I wish we could just send all the bernie bros to actual socialist shitholes so that they can feel directly in their skin all the effects of their retarded ideas.
I wish we could just send all the bernie bros to actual socialist shitholes so that they can feel directly in their...
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They make all kinds of excuses for why it never works. Usually has something to do with blaming everyone else for the problems. Imagine that.
people think socialism means free money, it actually just means everyone has a right to your money.
People aren't aware in china you cannot legally own land you get a lease from the government dependent on whatever the government defines.
socialism is literally slavery where you have no ability to control the outcome of your life because you cannot buy and sell.
You can't even own an apartment. That's also on lease from the party.
Wrong. Socialism means that the rich will pay me neetbux to not work
They can also take that land back whenever they want.
>t. useful idiot
saging in a cope thread
why can't we just execute them with firing squads?
huh? but all they want to do is tax the mega rich. how does that apply to this "/socialist/" thirdworld you speak of? you sound like a major brainlet sociopath right wing retard
dw soon enough his portfolio will hit rock-bottom and out of a sudden he'll be a commie lmao
Imagine having this much of a boomer take. Absolute retardation. Socialism is workers’ ownership of the means of production. Bernie’s policies are social democratic.
he probably doesn't even own link, probably some pajeet boomer shitcoin like bsv
>Socialists aren't socialists
>right wing
there is no difference between national socialism and communism apart from the justifications for the state owning everything which are race and class respectively.
>Socialism is workers’ ownership of the means of production
You seem to be confusing the word "worker" with the word "state"
Having some socialist adoptions in your policies =/= Being a socialist, and if you earnestly think Bernie is even close to socialist you are just a brainwashed sheep and it’s no wonder the Republican Party gets to ride your asshole all day with no lube.
No. It's workers' ownership of the means of production. You don't need a "state" to have socialism.
he actually thinks he can trick rich people into doing this.
what a moron.
socialism is a program for mass poverty.
If you tax the mega-rich like you'd like they'll pay their taxes somewhere else. Your system can not be predicated on screwing the most powerful people of the society
Right that's why we saw the complete economic collapse of western europe after they socialized their healthcare and their higher education systems as their 1% packed up and left the rest of the countries high and dry oh wait they're doing fine.
Yas Forums
>He thinks state sanctioned socialism is the end goal and not the complete dissolving of the state as a concept
Read some literature you dumb fuck
Lots of their ideas are good. It’s just they are too stupid to realize that their ideas would only work in white homogenous countries.
Did you learn what socialism is from a Facebook post or something? Read a book retard
There was only one socialist I ever thought wasnt an NPC. He knew he wanted to steal everyone elses shit and that was the best path.
There are only two kinds of socialists: the utterly delusional, and the utterly selfish. I'm not sure which is worse.
I'm paying 35% for taxes. If I'm paying a socialist tax rate, I want socialist benefits.
The boomers who vote Republican already get socialized medicine. Why don't you?
Capitalism is the only functional system where workers *can* own the means of production if they *want* to (by either building or buying). The only other means to aquire production outside of capitalism is through state sponsored violent expropriation. Workers will never violently expropriate business themselves, because that is a fight they lose everytime without state intervention. They dont have the overwhelming control of asymetrical violence require to keep the managers and owners (and more importantly their knowledge of how to run the business) on the premises. The upper management will simply run away and possibly return with a modern version of the pinkertons. You have not a single example of workers taking over production in world history, the state is always involved, and once involved it never goes away until system collapse.
Name a socialist country that collapsed without the violent intervention of a foreign power like the US or UK, I'll wait
If it didn't work, the elites that run the world wouldn't worry about attacking socialist countries down so much
>soshialisum is when de state doez thiinnnnggzzzzs ooooooooinga booongaaaa no step on snek!!!!11!+!!!+!+!!11
Fucking off yourself you absolute disgrace of a human being
ok but much of the first world outside of burgerland has socialized medicine, that's really all we want
ok cool can we just do that kind of capitalism here?
^ This is literally what you retards sound like. Get a fucking grip.
Why? Being exposed to underhanded geopolitics happens to every country regardless of ideology. If the USSR was so great how come US undercutting them worked and the USSR undercutting america didnt work? What makes socialist countries so incapable of resisting being collapsed by fat incompetent capitalists?
keep voting for more tax
A fucking tiny island with outdated weapons and that is no real threat to anyone like Cuba somehow makes the US and its allies start sperging at the UN and all international organizations.
Same with North Korea
I'm glad they exist
It's funny cause this was all settled with the USA vs the USSR. Two huge spheres of influence, two diametrically different takes on economics, and one blew it out of the ballpark and starved the other one into submission.
Because, predictably enough, you can't fucking micromanage an entire economy through the state. The state can't even handle the fucking postal service.
And now I've hit my monthly quota for posting in these endless, cliché socialist threads. Some people have no sense at all and make the rest of us suffer through their phases.
