Italy stops banks

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no mo'gage payments? so u sayin they houses b free n shiet? SHEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTT

Might be red today or tomorrow at the least.

uh oh their fud narrative is slipping. that headlines teeters on exposing the real nature of this global market correction

Hey wait you can't do that. How the bankers supposed to make money.

Pretty based tbqh

yes goys have free money!!

They are probably just going to suspend mortgage payments. There is no way Italy can afford to pay for millions of mortgages--they are already too saddled with debt. The real question is, what about renters?

I would withhold rent too. If Shekelberg wants to evict me, come do it in person COOF.

gwopo here

if you don't pay me my interest i'll break both your legs goyim.

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>Italy to suspend mortgage payments
>"They're probably just going to suspend mortgage payments"


>suspending mortgage payments
you still owe money, whilst this could be useful if you lose paycheck, its not a big deal, you dont get free money.

you could probably call up your bank from any country in 2019 and ask for suspension for afew months.

>Italy stops mortgage payments and prevents people from leaving their home (except wagies who are "free" to return to their cage topkek)
>Iran stops rent payments and gives everyone 100GB free internet so they stay home
The NEET takeover has merely begun, wagies better stack up on ropes before they miss that train like they did with masks and hand sanitizer

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>fags in this thread assuming it's free gibs

I'm just further clarifying the headline, my guy.

>what about renters
they won't starve, be sure

imagine if corona virus brings UBI to the world. yanggang on suicide watch

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Blessed are the NEET, for they shall inherit the earth!

Will we see UniCredit collapse?

brb, withdrawing mah money from mah bank

>tfw you dont have to pay mortgage and your rentslaves still pay you rent

Well there goes the euro, Italy has the least liquid banks in Europe, this will only make a bad situation worse. Wonder how long till Italy either leave the EU or stop using the EURO.
Those are private contracts...i.e fucked

They can not pay you, what will you do? Kick them out? Break the law and force people ot of quaranten?

Only to privates and families. Which means that if you’re being paid a salary you live rent free, if you’re running a business you have to pay nonetheless while forced to close.
I think these traitors should be hanged.

It'll have to unless the system wants to get wrecked. Massive demand shock which will also lead to a supply shock once inventories are depleted, then the normies who didn't stack canned food will riot in the streets until everything collapses or the pot gets sweetened for people to go out and consoom again (which will drive up production as well and revive the economy) by giving everyone helicopter money

This is it lads, the only options going forward from here are utter collapse or NEET utopia. And either way, the boomercaust. We are living in historically comfy times.

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>normies are about to flood every inch of the internet

>suspend payments
>interest continues to accrue
they will make more money this way


Mortgage is not the only expense of rental property. It is actually one of the smallest costs of mine to be honest. So tenants would still have to pay or I would evict.

this, hardly charity by the bank unless they write the months off

Government orders tenants to stay inside.
Tenants stop paying.
user says they have to leave.

Are you a crazy person or just gread ate your brains? Forcing people to break law makes you a criminal. IQ 90.

You wrote the same thing over. That's not clarifying.

Is the goverment going to pay my real estate taxes? Is the governement going to pay my insurance. Is the goverment going to pay HOA fees? Is the government going to pay when something breaks? Exactly. Find somewhere else to live for free you lazy nigger.

>suspend mortgage payments
*screams hassidically*

I own a house. If government says they stay inside, they stay inside. Get fucked greedy idiot.

>I would evict
>call the police
>"Oy vey please officer go out into the corona infested streets and drag these people out of their home while they resist, claw at your face and cough on you"
>"H-hello? Officer? Hello is anyo- OY GEVALT DIS IS A SHOAH THEY HUNG UP ON ME"
WEW get fucked boomer, this is a NEET's world now, you're just allowed to live in it until Corona Chan claims you

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>trump will fuck over landlords.
Think about how trump makes money.

If police are not going to work. Then nobody is stopping me from forcing you out myself then.

Lol people like you will not survive what's comming.


Military and a deathsquads.
People breaking quaranten are not going to be asked twice.

The police are working, they're bagging anyone going outside and dumping them right back into their home or into some camp if they're gonna be difficult

>he thinks the state will allow chaos to spread and collapse the system just so some deluded boomer faggot can collect peanuts

you guys missing the bigger picture in this entire shitshow... italy has a bank system riddled with bad debt most of them probably derivatives of subprime mortgages...

there are two possibilities here 1) the government is trying to make bed for a covert bailout. in which case the taxpayers will pay for this eventually and more. 2) thy have no clue what they are playing with and the italian banking and financial sector will spectacularly collapse in the coming months.

oh and of course this will be worse than greece either way. a lot worse.

basically if you are an italian then withdraw all money from your accounts now buy gold and bitcoin with 20% of it keep the rest in notes.

Or buy pasta.

maybe not with all your money... but for 2 weeks sure why not i stashed up for 12 days of long shelf life water, food, milk and stuff and not even in italy. i still plan on buying stuff till i can little by little. no need to panic just plan ahead!

In addition, Italy basically has 3 industries

1. Heavy industry: Concentrated in the north which has been hardest hit by corona, and Pietro ain't going back to the death factory to put together FIATs

2. Tourism: [videos of tumbleweed blowing through the completely deserted streets of Venice, Rome and Milan]

3. Agriculture: Good luck getting anyone to eat anything made in Italy right now

It's over.

Pretty much my plan too. Ive been laying the groundwork for years to operate regardless of what else is happening. Hope none of my tenants are planning on not paying rent, after all the only thing that makes armed police special is societal agreement.

4th strongest economy in eu... this will be absolutely spectacular when it implodes. and i predicted it will around this time (within 1-2 years) anyhow without this outbreak. now i think it's coming sooner than later.

just be careful or your tenants gang up and hang you by your balls from a window.

You will get liquidated.

At least they're better than Chinese banks which still requires interest payment

Italy was causing some trouble to the globalists with blocking migrants and threatening to leave the EU. Makes you wonder why they got hit more than others...

ITT: salty as fuck slumlords. U fgts won't do shit. Better take them shackles and buy some bodyguards. If ur in burgerland and dont have police help to evict during a pandemic, ur going to have a bad time.

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>people like you will not stop what's cooming

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Install some ENB mods you faggot.

Ben? Is that you?

They already did. It started in the early 00s.

Yeah actually if the police won't evict non-paying tenants and you think it could be risky, then hiring others to do it would be a great solution. Bonus if the police aren't working you can sell their stuff or personal information.

soon I will buy your daughter for a bag of rice

Police will work. Their job will be to keep people INSIDE. Tenants will call the police on you, for making them break the law.
No one cares about you peanuts money idiots. We are closing whole countries up, spend hundreds of billions on fighting virus.
If you try it, you will go to prison. How retarded are you people?

and that's best case worst case you try to evict someone who has better mob connections (like relatives of a police officer) and you get castrated along with your little private army of tough guy landlords.

there are dangers in leaving the usual societal constructs. once you do others will probably also step up their game. which is why we have fucking law and police in the first place because it always escalates without exception to gang violence and blood feuds between clans.

All landlord brainlets: google curfew violation.
Now: google martial law

Then: kys greedy retards

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Police are people too, and cowardly as fuck ironically. Should be very entertaining.

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