Is this the time for BSV?

Is this the time for BSV?

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Scamming is easier when market is crashing.

Right around BTC halving we will see the great STIFFening begin

indeed but it won't go like you think it will go cashie scum

No dirty cashie why you accuse me of such things sirs?

you are a cashie common cashie or curry cashie same difference

No, it's a scam.

I mention the stiffening and you think I'm a cashie?

>BTC crashes
>this is good for BSV

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usually the word stiff is extensively used by curry cashies.

>BTC crashes
>BSV reigns supreme
Yes this is good

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lmfao BSVishnus will destroy their own utxo set

>muh terabyte blocks
kek you faggots are hilariously deluded
right now your shitcoin is processing 4 tx / s
most of it from a fucking weather app
anytime BTC farts, BSV completely shits the bed
a crash in BTC would take BSV back down to hte $50 range where it belongs

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BSV will never have "a time"

i agree and it gets worse when you look at miners reward from fees. should be absolutely horrifying for svtards. yet they still meme about the halving like it's good for them. lol.

I too can cherry pick tx/s times.

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I literally went on bitcoinblocks and took a snapshot.
but even at 200 tx / s it wont support BTC miners to switch to BSV en masse. BTC has 100x the hashpower do the math you deluded faggot kek

the issue is not the hashpower the haspower and price ratio will not change between forks. miner profitability will even out naturally.
the issue is the ratio of tx fees per block reward. it will drastically go up for bitcoin after the halving and already is substantial. meanwhile sv gets the shit end of the stick.

BTC hashrate will plummet post halving. We will be seeing many mining operations outside of places like China shut down operations.

At current levels the halving means that BTC rewards will drop by 53692.75 USD Per block. Operations within that margin area will have no choice but to kill their operations.

The price isnt going to sky rocket because Miners decide to sell higher. There are too many traders and too much existing BTC for a block reward reduction to have this effect because traders will just keep pushing them down.

Further, these operations that shut down may actually dump stacks to cover costs and take what profit they have actually pushing the price lower not higher.

>looks old
>is fat
i'm not convinced

>BTC hashrate will plummet post halving.
yeah this time it will be different sure.
>Operations within that margin area will have no choice but to kill their operations.
not really if you were a miner you would know what other trivial options exist.
but whatever we are not going to convince each other about shit here. let's just wait and see. i'm betting on bitcoin has been since 2011. let the shitforks show what they are made of.

32% fucking WEATHER ... and that's not even counting the weather data hidden under 'Payments'

holy shit I didn't realise the meme was actually true

nah it's normally 96% weather and bullshit only 32% is indeed extraordinary.
i'm sure svtards will show us in the whitepaper where storing stale unverifiable weather data and other garbage mad a global burden is the main purpose of bitcoin blockchain.

ok I need to come clean here Im actually all in on BSV but Ive been fudding it super hard lately and Im getting to the pint where Im starting to believe my own fud because no single BSVfag could refute it. fuck
maybe I have dun goofed again

It's halfway down on page 8. "By creating an artificial reason to store data in bigger than necessary blocks, BitCoin becomes centralised in fewer and fewer data-centres. Once there it becomes trivial to assign what once belonged to hodlers to, for instance, australian charlatans."

"In this paper, we propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer distributed
timestamp server to generate computational proof of the chronological order of transactions."

>timestamp server

You're welcome

yeah exactly but you don't seem to understand what it means and what it's purpose. i urge you to read the entire thing a few more times. or present how you double spend weather data and why it is bad.

>but you don't seem to understand what it means and what it's purpose

Feel free to grasp at straws all you want, I'll be over here laughing at you

okay but try to read the part about the function of the timestamping server the purpose... it involves a ledger and double spends you will find it. see timestamping weather data serves no purpose. it doesn't make it authentic or true anyways. timestamping transactions to avoid doublepends in a distributed byzantine tolerant way is the purpose of the blockchain.

