Fundamentally speaking, what's wrong with the economy? Some of youse are saying this dip ain't solely from corona. That there is something wrong in the economy itself and corona was just a little push in that direction. So what the fuck exactly is wrong with the economy when jobs, unemployment etc looks so good? Is it just the doomers bullshitting or what?
What's wrong with the economy?
Other urls found in this thread:
>unemployment looks good
Its all part time jobs
Take a look at the unemployed chart and compare it to the 2008 crisis
Giant fucking ponzi scheme propped up by reckless borrowing.
Guess what, you can create jobs and employment and record-high share prices if you pump trillions of dollars of cheap loans out into the world. People will spend money buying shit that's unnecessary.
Now we're feeling the effects of relying on debt and speculation instead of actual supply-side growth.
Mmmm maybe continuous nonstop QE for 11 years along with permanently low interest rates and massively overvalued stocks wayyy beyond any realistic price to earnings ratio is a problem. That and real wages not increasing while housing, healthcare, education, and auto loans have skyrocketed could be an issue. Or massive wealth inequality fueled by Republitard cut taxes and deficit spend forever, future be damned. Pick all or some of the above. Add the fact Millenials are not breeding and buying shit because the Boomer Republicans strangle them to that as well.
>what's wrong with the economy
There's a state, the workers don't own the means of production, and billionaires exist
Central banking and the fact that "money" isn't limited.
When goods aren't moving, people aren't traveling, workers aren't working, nobody is making money.
This is what happens when you rely on an economy based entirely on debt and speculation.
Fuck off commie. You'll be late to the bread line.
But seriously endless growth isn't sustainable on a planet with finite resources, so sooner or later every companies profit will plateau and the market will shit itself and die
fiat = slavery
Declining EROEI, the energy simply does not exist to power the post-WW2 boomer lifestyle so we try and make up for it with debt, which is only a temporary illusion
Literally just basic thermodynamics but people refuse to entertain the idea because of the horrifying consequences
Based. Neosyndicalism is the way.
Growth is sustainable, inflation isn't. GDP growth isn't real growth.
The economy is fundamentally wrong. It's all speculative debt driven growth.
It’s infested with parasites
Because there is no fucking supply-side growth.
So you are admitting that those who profit from increased GDP are charlatan parasites, good
>Is it just the doomers bullshitting or what?
yes. I recommend ignoring everything they say if you want to make money
>money" isn't limited.
how do you maintain liquidity of trade and prevent even worse wealth inequality without an inflationary currency
Agreed, the rich and their enslaved sycophants(Yas Forums) must be culled
People want goods. They'll pay for goods that they want if they can afford it. That's your liquidity. People aren't gonna stop buying stuff just because their savings are becomming more valuable over time.
Late stage capitalism. That’s literally it.
It's actually late stage socialism. This bubble was created by central banks manipulating the markets. Markets should be free.
Have you retards not even seen the oil price war going on between Saudi Arabia and Russia? That's the major reason why the market fell so much today.
Turns out words mean whatever user wants them to
>Socialism is when central banks manipulate markets
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.
Shhh let them think it's the Coronavirus, it's funny to watch them pretend to be competent at economics
>People aren't gonna stop buying stuff just because their savings are becomming more valuable over time.
With a deflationary currency companies have no incentive to pay a wage at all for unskilled labor, it would instead be more cost effective to simply provide housing and food for their workers instead of a wage... which is hugely inefficient for the economy but will save them from having to spend their valuable cash. The velocity of money will hugely decrease and with it the rate of growth
I mean, does anyone think any country with a sizable debt can actually climb out of it?
This is the only poast that comes close to a good explanation.
We memed Ron Paul for too long
Imaginary Jewish economy
Imagine being this much of a retard. Socialism is workers’ ownership of the means of production.
Wow that link is cool, but it must be fake since the debt in the year 2000 is constantly increasing as well, which makes no sense
It might as well be. Central planning doesn't work. Socialists want to solve problems caused by central planning with more central planning.
>Fundamentally speaking
They're propping up the global economy with monopoly money. Frankly, it's hilarious.
This.. do normies even realize we've literally been bailing out the banks on a monthly basis for over a decade?
Replace republicans with jews
the whole thing is a giant ponzi scam
watch Bill Still's "The Money Masters", bitch,
the economy is realizing there are wooden doors holding us all in
I never thought Trump's economy looked good. Job numbers are not better than Obama's. Maybe workforce participation is great but only slightly better than Obama. GDP numbers are worse than Obama. The current 2% GDP growth is not even "good." Inflation is worse, whether you measure it by CPI or real inflation which is off the charts (closer to 10% by the chapwood index and others). Not even stocks are that great. Average return even at ATH in jan was about the same as Obama, just more volatile (big crash in '18, big recovery in '19). Now stocks are of course much worse than Obama.
