Why the fuck are people panicking over a god damn cold? Stop selling your stocks retards. This is really starting to piss me off. Stop listening to the fear monger media. Don't sperg out and buy extra food and toilet paper because doomers scared you into it. Absolutely nothing is going to happen.
Why the fuck are people panicking over a god damn cold? Stop selling your stocks retards...
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I've been doing nothing but whispering fear doubt & uncertainty in all my normie coworker ears for the past months. Today I over heard a few of them gossip about how they need to go out & stock up.
>tfw it hasn't even begun
Why would anyone be so scared to stock up over a cold?
It have almost nothing to do with Coronavirus
I've been doing the same, even if we aren't having a real happening this is as close we are going to get.
Plus I've been waiting for a correction to get into equity markets.
>Absolutely nothing is going to happen.
i'm just gonna say it, it's really fucking weird how certain people seem to want 4channers in particular to not be prepared for whatever happens in the upcoming months, they've always got the same line, "nothing's gonna happen" "whites are immune" "only boomers get it", they never address the facts or compare the situation to what has already literally happened in other places (china, italy), it's all just reverse-fud where they just discount any possibility of what's already happened elsewhere happening anywhere else
it's suspicious as fuck and i can't imagine why someone would want to do that to us
The pin is not the bubble
Literally nothing is happening. The whole thing is a hoax and the they are trying to make you idiots panic. There is a reason why prepper retards get made fun of.
>Literally nothing is happening.
>It's just a flu posting.
The stock markets were already in a bubble. Chinks shutting down their factories popped the bubble. People and companies have to sell to avoid going bankrupt. This crash is caused by government fuckery, not fear.
Apart from the lack of a vaccine, it's just as bad as the flu. Government reactions to the wuflu are wrose than the wuflu itself.
Why the fuck are you sperging out over a fucking cold? Unless you are 70+ you are going to be just fine. Everyone is freaking out over absolutely nothing.
ah there's "only boomers die from it" again, if you come up with a few more copes i can make a bingo card out of it
So buy
This has been a long time coming. anyone paying attention the last 2 years would have known a crash was due any month now, it's only the media trying to push the narrative that some boomer-killing virus is causing stocks to plummet, it's brainlet shit.
The thing is most of the people running the government and controlling the economy are 70+.
"only a little flu"
you're witnessing an event that involves every human being on the planet and the solution to it is that you, as well as every other human, has to eventually catch and get over this "little flu"
the scary thing is every lab on the planet now has a viable sample of something insanely contagious that they can weaponize
But TWO PEOPLE in my state have it! PANIC!!!!!!1!1!!!
>he thinks Italy is closing its borders for a cold
>he thinks they are forcing literally everyone to stay inside for an entire month because of a cold
Fucking delusional, you deserve to die with the rest of the "nothingburger" idiots.
Chinks destroyed their economy over a cold, so who knows? People do stupid things when they panic.
Once this is all over everyone is going to wonder why they listened to fear mongers like you over a new regular cold.
>People do stupid things when they panic.
People? Sure. Governments around the world all at once? Nah. It's not only more than a cold, it's far worse than they lead you to believe already.
Governments are even stupider than individual people.
I am literally afraid of government fuckery tho
Same. Eventually the current system is gonna collapse like the USSR though. I hope it happens in my life time.
This guy gets it. I'm waiting for two more red days and buying their capitulation.
my turn
I have a baby
Also I love my grandmother she raised me
meanwhile the entire of Italy is quarantined
meanwhile anyone over 50 who gets the virus has a much higher chance of dying than the normal flu
Ok so what exactly do we buy in this panic?
I have some pennies to spare but am a complete noob at stocks and investing.
Help a brother out.
People have been saying its about to collapse longer than I have been alive. Its literally never going to happen.
ITS OVER. They are cleaning up because nobody is left. Everyone is discharged. The worst has passed. Time for all you panic happening dorks to shut the fuck up now and get back in the stock market.
This is a nothingburger.
Haha, eat your liver you bastard.
Absolute state of white pigs intelligence
Enjoy getting wiped out by a fucking cold lmao
Oh this is going to get all the doomers bent out of shape. Sorry the apocalypse has been canceled. Turns out you wasted your money on those 500 cans of baked beans.
Why do people over 50 matter? They're incredibly inefficient economically. It would be better if we let that albatross sink on its own.
It's not just the cold, it's everything that goes with it. Obviously, anything that unnecessarily increases your chance of death is cause for concern (1% of 7 billion is more corpses than ww2 or communism produced), but the bigger picture is supply lines. Most people live in cities. Cities don't have more than a few days worth of food in the stores at any given time. If China shuts down for months it affects every other industry too. Everything is interconnected.
Best of luck friends. Hopefully I'll be able to double my net worth this year buying at a discount.
I think this was actually a big chink nut flex to show the world what happens if China takes an unscheduled holiday.
I am from Italy and its not a hoax you retard.
It's more than just a flu faggot!
Life is just a comedy fucking normies!
>Why do thirty year olds matter? They have no experience and are entitled fucks that think they are smarter then everyone.
Eat a dick.
Good thing none of that is going to happen because its just a god damn cold.
lmao, not sure if serious or not
people aren't panicking over a cold, the cold is nonsensical propaganda used as a distraction to cover for the financial collapse which has been coming for decades, and finally has arrived
I try my best to wake anons up
but there are to many retards and probably CCP shills here
It's a direct descendent of SARS. Not a cold. Much higher infection rate, 3-5% kill rate on avg, no vaccine.
If you can link me to the research paper showing that this is a 100% RNA match for the flu and that we already have a vaccine, that would be great. But I haven't seen a reliable source show any evidence of this conspiracy.
>haha it's just a cold xDDDDD
jesus christ can you sub 70 somalian iq retards just shut the fuck up, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about unless you're ironically being retarded. it's not necessarily the symptoms that are dangerous (save for immuno compromised individuals, eq old people), but the fact that that it's HIGHLY infectious along with the fact that it could mutate to become more deadly. what the fuck do you think will happen when 10% (low estimate) of your country's population has viral pneumonia (and somewhat worse) symptoms? Absolute fucking mayhem; as you're seeing right now. Hospitals/doctors won't be able to handle the huge amount of cases and even more people will die.
AHAHAHAha you think we can prevent the spread in the US? It's too late bucko. Trump is too pussy to lock and cities down. He let a foreign Chinese threat in.
I've already made more than most people make in a year off this crash.
Buy anything that you'd have been happy to buy under any normal circumstances; anything that is gonna return to normal once production resumes. Apple, for instance is down ~20% since January & the only thing that's changed fundamentally is production stopped, demand for iPhones still remains high (and will likely increase because of the shortage).
Stocks like cruise companies & airlines are a little more iffy imo because I think people just aren't gonna want to be in that kind of a crowded public place for the next year or so. Higher risk, higher reward.
>Absolute fucking mayhem
Calm down boomer. A bit of a cough is not going to collapse the world.
Didn't realize you could predict the future. What's the price of chainlink gonna be tomorrow?
Truth trips
Niggas, this whole thing is a pre-planned event by the world elites.
It's not "out of control" it's doing exactly what it's meant to do. I'm not remotely scared of the virus itself but it's worth worrying about the societal/economic effects.