>okay but try to read the part

I did, you're wrong

You can use bitcoin for anything you want as long as you pay for it and it abides by the rules


Otherwise, good luck with your controlled/supressed economics! I'm sure it will work great, kid

no you didn't. the blockchain is specifically a timestamping server for transactions read again! it can't validate anything else anyhow. no offchain data can be validated onchain. it's not possible nor was in the scope. and timestamping useless junk was never in the whitepaper. unless you can show me where...

>the blockchain is specifically a timestamping server for transactions read again!

They are transactions though, you should read up on what an OP_RETURN is sometime

>no offchain data can be validated onchain.

The point is to create long-term immutable datasets that cant be tampered with and are publicly/globally accessible, if you cant see the value in that then you've still got much to learn!

but you include unverfiable (and unverfied) data in the tx with is not validated thus worthless. in this usecase the transaction is just a carrier and entirely self serving to put the data onchain. at which point the timestamping server only verifies the miner fee paid.

it's beyond fucking pointless and useless.

>The point is to create long-term immutable datasets that cant be tampered with
yeah you will store spoofed false bullshit data immutable forever. congrats! also if immutability of data is the only purpose you don't even need to put the data onchain enough if you put the digest on a sidechain that is merge mined with bitcoin or tx pegged in it's consensus protocol.

>enough if you put the digest on a sidechain that is merge mined with bitcoin or tx pegged in it's consensus protocol.

I didnt see that in the whitepaper, can you point it out?

>10 minutes inbetween blocks
>3 second max validation time
what could possibly go wrong.

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>spam the blockchain with weather data
I didnt see that in the whitepaper, can you point it out?

>I didnt see that in the whitepaper, can you point it out?
no storing junk data is not in the whitepaper. but if you want to do it best do it smart.

"In this paper, we propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer distributed
timestamp server to generate computational proof of the chronological order of transactions."

>timestamp server

You're welcome

Never. Trash.

BSV hashrate will plummet post halving. We will be seeing many mining operations outside of places like INDIA shut down operations.

At current levels the halving means that BSV rewards will drop by 53692.75 ROUPIES Per block. Operations within that curry margin will have no choice but to kill their operations.

The price isnt going to sky rocket because Cows decide to sell higher. There are too many cows and too much existing BSV for a Vishnu to have this effect because pajeet bagholders will just keep shitting them down.

Further, these operations that shut down may actually dump publically to cover themselves for good health and take what streets they have; actually pushing the price lower, not higher

yeah but you are not reading your own sentence:
>a solution to the double-spending problem
>using a peer-to-peer distributed
timestamp server
>to generate computational proof of the chronological order of transactions
i hope this helps...
see transactions meaning transfer of bitcoins where the double spending would be an issue without a timestamp server... yeah reading comprehension nigga!

bitcoin doesn't actually timestamp data. you can only say that this piece of data (be it true or false who cares) already existed at this date (block height) sure. but it's a meaningless and worthless statement.

don't fucking tell them

>what is 0conf?
>oh never mind i am just a retarded core faggot

>bitcoin doesn't actually timestamp data.

Yes it does, here is a great example:

>it will drastically go up for bitcoin after the halving
you think btc will pump after the halving?

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>i dont understand difference between coinbase tx and regular tx

exactly see a smart contract has no way of knowing if that sentence is true or not. it can maybe only check if any utxo has had the same data before but it can't check if it's from 2009 or 1950... it can't check if there is a chancellor or if he is on the verge of a bailout or not. satoshi could have included "Armistice Day: World War I ends. At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the Great War ends." or "today is 2056/05/21 i sharted a nasty shart" and what wold that prove?

no the ratio of fees in reward would go up drastically either way as subsidy is halved.

