Nicholas J. Fuentes browses this board. How does that make you feel, Yas Forums?
Nicholas J. Fuentes browses this board. How does that make you feel, Yas Forums?
don't give a shit
Time to sell, the normies are here
It’s make me want to go long a nationalist movement that will stop nig nogs and spics from living off of gibs so my private property doesn’t get vandalized by Jamal and Juan
looks like a queer
He's based, but this thread is cringe. Sage
Isn't this kid a spic?
literal who?
spic-mutt yeah
couldn't give a shit, he's probably a marine though
so what the fuck is he anyway? tradcon? alt-right? grifter? i'm not sure.
he's definitely not a science person, doesn't believe in dinosaurs because they were too big, even though there are whales living today that are bigger than most dinos.
Am chad so good to know other chads browse here as well.
he's a mutt, and he uses that often to divert away from white nationalists when pressed from that angle.
Nick is a good man. He destroyed Patrick Little, an absolute fraud addict. Nick holds Link because his friend Shawn mccaffrey told him to
cringe christian and useful idiot.
>Isn't even a member of Congress
>believes in sky wizards.
>over the age of 13
I highly doubt he does browse this board; not enough cat-boi tranny furry porn for him here.
>doesn't respect the Creator of all things
D&C shill detected
nickles fuentes still feeds off his mommies milkers
>creator of all things
>what created the creator ???
Yikes. Always a wild ride on the rollercoaster of christian apologism.
Your question implies there's a Creator... so I guess you really do believe.
keep this shit off Yas Forums and fuck off back to your sub 500 follower meme twitter account
>can't wrap his head around an eternal God
Never gonna make it.
No. The onus of proof is on your religion to explain it.
Honestly boggles my mind when i come on Yas Forums and you meet people which are unironically religious, especially christians. Its a mind boggler, and equivalent of a bucket of water to the face when sleeping. Escaping the normie filled world to a place where introverts and well read people talk and they still believe in a 2000 year old fairy tale with no evidence to substantiate it, and with hundreds and years of misgivings by priests and pastors.
The Creation itself makes an account for a Creator. What is the beginning of anything? Nothing comes from nowhere. Now, to suggest that the Creator needs to be created implies a "beginning." Yet time is an element of our third dimension, and not an element of Eternity. If there is no time, there is no need for a beginning. Perhaps the Creator never wasn't.
imagine the size of that lemon stack
>The onus of proof is on your religion to explain it.
it's faith you brain-dead retard. just like you have faith in the big bang. neither is scientific. you just sound like that faggot athiest edgelord in highschool who thinks it's logical for something to come from nothing.
>Its that episode where religious apologist gives the kalam cosmological argument again.
Yikes dude. I only believe in one less religion than you do ahhaahahahahah.
Where did I state I 'have faith' in the big bang? What you have done is called a straw man argument :)
Please note that atheism has nothing to do with science. I could be an atheist 5000 years ago, or 5000 years into the future. All atheism means is to not believe in fairy tales. Do you believe in the loch ness monster?
You just keep repeating "yikes," doesn't seem worth it to continue. All you have to do is think to reach the correct conclusions.
How do you know this closeted homo browses this place
>Can't refute comment
>throws all his toys out of his cot
Hahaha. The irony of you telling me to think.
Its ok bro, just read the bible harder and think about the passages!!1!11 :)
point being is that you don't deny believing in the big bang theory, which isn't logical. which is funny when you bring up logical fallacies 101. thanks for confirming you're retarded, you can go now
go back to 2004
this Nicholas Fuentes guy should be shaking in his boots, because *I* browse this board
I'm the first response and all you said was you believe in one less religion than I do... there's nothing to refute. I believe in what's true. You believe in your narrative, you aren't different. The claim that the Bible is untrue and that "God don't real" is simply your personal worldview and nothing more. It's your religion. I believe in answers. You believe in denial.
he's mentioned it multiple times on his show
I don't know anything about the big bang theory :) How can I believe or disbelieve in something I don't know anything about?
Do you deny believing in the loch ness monster, flying spaghetti monster or ancient aliens?
Religious apologist always have to resort to repackaging the meaning of atheism. Usually done as you have, assuming that disbelief in sky wizard faries results in the 'belief' in scientific theories.
I can both not believe in your god, and have no idea of what a big bang is - in the same exact way an atheist would 3000 years ago.
