How common is it for Americans to use the setup in pic related for their bathrooms?

How common is it for Americans to use the setup in pic related for their bathrooms?

I went to visit some relatives in Iowa, and got to stay in their house. They lived in a pretty small city, and had to do this because of something that had to do with their city sewage treatment.

Essentially, you had to throw the used TP in a separate bin, and then also scoop the turds back up and put them in yet another separate bin.

I've experienced the TP thing in hotels in Cyprus, Spain and Greece, but the scoop thing came as a complete shock and I thought they were joking.

Could some American shed some light on this? How prevalent is it?

Attached: poop scoop.jpg (1200x1200, 43.47K)

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Yeah, most of us use a fecaladel, might be weird to you but most of us use them.

I live in Iowa and have never once seen anything like this. I think you're lying.

it's called a turd spoon, retard

Um ezcoose me but vat ze fook?

^ It's the same here in Boston. I know in NYC they actually have separate pipes in the buildings for this setup.

Don't be ashamed bro. We're good at other stuff, so it's all good.

I have actually seen this before, but not in America. My relatives in Denmark used one of those to scoop out the extraordinarily large shits they took every once in a while. They lived in a pretty old neighborhood though, a poopscoop shouldn't be a thing in modern western society

I live in SF, people don't have built in pipes so they just pour it onto the street.

Greek here. We're supposed to use fecaladles here as well in most places but I can't be bothered so I personally just flush the turd along with some drain cleaner and it works like a charm.

Motherfucker, I've never seen/used a poop scoop in my entire life!

why dont u just not use any drain cleaner? i mean fuck it lmao no ones gonna know

What the hell? What does your backwards ass country do then? Just flush whole turds? You realize that goes to the water system and they can't clean a whole turd, right? Your whole country basically drinks poop water. That's nasty.

These are used in a lot of the older places in Richmond, VA. the piping is old i assume so you have to scoop out the poop.

I have them where I live. The piping and sewerage systems are old, so as a bit of a safeguard solid wastes (poo's) are scooped and placed in the bin rather than flushed. They can be flushed, however as pipes age and degrade the odds of having a blockage downstream isn't worth the inconvinence of taking your solid waste and placing it in a bin. Much like how tampons or soft wipes should not be flushed.

>imagine not installing a insinkerator garbage disposal in line with your toilet instead.

That's fucked. I'd rather shit strate into the garbage can, what's the point of the toilet even?

How cheap. Americas infrastructure is definitely going downhill and rather than fix it they slap a rubberband. Huh what are all those taxes for!?

For some reason here in Tennessee, those are only allowed on below grade toilets (flush upwards to the sewer via pressure assist).

You can still flush it but it has the chance of adverse effects downstream. As a rule of thumb I do not expect visitors in my house to use the ladle, and likewise when I am at someone elses house. But in my own home I do it to minimise chances of blockages downstream. It really isn't that much trouble.

I am not sure, I am not American. Nice assumptions however - you looked really smart and clever :)

This is definitely best on board thread right now
>fecaladel 1000eoy

>he doesn't poop into a compostable bag and then throw it into the poopbin

>Yas Forums - Business & Finance

failry common outside of London, Manchester, Liverpool or any big city.
Though its coming back more in places like Birmingham, Leicester and Leeds due to the muslim population even though they have the facilities to flush the turds.
There is a 4 mile stretch of the Thames that gets inundated with floaters due to the housing along the banks having a 'log flume' that leads directly in. Despite getting free fecaladels they still use it as its tradition now.
On Boris' campaign he sent one down Thames when visting one of these neighbourhoods

Lol id flush it with poop. Im not gonna freaking scoop it with a ladle.

Did you not see all the anons who said they have it in their cities in america?

That is disgusting. I would not live in that city. I work in the trades to do With drainage and that is gross. Whole city needs an upgrade for sanitary purposes. Or they need onsite septic tanks and treatment if the property is large enough. I'm not in America but that's not 1st world levels

this is the worst fud ive seen in weeks I feel physically sick

Canadians do this apparently.

Similar setup in most small cities/towns in Australia. State capitals like melbourne and Sydney generally have high coverage of FT (feces-tolerant) or FS (feces-safe) plumbing. However i grew up in an outer suburb of Sydney and our area was still NF (No Feces) marked except for a couple of new estates. There’s a colour-coded label on the water meter indicating FT, FS or NF status for the building.

