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Enjoy the green while you can Bullfags

>mfw I can post this picture unironically now

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we crypto now

so the majority of the time? How long do you wanna not be the house?

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Yeah, I'm thinking the Japs are based.

stop going up nikkei right now

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next op


no memes but how should i learn about trading, and what to do?
i'm in college right now, and my dad operates a stockbroking company. he doesn't really want to teach me much about it, but i can't help but see that there's a lot of money to be made.
my total experience with trading is that i put like $2000 in eth, and i spent a couple days staring at candlesticks and losing money, and then i just waited a year and i had like $3500.

i just feel a bit clueless. like i can read articles and watch youtube videos but it feels like everyone is trying to sell me something. like, if you knew "the secret", why the fuck would you educate your fellow man instead of profiting like crazy?

in my mind, stocks are like this ephemeral monopoly money and if you do it right you can make millions of bucks for not much work, but i mean my dad is handling portfolios for multi-millionaires and seems to regularly profit, so there must be some sort of trick to it.

i've taken a micro and macro economics course in the past semesters. it just seems like i should at least be involved with stocks, because i have money just sitting in bank accounts. i'd hate to wish i'd started 10 years ago.

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you've seen the temperatures in the places it is really spreading with high R0?

List the temp of qom during maximal spread.

just go all in on botchedcoin

Malazan Series
Foundation Series
Dune Series

Then be interested in History.

Girls don't trade

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Green day tomorrow Yas Forumsros

theres plenty of good books in the OP
and investopedia gives it to you pretty straight
avoid online """"gurus""" like the plague. youre instinct serves you well. 99% of them dont make money from trading, they make it from scamming clueless saps looking for the """secret"""

Someone explain to a brainlet what was said at the conference and what that means.

Just put in an amount you are 100% fine with losing, then just jump in. Read the links in the OP
You can try paper trading but for me not having my choices actually matter made it so I didn't take it seriously at all
Also stay away from options because that shit is like crack once you make a 100% gain in one day and try to chase that high recklessly when starting out.

Uncertainty on what bailout/stimulus will pass congress and get signed is added to the game. Putting a little doubt in bear's minds.

Also rumors of bailouts planned for oil and airlines.

also after a drop like that it's almost certainly going to have weeded out most sellers, leaving a bit more buying on the table for tomorrow. I don't think we will get enough momentum of negative news, people really freaked out already.

Soon we /goupwithbadvirusnews/

Get used to this phrase, "the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent"; you're about to hear it 1,000 times in the next month.

Based and didn’t help me at all as a trader but was very interesting pilled

I bought GUSH in AH for a bounce play tomorrow.


If you don't think that shale oil has been a major US foreign policy goal since the war on terror is something which will be protected against the actions of those most likely to spontaneously combust and illiterate Siberian cabbage farmers, you're full fucking retard.

It is a matter of national defense which those who glow in the dark will not allow to fail, they've spent a decade getting it up and running.

I have not
R naught pill me now in rate of transmission
Is it accelerating in warm temperatures?

option 1)
but stonk. get someone to buy stonk from you at a higher price

option 2)
guess which way a stonk is going to move. buy option. if you're right, get someone to buy option from you at a higher price

So when exactly can we expect Russia and Iran to orchestrate an attack on another oil plant or some shit to boost oil prices? Probably gonna do a nice little QM trade at around 31 in hope of it filling the gap

careful dude

Great fucking shoot

Got me busting up

The red pill.

This virus is going to be extremely seasonal.

I could stop it spreading worldwide with a snap of my fingers if I any lever to do so. Literally, just getting people to turn up temperature would solve the spread.

so basically. Each month R0 decreases, the only problem is we have so much fucking AC.

You have had to notice the "bad spread" countries are all northern hemisphere.

Or tell me that india is somehow more hygenic and clean than Japan and Italy.


just really kill this thing's R0


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>market goes up
I buy.
>market goes down
I buy.

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Green tomorrow, losses will continue Wednesday. You've been warned.

