Why are white genetics so much more superior?

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Let's see OP's superior genetics...

lol shitskin seethe
I'm not posting my info here

this is literally me

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kek'd and checked

I'm white but makes no difference
Are you Jewish?

Jihan Wu - Forbeswww.forbes.com profile jihan-wu
REAL TIME NET WORTH. $1.8B. as of 3/7/20. Jihan Wu is the cofounder and chairman of Chinese mining-chip giant Bitmain Technologies

no are you lol

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I dont think you know what "genetic" means idiot

enlighten us with your wisdom faggot

no matter how many billions he has
he will never be anything more than a manlet
even his children will suffer from this genetic flaw
his small man syndrome cost him 700 million speculating on bcash lol

go back man

whites are bumbling idiots.

You relate length to superiority? Is giraffe the most superior ?

>believing the jew media's lies
while living a country fully developed by whites
you shitskins will look back on this era and weep

look harder
which expressions are more appealing?

Whites are the strongest smartest most beautiful race on this planet
we are the only ones able to produce colorful expressions in our eyes and hair
the inquisitive mind is naturally a white trait

the greatest invention of a black man ever had was when he chewed up peanuts and made peanut butter and we spent a whole month studying this incredible feat in public school
this ridiculous mental gymnastics costs us our economy
hire a black hire a woman hire a pajeet and boom economy crashes and we don't know why

white western europeans are also the most cucked race. doesn't matter how superior your genes are if members of your own race are actively pushing towards self-destruction.
>b-but we'll just breed with hot asian girls!
and approx 30-50% of your hapa kids will be ugly or awkward. it's uncommon for hapas to be beautiful, you only see the good ones, rarely the fucked up ones like elliot.


I know hapa brothers
one is a grammy winning country artist and the other is 29 years old living in his parents basement recovering addict
It's a roll of the dice nobody should ever take

Pol posting runs off insiders and oldfags. Keep it to your containment board moron do you want to get rich or not

Are you on crack?Aussie anglos are bleaching them on their own soil in 70 years a sizeable amount of asians will be half white before they even get to the west!
there are signs at mangapura and denpasar pleading for Australian tourists to not impregnate the local women if they do not have any intent of marrying them because they will be shunned by the community, all these legends then go home and marry white women and start real families knowing they have done their part to ensure the anglo will always be the alpha race.

The only reason why any other races exist is because whites have helped them survive and develop since the beginning when whites conquered the oceans and trade routes

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These are the people online talking about "the white race"

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6 of them are jews .

None of them look particularly Jewish. Guy with dark hair and glasses is a maybe.

and those people are all exceptional human beings
probably all have 120+ IQ in engineering school where they had to beat their peers not only on merit but also on the sliding scale of fuck whitey diversity scholarship quotas

How do you cope with not being white OP?

Not American but they look quite good. Better than most of people in this world. You must be a jelly mutt.

Don't piss in my face and tell me its bloody raining schlmo !

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How’s the weather in Israel ? Change of mortars?

Why is it that only that white people with recessive traits can maintain civilizations?
This is proven over and over again in every culture around the world
when the white genetics get mixed out the society falls
then the remaining whites have to rebuild somewhere else for the next 7,000 years

It's a cycle we're stuck in
the white man's burden
it's a real shame we can't just forget about lower races and make it to space

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You're projecting
They don't have the jew schnozz, one in the glasses does
Sloped forehead, beady goblin eyes and low facial symetry arent enough. They look like typical anglos

Jews ARE white in america lmao

Jews can't be white
They're Jews
If they were white they wouldn't be Jews

Jews own your corporations and dominate your government. Stop being delusional you dumb white monkey. You aren't much better than a nigger when observed by the higher types

>cry about kikes

Cry harder kikes. And tell your fed chairman Mozal tov.

Protip: I’m sure a “non jew” white faggot will correct the spelling cuz “he’s hates Jews and isn’t one”.

through subversion, child rape, extortion, etc.
this is the jewish mind

when whites build something it's through strength perseverance, unity, team work

what have the jews done with they kingdom?
they've ran it into the ground.

a couple white nerds are going to liberate the world, for free, again, with bitcoin but I'm sure some shitter will find a way to fuck it up in 400 years

I know you are trolling but there are low IQ who probably think so.

They’re not even married. All they have is some money they stole from a Jew. No one even loves them enough to have children with them, and they go everywhere together. Sounds homo incest to me, but white faggots praise this kind of dna. Makes sense. White power, faggots.

Why are people so fixated on genetics on this board. Don’t they realize you are not your forefathers and what happened in the past does not dictate the future. If white people are so superior than everyone else why don’t they just say it to my face.

