What would that mean for me as a wagie? Nothing right?
The world is unironically fucked
supremely based
Yeah, wagies would probably still pay their half.
orange man bad
Does he mean employer side and wagie side of payroll taxes?
Can't we just have free healthcare instead? I mean if we have to pump the deficit to ungodly levels can't I at least get my prescriptions for free and stop having to pay $250 per month for insurance?
Trump's giving business owners tax breaks until the end of the year, similar to the same tax breaks wealthiest corporations get every year for eternity
no, commie
orange man good
Fuck you faggot
No. Fuck you. I’m not paying for laquinsha and jorges 11 children
>markets in freefall
>"uhh, helps on the way guys... i hope"
>markets rise temporarily
>reality sets in the following day
Why not? You're already paying for Mitch McConnell's and Lindsay Graham's kids to buy the best private jets and fanciest houses money can buy
Excuse me for looking out for my own best interests. How very gay and communist of me.
You already are dip shit just at stupid high prices. Besides if healthcare were free more working white people could afford to have more kids since they actually don't leech off the system like the poors are already doing.
Orange faggit is just monitoring the situation like usual
Higher wages and lower prices.
you already are retard. healthcare is already socialized for poor people.
Does this mean bigger take home pay or just gay shit like boss pays less for my work? If we get 0% tax I'm working 72hrs/wk for the rest of the year.
nice this means i get to tip less at restaurants
Kek, at some point he'll have to do something. I love how this funny shrewd guy everyone underestimates is president. He could literally call the entire nation niggers on prime tv and get out of it a winner.
You keep using that word...
What is with this influx of these leftypol trash low-key shilling their bullshit lately?
bigger takehome pay
>The White House is also considering federal assistance for the shale industry
Fuck this fucking kike neocon piece of shit.
Yeah you just casually propose reintroducing slavery but for medical professionals but that's totally normal
Free as in paid for by the government and however they wanna balance the deficit. Look at my original post I'm simply pointing out that if we're going to destroy our deficit then i want something out of it before they fuck it all up and a payroll tax cut is worthless to me.
I'm not from leftypol I'm just looking out for my own personal interest. Apparently nobody else in our shitty society gives a fuck about the debt bubble going sky fucking high and us playing musical chairs with it every 10 years or so so why should I? Spend motherfucker spend! But spend it on me this time for just fucking once.
>rest of the year
Yeah just long enough to ensure his reelection. This is just the cherry on top on a shit night with Bernie about to lose out on a bunch of delegates tonight. Looks like l have to start paying my student loans again
Nothing. Employers get to use the tax savings themselves rather than for the wagies in a lot of cases.
Lol that's not how that works user.
Democrats should pay penance by donating their tax break to Bernie Sanders, thus wasting their money.
Absolute desperation of drump. He knows he is going to lose this election because of the outbreak he caused and fucking up for the last 4 years.
doctors are fucking kike faggots they deserve it
you survive a day you're good
that's the way they do it in politics
nobody thinks about the coming day
>I’m not paying for laquinsha and jorges 11 children
factually incorrect
>he caused
I come around every time the markets get shitty to find new innovations in the red, bleeding eye'd wojak characters
True. We subsidize inner city youths into breed machines that select for the dumbest and naturally kill off unnecessary males past age 16. Literally preemo breeding grounds. Democrats need to keep these alive to lock down the future.
Remember when Rs used to care about the deficit. Fucking hypocrites.
In any case this is just bad policy. Payroll tax going to zero disproportionately benefits those that make more money (ie. white collar types who do desk work and actually can work from home). This policy does basically jack shit for low paid, low skill workers who are actually at a higher risk because they work in restaurants etc and don’t have paid sick leave.
Trump should just take however much this tax break is going to cost, divide it equally across taxpayers and send it out as checks in the mail - this would actually be fairer and more effective than what he’s proposing.
When "your own best interest" is leeching off of everyone else, you are indded very gay and communist so kys and die fag.
No, I'm saying that this is the 3rd or 4th time hes done this
Not gonna happen.
Demcucks say this is DOA.
eat shit nigger, most of my tax dollars are going to womyn. trump is fucking BASED and REDPILLED.
>Remember when Rs used to care about the deficit
Nixon? He opened up trade with China though, so probably not apropos here.
>free healthcare
Neck yourself, retard.
There is a good reason why people are calling it the Trump virus.
How about less than a decade ago with all those times Obama got shat on for expanding the deficit but now it’s okay because Trump is ourguy
Nope. Middle class will be out buying burgies and tendies in mass this year if they get this tax break. Restaurants will have a brief slow and then an economic boom, plus all the worst workers will get let go. Invest in Chika-fila NOW!! This is literally the year of the tendie and you're a retard because you are think about 16 year old katie not getting an extra 100 to spend on starbux and her teen abortion. We are talking 90s level consumer economy.
Lol Seriously? I 100% believe you, but i want yo see the papers on who's calling it that? Sounds like a transsexual trump derangement syndrome type thing
Oh yeah yeah yeah... The opposition party always paints itself as the rational party. They both want the same thing in different ways. Huge government.
I've literally never leeched off any system. I work for a living and have never even been on benefits but the problem is every other fuck head from the Koch brothers to the heroin addicts on the corner is already leeching everything into oblivion so fuck it I want mine Jack. But you go ahead and sit there and let everyone else lie cheat and steal from regular working people while we get nothing. Fuck that. I get mine and I don't care if it breaks the whole motherfucker it's already broke.
No fuck off, not when it goes to keep people with chronic lifestyle caused diseases on life support. 45 percent of people over 50 years of age are clinically obese. Throwing trillions of dollars of poorly managed healthcare isn’t going to solve anybody’s problems.
It was trending on twitter a few days ago.
>leftypol shows up on Yas Forums
Back to your discord.
>free healthcare
It's not free, you retarded commie. Since white men are the only demographic that pays more in taxes than they get back from the state, it's very much not free for people like me. kys, you retarded redditor
>Excuse me for looking out for my own best interests.
If you have a brain or are white, it's very likely not in your interest, faggot.
We already do that moron. All of that care is literally already subsidized but you know maybe if we had subsidized care for young people they'd actually go to the doctor and fix their shit before their 60s.
Dunno. Just a thought.
Yeah... I don't mess with social media. I have a fb, but only to sell my shit and run ads. I miss out on all of the nonsense.
It’s funny because every sentence of this post is somehow more retarded than the previous sentence.
It should be permanent