You guys weren’t kidding were you?

You guys weren’t kidding were you?
This is going to be one of the most monetarily valuable assets in the world in 5-10 years.
You’re buying digital real estate that you’ll essentially rent out to large corporations to handle the massive amounts of data coming in all the time.
This might be the first trillion dollar market cap crypto

Attached: 6FA6F7A3-2839-4798-BA0E-015DDF4785D7.jpg (1023x531, 238.38K)

explain chain link to me like im a 5th grader

Yep and when you combine it with what RLC is doing with Cloud Computing you realize the future belongs to both of them.

Attached: iexec-link.jpg (1077x1600, 121.93K)

number go up, don't sell

Attached: D6zRSDTXoAAPFkO.png (490x899, 111.6K)

Spend a summer in Guatemala picking beans and it'll all make sense.

You can buy more candy if you can get your parents to buy link

a shitcoin you should buy because the hype is real

connects everything to everything
cheaper and more efficient

Attached: 1581513009960.jpg (1152x6352, 1.29M)

Copy this folio if you want to make it. Only correction to literally the perfect folio would be 50k more link which is what you need to make it.

Attached: FEAEA6F6-D22E-4E33-AF58-4E6EFC456459.jpg (828x1125, 162.04K)

Based Guatemala bean picker user

It's literally a scam and all partnerships have been debunked. Stay away from this shit like poison.

>You’re buying digital real estate

Fuck i knew it was Second Life

Brigadier general and all in LINK !
Why do you have that boomer coin in your portfolio ?


>tamper proof inputs
No such thing.

Take rainfall in a location, for example various factors can cause the results to be unreliable.
>strong wind affects the amount of water that makes it in to the gauge
>bird is sleeping on top of the gauge
>someone that wants to tamper with the results takes a sponge to the gauge to draw out water

Nobody that does serious business would leave their data to third party instances of "maybe".

Would be a shame if institutions used a different token they made themselves on a copycat network

It's beautiful. I have a nice LINK stack and I'm currently accumulating BTC.

Forced meme

>bird is sleeping on top of the gauge

You absolute fucking retard. How on earth can someone be this stupid?

Have you ever considered extrapolating a error percentage to a certain population of measuring devices to get reliable results?

You are either a retard or a shitty fudder. Either way, get fucked faggot.

Imagine you do a pee pee then you do a poo poo

pee pee poo poo in the butt

Reminder that chainlink value is already overvalued even if you account for all the possible use case in the world, Chainlink always was a legit project but the scoop never was huge like some faggots here claim, Really show about the nature of the crypto market desu.

>5-10 years

Attached: 1583726339544.jpg (500x436, 35.52K)

sure let them do it. let's see if it'll ever be decentralized enough or even have the same amount of network-effects. the bigger link's marketcap gets the less likely competition will eat away at it.

cope cope cope

You had over 2 years

Kys weeb fagot

It's an elaborate crypto scam you simp

what about when number go down?

>price dropping hard so all the bagholders spamming their little cuck infographics


russian scam

This. People think here that 1k is fud lmao
Yeah bro chainlink will be worth 10 trillion dollars
You don't understand now the financial sector operates, anything that gets too big or too threatening is controlled or attacked/reduced to submisison
Example: bitcoin
Bitcoin was compromised (blockstream) before it even came close to 100 billion

i am gonna be so rich i'll be able to have a korean harem

Attached: [V LIVE] [FULL] TWICE 'Heart Shaker' Special V LIVE-51278-[].webm (1920x1080, 2.71M)

i am gonna laugh when chainlink is 10 dollars a year from now

But those girls complain when you stick it in all the way. She probably doesn't do anal either and gives shitty half arsed blowies too. I'd rather get a girl who can take it deep

No, user, it's an ERC-20 token and will bleed like all the rest soon. Buy Nervos.

>But those girls complain when you stick it in all the way
Won't be a problem for me

Attached: 1570041443703.png (750x5460, 947.35K)

number go up, don't sell

>Nobody that does serious business would leave their data to third party instances of "maybe"

How is this different from what we are currently running.

Dream goals.
I'm currently
100 link
400 Rlc
10000 pnk

Big announcement in a couple months I'm running at of time bros I need a make it size stack

Checked. Try to get a suicide stack at least dude

[REDACTED] will be valuable. but you can't buy any.

How much you thinking is suicide stack size?

blockchain: ledger of data, untamperable
smart contract: automatic processes executed on chain, with no check or supervision, because untamperable
decentralized: no central authority that can stop, delay, modify part of the chain. once it's running no one can stop it.
oracle problem: on chain process (smart contract) are useless without connection to real world data. Once you create an entry point for the date, you've "centralized" the chain around this entry poit. Anyone who controls the data, controls the chain, which is no longer decentralized, thus no longer, untamperable, thus useless.

chainlink aims to solve this problem and promise of value lies in Chinlink becoming the standard for data input on every chain ever.

Love bottoming out girls like this desu
Buy PNK if you want a life like me

>oh oops i forgot to send the check so i could shore up my position
>hey are you sure the terms of the contract were met? my lawyer says that they weren't and he'll sue if you disagree
>haha i didn't sign that agreement. see that's my name but it's not MY signature
>what do you mean my cousin improperly handled the escrow that's an outrageous thing to say haha

Thanks user. I'll buy more of what your post is pointing towards.

Buy more before number go up more.

I can't believe some people are mad that chainlink can't reach absolute truth. Nothing can. They're not building some machine god to implement an actual god protocol. It's just some infrastructure that works with other existing infrastructure.

explain chain link to me like im a James Clerk Maxwell

Steinmetz simplified his equations. No one has solved some of them even to this day.
One thing is for sure he'd be loading up on link because he was intelligent.

I'd say 1k tbqh my guy. Although some will say 10k. But most people haven't got 40 grand lying around.

Try to get 5K it at all possible

>It's literally a scam and all partnerships have been debunked. Stay away from this shit like poison.

LINK was made for financial sector fucking brainlet

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fuck off pajeet

Shilling link at 4 dollars
Imagine buying this for 4 dollars.
Buy at 1 dollar, not higher

tell me more about why BSV coin is good sir

shilling normies and newfags your 2018 bags can only get you so far lmao