How can a superior race also be the most insecure and the most evil

Jews run crypto kid and satoshi is jewish

It’s like that retarded kid in school that everyone feels sorry for, so the cheerleaders are nice to him even though he’s retarded and no one can stand to be around him. But since all the cheerleaders are nice to him, he gets a fat head and starts to think he’s something that he’s not so he goes around being an asshole to everyone. These poltard white nationalists are that retarded kid but irl cheerleaders don’t even talk to him and he gets his fat head from talking to other white faggots that buttfuck his ass.

What does any of that have to do with Jews not being white?

Jews aren't white. How could Jews exist as a group if they were white? You can't convert to Judaism, it's matrilineal. Jews don't consider you a Jew if you just decide to LARP as a Jew one day

read this book before you comment on genetics ever again

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We've created one of the most successful countries in the world while fighting away hordes of Arabs. So there's that. And no, it's not because the US started giving us some weapons since 1973

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Kikes are evil parasites, but not superior since they need a host to survive.

This, but unironically. But it doesn't matter


Yea yea just some good goys nothing to see

>If white people are so superior than everyone else why don’t they just say it to my face.
I'll say it to your face

Sadly a lot of people let the media convince them of lies. You say the past does not dictate the future but also say we're insecure and evil. Where did you get those assumptions?

You need to respect the past and bring it into your soul. Find a great achievement from the past and it'll give you motivation and energy into the future.

To disregard feats from the past is a jewish trick to knock you down a peg
the jewish mind only celebrates victimhood and can't appreciate achievements so they broadcast hate of greater races on the tele

>doesn’t understand wanting/being Jewish vs being born into jew
>also doesn’t understand New Testament

Go get fucked up the ass by your poltard faggot boyfriends.

No argument

oh jesus christ you sank a US war ship with our own weapons to cover up your war crimes
jews can only take pot shots at unarmed protestors they've never shown any strength or honor

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>having to tell yourself youre better than teens acting like teens
Just HOW HARD are you seething right now?

Literally in the law, jews are white

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Not your weapons. It was 1967. The US was barely an ally back then. They've sent an espionage ship into a war zone without telling us about it and expecting us to know it's not Egyptian.

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OP is singlehandedly saving the world by praising white people on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

Did you know God is white, too? And he created the world! wow is there anything we can't do?

I am a level of pure anglo that only exists in relic populations in the furthest frontiers of what was once the mighty the British empire !

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That pic are semites(gods for the primitive races). The nose gives it away, also they often have blue eyes and red hair, see pharaohs.

did you literally just doxx yourself as a fat retard and think that was bullish for white people?


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the majority of people as a whole in the u.s is white doesn’t mean you’ll end up as the president of the United States just because of “genetics and race”. You’ve simply been cucked into believing you’re superior than your African American, Asian and Jewish brothers because your white peers were insecure enough and utilized mass social media engineering to have it embedded in your brain. You’re nothing more than a insecure human being. How can a whitey with no rational or sympathy for others be a “superior race” when you participate in constant shit throwing contests when deep down you know it’s just bullshit. You’re just as poor and untitled like the rest of us. Everyone has to work, everyone has to find happiness not everyone has equal opportunity but that’s because of that white insecurity.

>getting your ideas about genetics from a 25 year old book written by a psychologist and a political scientist
L M A O I suppose proper scientific biology textbooks are a bit too dense for you. Literally airport-tier literature

Maybe in some temporary laws written by Jews or good goys, irrelevant
>Jewish identity is also commonly defined through ethnicity. The majority of Jews see being Jewish as predominantly a matter of ancestry and culture, rather than religion
>The Israeli Chief Rabbinate requires documents proving the Jewishness of one’s mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother when applying for marriage.
>All Jewish religious movements agree that a person may be a Jew either by birth or through conversion. According to halakha, a Jew by birth must be born to a Jewish mother. Halakha states that the acceptance of the principles and practices of Judaism does not make a person a Jew. However, those born Jewish do not lose that status because they cease to be observant Jews, even if they adopt the practices of another religion.[10]
>According to halakha, to determine a person's Jewish status (Hebrew: yuhasin) one needs to consider the status of both parents. If both parents are Jewish, their child will also be considered Jewish, and the child takes the status of the father (e.g., as a kohen). If either parent is subject to a genealogical disability (e.g., is a mamzer) then the child is also subject to that disability. If one of the parents is not Jewish, the rule is that the child takes the status of the mother (Kiddushin 68b, Shulchan Aruch, EH 4:19).[12] The ruling is derived from various sources including Deuteronomy 7:1–5, Leviticus 24:10, Ezra 10:2–3.[12] Accordingly, if the mother is Jewish, so is her child, and if she is not Jewish, neither is her child considered Jewish
Jews can only exist through racism that they're apparently so adamantly against when larping as white in the West. Jews aren't white

Why is it that I have to deal with new races, cultures, genders, constantly being forced down my throat
How did a pack of somali refugees get dropped off in my small town america
Why is a transvestite reading to my child
And why am I insecure and the asshole for being upset about this

all you people need to fuck off
it's so obvious when white men aren't in control things degrade to filth