Yes I saw them talking about it. Did you not see all the other anons talking about them in their respective hometowns? Nice america-centric view. I never said, nor implied I was from America. You just took it as an opportunity to sound clever and smug - taking a pot shot at americans.

>Did you not see all the anons who said they have it in their cities in america?

Is it my responsibility to spoon feed you information? Do you lack the comprehension ability required to differentiate between different poster ID's? Your dumb assumptions made you look like a fool - and then again you double down and think that other posters talking about america has any relevance at all to my post. Stay stupid friend. Hopefully you graduate english comprehension class soon.

Log flumes! Holy shit dude, those were banned here in like 2003. You just took me back to my childhood

Yup. Can confirm, I am from Australia.

This should answer your question as to where I am from. Take the time to read it twice so you understand it. Maybe a third if you still don't get it.

San Francisco here with shitty pipes.
> Using a fecaladle
> So 1932
Get on my level.
Poop Knife FTMFW

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eww yanks arent even human. i hope they all die of corona virus

>He lives in Nigmond

Literally not going to make it

Its the only place in the country that has them left.
There is a big push to get rid of them as there is only one boat left in operation that skims the Thames the rest of the fleet has long been retired. They were effectionately known as Turd Cutters and the are is near the Isle of Dogs which got its nickname Pile 'O' Logs.
The maritime museum thats near the Cutty Sark still has some info about it and one of the steering wheels from a turdcutter. Otherwise its mostly memoryholed necause 'muh tourism'

You don't use these in other countries? Thats how we've always done it here (Phoenix AZ) at least

dumb fucking nigger

of course you new york city bigshots can afford such luxury, I've been using my grandma's wooden spoon to chop up my turds since I was a kid

Attached: PooSpoon.jpg (640x480, 31.77K)

We use wooden ladels here in bulgaria. Do you guys have a travel ladel or scoop aswell or do you buy one at your holiday destination?

This fucking thread is too much

I live in Pennsylvania. Never have seen a poop scoop. I have occasionally thought though it's weird we flush toilet paper down the pipes. It seems like mushy pulpy garbage that's bound to clog shit up

A turd ladle is nice, but I prefer a nice pair of shit tongs for the added dexterity.

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I'm from New Jersey, everyones home uses fecaladels here, it's much more hygenic

>extraordinarily large
user, I...


Why is this a thread? I live in australia and we all use our hands to grab the turd out of the toilet and then we stomp it though the shower drain in order to crush it into little pieces so it won't block the pipes.
Only toilet paper and water should be flushed down the toilet directly... People don't actually flush shit down the toilet do they? That's just barbaric

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Wait, this has to be a fucking joke. There are AMERICANS who use a fucking dumps in a garbage can? I livein Oregon, which is a pretty ratchet state once you get out of the cities, and I have never seen such a thing in all my fucking life. I've even traveled to the fucking Middle East, and their toilet systems can handle solid waste. I feel like I am taking crazy pills reading this thread, am I being trolled. Where the fuck do you guys live, this can;t be real holy shit. What an absolute backwards shithole you guys must be from, who the fuck am I sharing this board with?

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I mean it's pretty normal to put your shit in the trash... Only the elite can afford to flush shit down the toilet.

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North nj sure doesnt

45 year old and not once heard of such disgusting thing... here they throw the paper in a basket and later it ends up at an unsanitary junkyard... but we're south americans so I didn't get impressed by the retardation too much. Sad. I use the shower right away and bath.
We need transhumanists to fix this mess or we'll be defecating on beaches three thousand years from now.

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wafflestomping is frowned upon over here its more eco friendly to ladel your turd and chuck it in the rose bush. it also has a negative effect on the taste of the bathwater when you are literally pushing shit through the same pipe.

Holy shit the STATE of Iowa. Midwest is so cucked compared to us coastal elites

It's a thing in old neighborhoods in old cities like NYC, SF, and Boston. Ironically it's literally a rich fag problem here now because rich white yuppies have reclaimed these neighborhoods.

My great grandfather's poop scoop has been passed down through the family. It's at my parents shitter but I'll inherit it one day

Personally I just grab the poop with my hand, I'm going to wash it anyways so what's the point of the spoon

yeah we all use them in florida, it's not uncommon to see them in restrooms in businesses and public restrooms etc.

this isn't real

Any other based Floridians here that have no idea wtf anyone ITT is talking about? I know there are some 2nd/3rd world countries that cant flush toilet paper, but did I just Mandela Effect back to the 1800s or something??

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chicagoan reporting in. I always thought we did this for some lake michigan reason. didnt know this was normal everywhere else