the gibs.

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How them delegates working out?

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Big pump to 27300 followed by a legendary dive down to 22000

Crash and Bern, the commie crypt keeper is cucked again. No nomination. And he won't fight it

look i liked Andrew Yang for president, okay? im not happy about any of this anymore, but im probably gonna vote #freestuff2020 because i expect to be in accumulation for the next 15-20 years anyways, am i so wrong?

Then get off of Yas Forums and go hang out at Yas Forums faggot

Invest in physical gold and silver

>Democrats created the 2008 housing crisis
>Democrats created massive welfare and unsustainable debt
>What we need to do is let the Democrats fix it
The sooner you traitors all fucking die, the sooner we can actually fix this country. You make the world fucking sick.

bros, is there gonna be a recession??? i want a recession reaaal bad.

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But Democrats weren't in power at the time? I'm so confused.

Literally load the fuck up on SQQQ

This is free fucking money.

The entire stock market and economy is a huge con. The Fed has been printing money nonstop for a decade to keep the literal Everything Bubble inflated. It was the only way they could mask the mortal wounds in the global economic system in 2008. However, had we let the whole system fail in 2008 we may have had a 1929 style depression that we'd probably be out of by now, but because the corps and 1% refuse to lose, we are now on an atomic bomb that if ignited by one of the major markets collapsing would literally destroy the economy and probably western civilization. Everything from buying groceries to some mega corporation leveraging billions in debt is tied to it, and without the low interest rates and QE the system literally fails.

Stock up on water, food, gold, silver, and guns because when, not if, it collapses the US and half the world are going to be hitting the hard reset button. The insane loses and gains in the market are signs that their strategy is finally starting to fail and they're out of options when it does.

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>>Coronachans natural course fades almost completely by election
That is were you are wrong user, corona won't go away for at least 2 years

This guy gets it, I hope you hold link user, you deserve it.

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All in physical gold and silver and run.

Jesus Christ man. Have some self respect and vote for Trump. Then go make your own fucking money like a man instead of holding your hand out for a free banana like some retarded monkey.
You were given one life in this universe, you really intend on spending it trying to suck away the wealth created by other people's labor?

can someone explain to a economic brainlet like myself the actual real world logistics of the fed pumping the market?
Do they make a call and transfer trillions around to banks and investment firms who then buy stocks to keep the price up? Who then owns those shares? Pls explain and pls no bully

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>the 2008 housing crisis
>>the lack of sufficient government oversight in key areas — including consumer protection,
>>private-label mortgage securitization, bank capitalization, and financial markets —
>>transformed a housing bubble into a global financial crisis.