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true but DAX futures are somehow up 5.2%, that's pretty irrational given the new Italy news
not even the US markets are that high and they're the ones supposedly getting stimulus tomorrow

>Just buy ETFs
>Read all of Investopedia
>Don't listen to "analysts" and "media"

real Americans will buy at opening tomorrow, assuming they have any money left to buy with

otherwise gtfo this fine country

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If Ruskies wanted to boost prices they could have just agreed to OPEC's proposal. That's not their goal here. Iraq never complies with OPEC so they're not really part of the equation.

No worries, i only put like 300 bucks into it.

I don't know. The virus wasn't well understood.

I'm maybe quicker on the uptake than average.

I'm not scared anymore at large. Though it can have clustered outbreaks. It's probably likely the Wuhan extreme situation and Italy Extreme situation are based on extremely sensitive variables that just lined up.


I wonder what the indoor temperature was on average in Wuhan and humidity. Something tells me it was dry and chilly indoors and cold and dry outdoors.

I doubt they blasted the heat to 80F indoors in Wuhan.

Only way to win consistently.

After you've got an emergency fund saved up and are maxing your matched contributions to a 401k, put like 80% of your spare funds into one of these:

Use the rest of your money for play and trading options/day trading

i'll be buying tomorrow and selling by 3

Smart man.

t. orangenigger

>he didn’t have limit orders that triggered for today’s cheapies
Gonna dump that AMD tomorrow. Maybe SCHX or BRKB... I don’t think this is over.

Uh have ya'll see futures?

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>Calls on VIX tomorrow for cheapies

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>Dune Series
Based and CHOAM pilled

What I mean is.

We are seeing the locations that the sparks fell into gasoline covered tinder. I'm not sure we will see the type of massive widespread pandemic outbreak in every country and climate people might be expecting given today's movements.

There’s no secret that BOJ is in extreme QE mode. And yet, the yen can’t inflate.

Forex really fucks them up... also the lack of economic and population growth.

>-2000 points
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little correction won't cause a crash.

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Yes. Volume is terrible though.

Enjoy your losses bro

The first and second are all-time classics. I feel like the third is underappreciated even if people are right that it isn't the same quality as the first two. Loved the wild west theme.

But keeping things cool and dry is how you stop contagions... it’s why they keep hospitals so cold

If it does jump up like 5% at any point tomorrow I may just bail on all my ETFs and cut my losses now (only about a month late), since I don't see any reason why it won't just keep dropping. I feel the daily up and down will continue for months to come, except the losses will outpace the gains by 5% or more a week

>muh subversive propaganda raids
You honestly never see anyone other than fucking leftists doing this shit. Why are they such sneaky little faggots? They seem to instinctively realise that their ideas are unpalatable, and so have to resort to coordinated shilling campaigns wherein they agree with one another in an attempt to manufacture consensus.
Honest to God, if there ever is a reckoning during a collapse, I would not be too heartbroken to find out that these clowns didn't make it.

The climate sensitivity was and is under-rated.

It's also interested that given climate sensitivity of Virus and Bacteria we do not include in our pandemic response toolkit any measures to change temperature or humidity of public climate controlled spaces.

It's quite alarming how idiotic humans are that something that obvious is not noticed. But, I am always newly impressed.

Nikkei and AUS is trading green right now on intraday

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My question is where is my exposure to US retaliation.

I highly doubt they're going to lay down while the alcoholics and the boom boom boys rape our energy independence.

Question is how the Langley bois are going to financially fugg them both back into submission where they both belong.


Oh shit GameStop bros, time to get cocky



What makes flu and cold seasonal my friend?

Oh, Reggie.
No, come on.

Fuck it, I bought 31 more shares of SOXL at 151 this morning, right at the bottom. Knock it down to 120 I'll by 50 more. Take us under 100 and I'll buy 100. Let me see $50 a share and I'll go all in. I will literally buy all the SOXL. Fear level zero, send more bears Hiroshimoot these ones are broken!

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Trade Details

Could be enough to squeeze it... maybe?

I dunno!
Maybe it’s just bacteria that thrives in warmth and damp?

>he thinks its over

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would you?

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How much are you down, bros?

