oxy is going to be bankrupt and bernie isn't going to bail out the oil and gas companies.
Caleb Hall
>Expecting to play a reasonable game with unreasonable people. Markets are all about doing what's unreasonable. We're all a bunch of stupid monkeys obsessing over numbers and that realization will give you peace of mind when everyone else is losing theirs.
Ayden Clark
Why is SQQQ very attractive right now?
David Richardson
Who here is building their survival fund by shorting literally everything?
BUY UWT If the price of oil keeps dropping we'll make our UWT losses up in cheap gas at the pump! And if the price of oil rises we'll be in that sweet UWT money! I'm guessing the alcoholics (Russians) and the boom boom boys (Arabs) will kiss and make up sooner rather than later.
So I'm new to investing in actual stocks but ive got mutual funds that work matches dollar for dollar and I understand how mutual funds work but I thought maybe I'd move into stocks and potentially options but havent the foggiest clue where to start. I was thinking in january when Corona chan started blowing up I should short airline and hotel stocks but that time has come and gone and I currently cant trade on margin anyways. I am reading some books and just lurking for the most part now checking out the stocks that everyone here is talking about it's very interesting I still havent made my first move because I feel like I still have a lot to learn but I'm enjoying it
thoughts: travel economy is going to be crippled and most will go bust for many years, china will bleed even more manufacturing bases to other countries -> service economy
Matthew Sanders
So, bottom at 23025 today?
Nathan Cook
> Gambling Oh yeah, things are about to turn around!...because. literally just not Alphaone Capital Founding Partner- Short DIS & AAPL, lots of China exposure.
Hudson Hughes
i lost 4$ playing this stupid meme game i want out
If they match dollar for dollar see what the max contribution is, as long as the mutual fund isn't just a furnace running on dollar notes that sounds like a basically guaranteed 100% ROI. Any leftover money you can use to play at the stock market
Jonathan Rivera
Alrighty, not too much money to play around with but I’ll buy maybe 4 or 5 shares.
>economy is strong trump said >massive loss in 2 weeks >launch an economic stimulus plan >news isnt even enough to keep the dow above water for a day Gee, that sure is a strong economy
Joshua Baker
hey biz i have a few pictures ive been saving for this
pre trade pump and dumps, I got fucked on mine, THEY HALTED TRADING ON MARATHON OIL
David Baker
>3% thats 9% I lost buy selling SPXU when SP500 was at 2.5 instead of holding
Asher Johnson
>will boomer industries like cruises and airlines survive corona?
dunno about cruises but I picked up some ATSG
Samuel Hill
It's just a retarded guest, imagine thinking people will buy stadia at this point in time lmao
Samuel Richardson
Market is redder than a virgin's blood.
Julian Morris
Yeah they match dollar for dollar up to 5 grand a year so basically every year I have 10k going into my mutual funds that's where I'm doing my serious investing for retirement I just wanna trade some stocks for fun and see what if anything I can do with a grand or two or three..
Austin Cruz
>travel economy is going to be crippled and most will go bust for many years, I agree. Considering the massive fallout of the fucked market, yes no one will have money to travel due to layoffs raping everyone of their jobs and people being paranoid of the travel industry itself for a good while to come. And if this causes any kinds of major material shortages, businesses are going to get the fuck out of China. I can easily see other cheap countries trying to capitalize on this and offering manufacturers good deals to switch over there from China.
Hunter Barnes
yes all big player airlines are cutting their flight scheduals by double digit percents, also grounding/discarding a lot of their fleet quantas, lufthansa even emirates are grounding their a380s, so you can imagine how much worse it is for the little guys
Another pump when DOW was reaching for a full 1% down
Cameron Scott
Kek, cause gold and other metals were hyper inflated. Try to sell physical gold. It's pennies on the dollar compared to what people are buying gold for
Ryder Moore
because I bought GUSH and then Bog's phone rang
Eli Evans
Holy shit, we have gone down 1000 points from the ATH today
we're no longer in the old bull or bear market paradigm, this is the bog market
Jeremiah Brown
SSO (DBPG for euroanons) is a 2x leveraged ETF based on the S&P 500 and it is one of the few leveraged ETFs that existed before the Great Financial Crisis of 2008. Had you bought SSO (DBPG) at the literal top of the market before the recession in October 2007, as of this moment, you would have gains of 176%. Had you bought the underlying SPY on the same day you would have gains of 98%. So had you bought the leveraged ETF, even at the worst possible time, you still would have ended up with almost double the gains today. Remember this the next time somebody throws shade on leveraged ETFs because of volatility decay. Buy the index based leveraged ETFs and win. Simple as that. And start buying now. Coronavirus could be as bad as the GFC and if you start buying in now with a little money and buy in more later as the prices drop you will still come out much better in the long run than buying SPY or worse, doing nothing at all. I'm buying and I'll be here when this thing is over to brag about my gains. Do not be afraid. We will get through this and this is your opportunity. Join me and get rich. >nb4 >we
Zero scope of reality. No awareness that extends beyond what the screen in front of them says.
