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hearty keks were had, bretty gud
Toilet paper shills can't answer the question: what if people just wipe with leaves?
Poison ivy on your butthole
this guy should go back to just making edgy jokes
based stonetoss
You have to be racist to understand I think.
Some abstract kind of racism. I think the toilet paper represents the cotton they forced the blacks picked
hehe this is funny
What is winter you filthy smoothbrain
a season
k bud
Wipe with snow retard. Even better.
Racism is at its core plain pattern recognition. Pattern recognition is what we recognize as intelligence. The better you are at it, the smarter you are. Fire is hot, more melanin means more crime. Pretty basic.
They will end up with an asshole infection and be in the hospital, getting the virus.100$ a roll, next question.
Its just science bruh, ask yourself if whites get sickle cell anemia.. no? Not all just human.
>cup less of brains than a korean
Math is racist though so I guess Im BTFO. Imagine paying tens of thousands of dollars to be indoctrinated for multiple years in ways that can be disproved in 5 seconds. It must suck to be those people.
Library, late fees and such.
>people are inanimate objects furniture and computers
the incel mind is something else
but women are objects
>thinking people are smart enough to realize they’ve never had a need to buy toilet paper and could’ve always just washed or wiped themselves with anything
You’re missing the point of business.
The point of business it to exploit idiocy.
I can't believe you're such a racist. Your own images debunk you. Neanderthal skulls lol. Such a racist
You're racist
Stop with the racism and start rounding up the redditors and Twitter posters
pathetic but the best part is you know it
So Jews and niggers?
Youre so close to going full nigger, tell me about the spacefaring whales.
it does?
maximum-strength redpills
please elaborate on how the content of his images debunks him
>please elaborate on how the content of his images debunks him
Well you see, different species than humans have bigger brains so clearly if it were true, whales would have achieved spaceflight by now. Racists btfo, and such. Nigger science. Neanderthals arent humans, and neither are bonobos.
Praise be to Allah who relieved me of the filth and gave me relief
Nothing because I live in California
Stock markets dip and fluctuate but poop is literally infinite
you can literally use newspapers like they did back in the war
why the fuck does trans have an asterisk
"*trannies stink btw pee pee poo poo"
There is no joke, stonetoss is just a hack.
A lot of people don't get the paper now though
pine bough season
It's not brain size, its brain size compared to body size. Africans have the same body size compared to other human subspecies
wasnt this guy begging his fans on twitter to hook him up with a girl when he went to japan
Really makes you think why the neanderthals lost in the end.
Was it just bad luck?
sears catalog in the outhouse
You can use reusable sticks like the ancient Japanese did.
come on stonetoss is severely misguided on some issues but if you disregard those he's incredibly talented.
economic collapse imminent so the normie is dumpnig the stocks [for dollar]. the more enlighented is dumping the dollar [for bitcoin]. the spiritual supreme is dumping bitcoin for toilet paper.
I think it's so you can tack anything on the end of it. Transsexual, transracial, transspecies, transage
rövsticka hype
paper is for the tiny brain
Until recently women were nothing more than a currency to be used to further Man's goals.
Why? Because it's
It's *supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious
Because I was afraid to speak
When I was just a lad
My father gave me nose a tweak
And told me I was bad
But then one day I learned a word
That saved me aching nose
The biggest word you ever heard
And this is how it goes
Oh, *supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious
>paper is for the tiny brain
or even better, wipe your ass with your shower and then wash your hands