The answer to what created the universe is a humble, and most likely annoying to you, "I don't know" :)
Unfortunately christians all know the answer - 'GOD DID IT!!1111!! All part of GODS PLAN!!!1111 even when the universe was made in 7 days but actually what god meant was thousands of years and woops forgot dinosuars and woops also hahah everything used to orbit earth but woops just another challenge by god to keep us in faith ahaha"
I don't believe in any narrative. I don't believe in anything. Thats the point, numpty:)
>I don't believe in any narrative
>I don't believe in anything
Not believing in anything is a narrative. You're contradicting yourself within two sentences without even realizing it.
Kek this guy looks like someone shrank his face right after his eyebrows
If I haven't ever heard of something in my life, how is that a narrative?
Is every religion in your life, every food you have never heard of, every song in every language you don't know of, every book you haven't read or person you haven't spoken to - a narrative?
Yikes dude. Have you ever read a philosophy book? lmao.
Imagine thinking that because you have never heard of a meat pie, and thus no reason to randomly envision one in your mind, its part of your narrative. It is the literal opposite of a narrative. I feel bad for you. Clearly you have been manipulated as a child into believing in falsehoods. I pray to god that you don't manipulate any children in your life - that would be very sad.
Intelligent guy with the right ideology.
Articulate, good at debating, inquisitive with a lot of knowledge at his age.
Xerox him 1.000.000x and America can be saved
>I don't believe in anything
imagine being so ignorant as to claim this
unironically read some metaphysics
>passive aggressive
>shame tactics
It's ok, you'll grow out of it.
Forgot to add his weakness - being kind of cringe. Bit of a manchild, although he's still young. He needs to grow up a bit. Become a real man.
>The answer to what created the universe is a humble, and most likely annoying to you, "I don't know" :)
that means you're agnostic you literal fucking retard
hi nick
Literally the off-brand version of Dave Franco
and before you answer with your brainlet meatpie analogy: i'm not talking about anything contingent in experience, but something inherent in experience. you have a belief about these things because you're a rational being, you just don't know what your own presuppositions are. being alive requires presuppositional beliefs regarding those things which are inherently participatory in every action. a meat pie is not.
unironically, you'll enjoy browsing reddit more than using this site. go give it a try
AHAHAHA. Ok dude. I'll go read some deepak chopra. Then ill look into astrology. Then some eastern religion. Then maybe ill do heaps of drugs, and finally i will know the answer!!111!!!! It was jeebus all along!
>upset someone is critical of groups of people that intentionally manipulate children
Sorry buddy. You manipulate and molest the minds of children. Ironically enough, I grew out of religion, and feel bad for those that haven't and still believe in the nonsense. It's like im speaking to NPC's or zombies. Is anyone home in there?
It actually doesn't mean i'm agnostic whatsoever. Your take is a typically normie take resemblent of a religious or 'spiritual' person. Answer me this. Are you ag-loch ness monster? Are you ag-tooth fairy? You most likely do not believe in them, but it is impossible to 'KNOW' they don't exist. For all intents and purposes, I live my life as if they and god(s) don't exist. It is impossible to prove something doesn't exist - see bertrand russels teapot analogy. Look in the mirror, or in a book, retard ;)
>basing rhetoic based arguments on yet more rhetoric based arguments
Its cool mate. Just keep talking and banging out paragraphs with buzzwords and appeals to completely un-testable, repeatable or verifiable topics. You just need faith bro!!! You don't understand bro!!!1 It conveniently doesnt exist yet exists in this realm bro just read the book and manipulate children bro!!!111
Unironically, I most likely have been here, and in churches longer than you my fellow compatriot. I made sure to reddit space this for you, so you have some ammunition for your next reply ;)
it can be arrived at through reason alone. i'm not talking about Christianity.
Neither am I :) Just do DMT bro!! Astral plane awaits!!1
I realize this is just a meme, but every single culture has had a concept of a Creator. To imply God is a Jewish invention is not even worthy of being considered an argument.
>every single culture has has a concept of a creator.
Are you actually dumb mate, or do you retcon history to match what you want it to? Fucking LOL if you think cargo cults having stories regaling white man accidentally crashing a boat with supplies into an island and that making them think they are wizards from the future means your religion is real too bro! Look, these guys believe in ficiton too1!!!!!
If you think other cultures having faith in sky wizards with stories, laws and customs at ends with your own somehow legitimises your religion more, you have to be one of the dumbest, sheeple I have ever had the displeasure of talking to on this website.
Lol this little zoomer's early high-school access shows are hilarious. Imagine being 15 and actually being really into the GOP. Then over a summer finding Yas Forums and thinking Yas Forums is irl.
We should bring bullying back because this cunt shouldn't have walked out of high school with a full set of teeth.
>cargo cults
What are we talking about here? I'm talking about nations, not random clubs. Name one people throughout history that had no religion of any kind. It doesn't exist.