So I don't get why people think Trump's economy ever looked good, even in January. I thinks its more of a stereotype that the Reagan style big government, spend more, tax less, print money policy is good for the economy. Combined with the bounce back from the 2018 crash, maybe that's why people got euphoric.
So you have an economy that is growing at 2%, with real prices increasing almost 10%. How does that look good? Sounds like a recession. Technically, we've been in a recession for about two years now with GDP growth consistently well below inflation. After corona, prices will probably head up even more and productivity will drop even more. The real question is will this ongoing recession become a full blown depression, and how long can the government keep the wool over people's eyes by printing money to keep the digits going up, even though most people's quality of life is getting worse and worse. Maybe like frogs boiling in water, they'll never notice until its gets real bad.
Exactly, that's the whole problem.
Isn't this just peak oil? How does EROEI economics account for the wild swings in oil prices that are clearly due to political reasons, not economic factors? And how can debt buy things that we don't have the energy to make?
I understand the idea of spending money to create bullshit unnecesary jobs through credit but how can we do that if we don't have the energy to sustain it?
Watch the interbank short term lending market, once that blows we'll have our Lehman Brothers 2.0 event.. and it's getting close, real close. I advised my family today to remove any excess savings they had at Chase and Wells Fargo immediately, better safe than sorry
But what's the solution?
This is pretty insightful, ty for the write-up
Gold standard. No central banks.
Oh vey, goyim, you work full time or we gonna make life difficult for you!
A bitcoin standard would actually work better without fixing every currency at 1oz of gold = 35USD
There are only 6 countries in the world that have a Debt-to-GDP ratio higher than the US, and only 2 of them aren't complete shitholes (Portugal and Singapore). Think about that.
Poster who write the original comment, no. My parents both have professional degrees and while smart enough to pull their 401k from the market in the last two weeks put 25% back in on Sunday despite me begging them not to. They say Trump will save them. Trying to keep them from doing anything more retarded but it's hard. I'm glad Crypto taught me to be risk-averse as fuck.
There's no such thing as supply side growth. Supply side economics is a fucking sham and always has been
And imagine how much it will explode to the upside with this coronavirus shit.
Are you seriously posting boomer memes from Facebook? Gtfo
>unemployment looks good
My ass looks better, having an ever increasing amount of people needing to work two or even three jobs just to make ends meet is not good in the slightest. That combined with banks and businesses still getting bailout shekels to this day means we’re all teetering on a very fine line of experiencing something that’ll make 1929 look like the wealthiest year ever over the slightest major slip up. Normalfags will either eat all of it up because muh trump is bidnesman or le trump is baesd xD, not realizing just how fucking worse everything is becoming.
Tick tock motherfuckers, hope you retards stocked up on canned goods and bullets.
Jobs never mean shit. Even if people are productive, they consume more than they produce.
>unemployment looks good
>Its all part time jobs
Also the average work week is only 34.4 hours because Obama killed the 40 hour work week, which isn't great if you are paid hourly.
>The Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks how many hours per week the average American works and releases that information as part of the monthly Employment Situation Summary. According to the most recent data (May 2019), Americans worked an average of 34.4 hours per week.
White people. White people are what’s wrong with the economy and the world. White people enslaved generous brown people, raped them, beat them, because white people are greedy and scared of everything. The native Indians say when all the animals shared their knowledge with humans the animals shared their knowledge of fear to white people. Now white people are afraid of everything and always come up with some new scheme to one up everyone and nature while maintaining continuous war—war against Asians, war against Muslims, war against natives, war against communism, war against terror. All the while being hateful, hating Jews, hating Asians, hating blacks, just gook this, chink that, nigger nigger, kike. No other race does it as much as the white trash. And other races stood aside and quietly tolerated it because they didn’t want any trouble and could see the psychosis of the white man, the mental retardation, the paranoia, the schizophrenia. You can’t argue with stupidity so other races left. Where they couldn’t leave and were pursued by colonialism, they quietly tolerated it and gave out of love in hope that the white man would eventually see the error of his ways, but the mental disease was too strong, and the white man saw it as weakness and conquered more. Thanks, white man.
Where did Chad touch you, user?
You mean white chad? He touch me in my peepee and poopoo, but th-th-that’s ok cuz he’s w-w-white, r-right?