I'm not even American
Bernie isn't even a socialist
He's as much of a leftist as Obama is, and he bombed Libya to oblivion
Reminder that Sen. Sanders voted in favor of bombing Serbia in the 90s
>Socialism is wagies’ ownership of the means of production
>the means of production are not owned by the investors
How can any brainlet think this is better than capitalism lmao
>literal feudal backwater run into the ground by retard Tsar, literally rotting from the inside
>poor as shit, population ravaged by war and famine
>somehow the Bolsheviks get control and turn it into a global super power in a fraction of the time it took the United States
I'm not even pro-USSR but these takes are just historically illiterate.
Some of us acknowledge that, demographically, america is getting closer to brazil than Scandinavia. There is no such thing as magic soil or effective laws, there is only the measure of the people in a country. A system that works with a small, white, high IQ, homogeneous population, probably wont work in a country that has 100 million brown people on the dole. But hey, at least you have your naive optimism, nobody can ever take that from you.
Admittedly the Basedcialist looks pretty well fed lol.
>The Soi filter is still active
Wow, the same Yas Forums I grew to hate 2 years ago
Socialism is not Stalinism/Leninism, retard. Wanting a free Healthcare and college, setting minimum wage and better workers right is not the same as seizing the mean of production. US need socialism so people don't need to pay 500 000 plus tip just to treat flu and having a decent salary.
>but the taxes!!!!
I told you what. You still need to pay tax even now. But instead getting benefits from their tax like healthcare, fatcunt don't receive any benefits from their tax. Stop voting against your own economic interest.
Americans never know the difference between socialdemocracy, socialism, and Marxism-Leninism. Cold war propaganda and the red scare did a nice job on them
And? Copying technology is fucking cheap and easy. Its not like the basic industrial science developed the UK and america was secret. Look at china
>literal communist bacwater run into the ground by retard chairman, literally rotting from the inside
>poor as shit, population ravaged by political assasination and famine
>somehow turns into a global superpower by just adopting property rights in the 90's for its citizens, in a fraction of the time it took USSR or USA
State planning cannot compete with the private market, never has and never will.
Also welfare = socialism apparently
>A system that works with a small, white, high IQ, homogeneous population, probably wont work in a country that has 100 million brown people on the dole
kek you Yas Forumstards repeat this stupid horseshit verbatim every time universal healthcare gets brought up
it makes literally no sense even if you accept le ebic race realism
Leninism is still utter garbage. It tosses aside family ties and regional autonomy in favor of whatever the Soviet Union needed. A form of internationalism at the expense of family structure, culture, and regional stability.
Without said Chairman, China wouldn't be a fraction of what it is today.
Sure we can, but i dont care how much shit you want to put in my sandwich. Even a little bit is too much for my taste.
people could afford all that if there wasn't an unelected private bank debasing their savings and wages exponentially so that they can never accumulate wealth to stop working.
that is the entirety of the scam you socialists instigate; first debasement making everyone poor then you continually increase tax making people more poor, then you blame capitalism for them being poor and radicalize all the useful idiots to vote for more socialism until they own nothing
The Bolsheviks also turned all of eastern Europe into a pile of fecal matter, HIV skyrocketed the moment Lenin approved of homosexuality which is why it was promptly banned by Stalin, and on top of that, anyone with the right ties to the KGB had free reign to kick non-Russian families out of their homes just because they wanted to move.
Go to North Korea
They don't pay taxes there
Only cost the lives of 60 million chinese, and still left them $1/day peasant farmers. Property rights reforms came after mao was dead, buried, and disavowed. I wouldnt expect any of you drooling retard commies to know any chinese political history in detail, so thanks for confirming my biases.
>north korea is capitalist
are you fucking retarded.
>literal feudal backwater
Russia end it feudalism (or serfdom) in 1861 so it was not feudal by the time the communist came
>poor as shit
In the beginning of the 20th century Russia was one of the largest fast growing economies and the fifth largest economies in the world. One of the main reasons why Germany pushed for war hence was because they were scared of economic capable Russia which in that time was growing to a reality
>famines in Russia
Yes there were famines in the tsarist period of Russia but the worst famine was during the period of communism
>Bolshitwicks turned Russia into superpower
Nope Russia was already a super power before the Bolshitwicks, it was capable to be large threat to the UK at that time and win the "Great game" in the Near East Russia managed to gain the cost of manchuria from China and expand their imperial power in Asia. The groundwork of USSR power both in industry and in geopolitics was already created by imperial Russia which the commies exploited very well
Now I suggest to kys since you failed for the most obvious commie propaganda but before you do please buy some history books about Russia before you write any other bullshit.
They probably don't even know who Deng Xiaoping is
>People aren't aware in china you cannot legally own land you get a lease from the government dependent on whatever the government defines.
its the same in the united states. the land is rented to you until the government wants it for something else.
they can't even find Taiwan the better version of China on a map