"Blockchain as a data and framework store presents a number of advantages over the Internet or over internal stores. By way of two exemplary challenges to the AI world, we present how blockchain can address these in novel ways.
One of the biggest challenges in data science today is the collection of a proper dataset, which can be utilized for training a neural network. The pluralism of data over the Internet is enormous, but the quality is minimal due to the habit of people to post inaccurate things, mainly, because there is no control. The cryptographic inventions of digital signatures and hashes have led to a general technique for making data reliable within the context and limitations of the technical means, a characteristic called integrity. In practice this means that we can state with (cryptographic) certainty that a piece of data existed no later than a particular time, and that it remains untampered with. These cryptographic techniques need some software to deliver results. Timestamping [28] involves taking the hash of a document and placing it in a timed sequence of hashes that is kept alive essentially without limit on time. Each new document’s hash is placed in a block, which is then hashed, along with a hash of the last block and the current time. As the cryptographic hash is essentially unforgeable without the actual block, this ensures both the inclusion of the new document(s) and the proof that the last block, and by induction all previous blocks and included documents, are securely timestamped. The reliability of the stamp of time is the reliability of the recording of the time in each block, and the space between the blocks."

>but the quality is minimal due to the habit of people to post inaccurate things
of course but no blockchain gonna change that magically by handwavium
>this means that we can state with (cryptographic) certainty that a piece of data existed no later than a particular time
what i said yes and it's worthless and meaningless in itself

there is nothing not already discussed in there. the conclusion of that document is part daydreaming part bullshitting par wishful thinking and ignoring the harsh reality. we have absolutely no way to validate offchain data onchain. and that's the end of it.

which is why chainlink is utterly worthless even tho they put a billion times more effort into this crap than any svtard.

and here is one more thing to consider:
bitcoin to act as a "timestamping server" doesn't need to store the blockchain and the provably unspendable utxos (op_return data).

there are no incentives to do so. it only adds cost with no benefit. the blockchain and the utxo set will be heavily pruned in the future. which makes this entire bullshit about storing data absolutely moot.

just saying. the future is bitcoin as hard money. not bitcoin as a garbage dump of stale unverified data.

>the blockchain and the utxo set will be heavily pruned in the future.

(Citation needed)

it's the natural evolution of the protocol. there is absolutely no need to keep all that junk. if bitcoin ever experienced a 100 deep reorg then it's already in deep enough shit to consider it a failed project. as for the utxo again why ever would anyone keep provably unspendable utxos? it's junk.

all we need to keep is the chain of block headers and the last 100 blocks and the part of the utxo that can be actually spent. it's the future.

t. 146.7 BSV future whale

Just stiff it and keep it immutable!

I love how many staged photos Craig has trying to make him seem badass.

He's a fat piece of shit and a bad liar.

you will be stiffed alright

where can you even buy this great fork of a coin? im asking unironically

>it's the natural evolution of the protocol. there is absolutely no need to keep all that junk. if bitcoin ever experienced a 100 deep reorg then it's already in deep enough shit to consider it a failed project. as for the utxo again why ever would anyone keep provably unspendable utxos? it's junk.

>all we need to keep is the chain of block headers and the last 100 blocks and the part of the utxo that can be actually spent. it's the future.

Yeah, good luck with that!

there is only one problem with this right now and it's completely solvable. if you don't keep the blocks nodes have no way of building or updating their utxo trustlessly. that's the singular reason why this is not yet the standard practice.

the solution is simple, serialize the previous utxo set before a block make a digest and include it in the coinbase tx. alter consensus protocol to reject blocks without it checking out. then alter the network protocol so that nodes can request utxo sets by hash. and that's it. you can delete the entire fucking blockchain only keep the top part that participates actively in consensus maybe a few archiving nodes can keep the full thing why not. it's not like they have to be trusted or relied on.

Feel free to add a pull request to Bitcoin Core I guess

i will. i need to finish an other project first but will start working on this eoy as latest. unless someone beats me to it.

also obviously when serializing the utxo you only include spendable or at least non 0 outputs otherwise optional pruning the utxoset becomes problematic.

Is this shit still alive? Does no bitcoin fork in this space ever die? Holy

BTC is the fork. BSV is the original. buy BSV