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!RemindMe 6 months

Sure, if they paid for whatever cost it was to get better

Oh God.... we’ve hit the bottom... oooohhhhh so many delicious cheapies....I think I’m gonna AGH I’M GONNA URGH- I’M GONNA ACOOOMULATE AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I’M ACOOOOOMULATING AAAGGGH

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wont take 6 months

I was down $40k the first week, but now Im only $10k down.

Friends I have 10k in cash. What to invest it in?

+210% for 2020

the next pajeetcoin that gets shilled

You're right it won't. It's gonna be glorious. Bullfags will reign supreme. We are inevitable. Don't get me started on this waxing philosophical shit

oh so it's going to be another -2000 today/+1000 tomorrow/-1000 the next day kind of week? How long are they going go weekend at bernie's around this bloated corpse of an economy till it stinks too badly and they just let it freefall like it's crying out to do?

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Nice, I've been looking for some stuff to add to the list, so Foundation gets added to it now. Malazan is a top 3 series to me and Dune was alright, though I hated how literally every single character got a bad end. I hear that changed later in the son's cash grab books but who's going to read that shit.


Look at the post-market buy buzz clearly by institutions.

And look at todays biggest looser PM.


US isn't going to allow our energy independence which is essential for our defense to be destroyed by snow ppl and sand men.

Whats with all the $GUSH and $DRIP shilling? It looks like $GUSH is about to liquidate and buying $DRIP at this point is asking for trouble. Why do you want to hurt your fellow anons?

Friends I have 50k in cash. What to invest it in?

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>tfw this week will be the crabchads week

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It is.

Now we ride the golden bull until end of year.

Wait until 6 am. Wednesday could be a different story too. I don't think the market has even accounted for actualized losses of certain entities either. I'm waiting on ERs.


Give it to me straight, is NMR a meme?

Please tell me GDX is going back up

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If healthcare costs are included then absolutely.

how do you bet on crab

If you can't decide or pick, just do indexes. Leverage up for more risk if you want.

If you do individual stocks based on others opinions with no understanding you won't know how to trade them.

Just buy a tech and/or dividends etf.

>buying oil in an oil war

Oil war has barely started, just wait for the bankruptcies.

Fucking BASED. Plan on buying another tomorrow and more once my wage check comes in next week.

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Inverted strangle. Sell a naked call and sell a naked put

Who's buying tqqq to daytrade tomorrow? This had been a bad two weeks, bullfrens.

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>DRIP and SQQQ on the way down
>SPXL and stonks I like on the way up

put it all on Wendy's

Fuck Stocktwit felon shills and regular tripfags btw

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it will!

Yeah but I doubt they needed zoomer rats anyway. Seems quite convenient that zoomers don't die from the virus, like as if the virus is engineered to save the younger people. Virus probably can't infect toddlers, which is good because that would mean humanity won't die out in the future unless a stronger virus comes.

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>Thinking the CIA backed shale oil producers which will supply our glorious M1 Abrams in our next freedom crusado will be allowed to fail because the crown prince can't manage his own affairs.

>he fell for the gold meme

Oil and travel unironically. Shit like hotels, amusement parks, and airlines are stupidly cheap now cause of corona-chan. Eventually they’re gonna jump back up to normal cause a vaccine will be discovered and ppl will start going on vacation again.


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red monday
>green tuesday
Red wednesday
>green thursday
Red Friday

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Someone on Surveillance this morning said that the bond market was pretty much pricing in a zombie apocalypse at these levels. I think we shouldn't be surprised to see bounces, longer term it's anyone's guess.

Complete garbage, but 3.62-3.56 looks juicy for a 15-20% trade

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Yes, but you can get really fucked trying to short and time.

If you fuck up a short and market moves up. You are now selling out at a big loss and to get back in buying at a high price.

It's much easier to recover on the long side being wrong than the short side being wrong.

If wrong on long side you just wait. Shorting is extremely risky.

Virus looks like it can infect children but the symptoms are mild. I imagine lots of parents kissing their kids goodnight could blow up in infections when one kid brings it to school. Everyone’s gotta slap hands at the end of the little league game, all the kids got it...

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So just paid off all my credit card debt so I will have like 500 a month more for saving and I wanna start investing and learning to trade also options and short selling. What's the best way to gain knowledge on the subject I'll just be lurking here reading