Juan Wood
Ayden Garcia
What the fuck are you eating?
Levi Hill
What the fuck is this
Isaac Sullivan
Based and bearpilled
Noah Parker
SQQQ 3x levaraged, yes no maybe so?
Michael Wood
Why shouldn't I drop 500 dollarydoos on GUSH Is that shit getting dissolved its fucking 75 cents a share
Levi Rivera
I intend to ride SQQQ down to the bottom and TQQQ back up, am I retard or smart
Cooper Gomez
Dow 6000 by next year's "recovery"
Camden Wright
Benjamin Jones
Sir? The phone is ringing, he says it's for you
Noah Evans
Everything is just too good to be true
Daniel Taylor
>will boomer industries like cruises and airlines survive corona? Yes, however cruise companies in particular are going to take a massive hit from this. Expect announcements in the coming week/months regarding older ships being retired. It is hard to tell beyond this long term, but things are really not looking good for them or the many island nations whose economies are basically built around cruise tourism.
Airlines are central to modern transport and thus are to a degree sheltered from the worst service industry effects of the pandemic. However there is almost certainly going to be a consolidation spree as the major, still profitable companies gobble up the smaller airlines. Within the next year or to, expect much of the airline industry to resemble the current ultra consolidated cruise industry.
>what if corona is endemic? The boomers die off much faster, average life expectancy drops, public health systems become over stressed seasonally and tourism becomes an extremely seasonal activity resulting in mass unemployment in nations/regions that rely upon year-round tourism.
Because they still write corona off as the flu but get more scared each day
Ethan Cox
magaboomers will fall for this shit
Gabriel Johnson
dead cat bounce
Nathaniel Hill
Most likely not going to happen. Our nature prevails over all else. Necessities are what matter and all else is vanity. What matters is food supplies, of which we should still have plenty of animals to slaughter and farmland to utilize. Anything beyond that is deception.
Matthew Allen
Ayden Powell
>(you) don't want to die hungry on the streets... FTFY
Jaxson Turner
Well shit what happened to SQQQ?
Adrian Wright
>-20% Pump now though, and hey it's oil so as long as the ETF doesn't get shut down it'll go back up eventually.
Aaron Wood
I sold all my KNG and all my SPXL. fuck this shit, all in on crude.
The market is not supposed to behave like this, it is supposed to be predictive not reactive, but for at least a month now the market has been purely reactive with absolutely no foresight whatsoever. People are trading like we are going to revert to the fucking stone age because of this virus.
Logan Peterson
That had to be some institution collapsing and paying out or something
Wyatt Hernandez
Dow recovering because of press conference
Henry Hernandez
Possible? yes
William James
Pump is based on Trump/Pence live conference going on now
Daniel Scott
What is honestly going to happen when they and most other boomers die? Are we just going towards 'fuck you the military is assuming control' at the end and implode like Athens did?
Aaron Phillips
So you’re saying but even more? This train is just getting started.
I'd expect India to be up there as good choices for manufacturing, same goes for South America. I have heard that even India is too expensive, so people have been focusing on places like Bangladesh, but who the fuck knows. What I'm interested most is the raw material production. For example regardless of Indian manufacturing or more like assemling, China still provides all of the raw materials for things like drugs, so no one else can pick up the slack if and when that field gets fucked. I wonder if the raw material production will shift away from Chinks to others.
Also we might even see a revolution in China as the better living standard their people have gotten a taste of suddenly goes away as they start losing their jobs and banking sector gets fucked. And this whole Corona thing has pissed the hell out of the population. China might not even be that reliable of an option in the near future for delivering goods. Will be fascinating to see how this plays out.
How much lower d'ya reckon it will go? Zero if the industry is fucked?
It's down another 16% today. Why would you touch it at all?
David Ross
>sold KNG The whole point of KNG is never selling If you're going to sell it under any circumstances, then you shouldn't have bought it in the first place The KNG flowchart is like this: Buy -> Buy more -> Retire
Hudson Phillips
Evan Thomas
what the fuck is going on today YO-YO life is too much for me
Henry Rivera
>I intend to ride SQQQ down to the bottom and TQQQ back up, am I retard or smart If you can pull it off you'll do great but understand if it were so easy to just ride a short down and flip at the bottom to ride the long all the way back up everybody would be doing it. It's harder than it looks. Buying in a little and progressively more as it drops is pretty much a guaranteed to work strategy. Flipping short to long at just the right time or even close to it is much much harder. God speed
Jack Sanders
holy shit trump cured corona its over bearbros
Easton Taylor
What bullshit. They tickle the red and the plunge Protection team jumps in.
Alexander Gutierrez
it's the "policy response" that has been talked about for the past 24 hrs, but is going to cause the bears in here to shriek about manipulation
Landon Anderson
Bro, predictions are reactions extrapolating from the current situation.
And nobody is realistically expecting things to go well for the next couple of years at least.
Noah Rodriguez
>possible Absolutely, don't know how likely it is; Depends how strong the remaining pumps and "beginning of day recoveries" are