tfw no amerimutt goblino gf

> tfw no amerimutt goblino gf
why even live bros

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Apparently she's about to star on blacked.coom

Shutup and leave this board immediately. The grown ups are about to trade.

there's something horribly wrong with her face

God I hate women so much bros

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But don't her fake tits make you want to give her money? She's so likable, inherently, because she has a vagina and tits.

If you don't like her, you must be an angry virgin.

Now imagine her without makeup

are you literally a nazi?
dailystormer has been shilling this ethot for days

is that a bogandoff?

nothing more superficial and empty inside that american women
even worse than the japanese or korean women

Source for this claim?

dailystormer is not nazi, Anglin is kike subversive propaganda, firmness with Kusher, see Purple user redactions, he is controlled opposition


She is going to age like shit.

then why is he getting banned from everywhere?

Yeah it's not crying and covered in coom

his jewish cuckold fantasy and an irrelevant petition

this is true

speaking as an American, American women are the ultimate consoomers. They're powerless to media influence and are raised to believe they are the best, strongest, and most important in existence. American women are the most easily influenced creatures on the planet; you just have to begin by telling them what they want to hear, and they'll start believing everything you say.

make no mistake, American men are similarly lost, but not on par with American women. It's bad.

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He said gf, not wife.


its neekolul shes being worshipped in neo nazi circles like dailystormer

Rent free

What's going on lately every other thread is Americans pls gimmie more cum

if you jerk off to this you are unironically a nazi

Yeesh, guess that other guy *really* fucking needed his weed and cartoons.

Attractive big milker catholic trad Castizo GF>Inbred evangelical white trash american GF

Staymad Yas Forumsfags

Yeah I know it's disconcerting when they're 3D and have real skin

where did you get that picture from

has an unattractive face but the makeup makes her look much better

>nothing more superficial and empty inside that american women
I bet you’ve never met a russian female then

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>shows off her tits on the internet

>> tfw no amerimutt goblino gf

Sorry to redpill you, bruh, but Amerimutt© Goblino® gf™:
- can't cook
- doesn't do chores
- can break up on a whim, even if it was an LTR
- is not virgin, because by the time she decides tto have a relationship, her cock mileage is bigger than Voyager 2's.

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It's her jaw and chin

It's pointless to compare whores, it's a global culture now and all holes have been hooked up to the CONSOOM KWEEN hivemind unless they live in some farming village on some remote, isolated mountain

For what?
Nvm i think i know why lol
Lmao at those replies tho

Whilst it is true, I think the situation is way better in high income countries.

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Too soon man. Too soon.

>your taxes would be going to cover loans of students who can afford wasting money on one of the most expensive phones on the market
Yeah I'm thinking Bernie is cringe.

NOOO not the Nazirinos not the heckin Hitlerinos

We’ve got plenty

Damon those neo nazi Bernie supporters!!! Someone needs to call a tech this timeline is broken.

It's five different races mushed together

She made a popular tik tok wearing a Bernie crop top saying “OK... BOOMER!” telling people to go vote for him and now every single side of the political spectrum is simping for her because she’s hot as shit.

She has a bf though so lol

Incel cope.


dailystormer literally rebranded to neekolul nation over this thot you might think this is a cute thot shaking her ass but its DANGEROUS whats happening here.

>every single side of the political spectrum is simping for her because she’s hot as shit
ngl senpai Im a seasoned nofapper but I feel an intense urge to coom and send her all my money these ethots are out of control.

haha good joke

She is pretty you fucking faggots.


lol you take shit way too seriously brah

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>lol you take shit way too seriously brah
thats what the jews said before they put them in death camps

Seethe harder

You know this pic was taken by an actual camera in front of her instead of it being the phone and a mirror selfie. Why would she pretend that it's with the phone. Women I swear. I hate them so fucking much. They literally only have dishonesty and shit in their brains. Fucking NPCs. Cunts.

Where can I find the petition for her to star on

I want to sign it

okay boomer

Have sex

So that you can make that very post

No way she has all this shit without a sugar daddy or a boomer paying somewhere along the line.

mutts law


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