It's the classic CT advice: JUST HODL
is this guy retarded?
It's true though. Stocks have actual value. They pay dividens and they have equity. Market price only matters if you plan to buy or sell.
Explain how he's wrong, faggot? Those who didn't sell still own the underlying and only have to DCA or wait until their gains on paper recover.
Dividends is a meme to get morons not to sell.Everyone should be bailing rn.
do dividend payments go down when the stock price goes down? sorry ive never bought a stock in my life, only crypto.
Ok this is epic
This was meant for Additionally, is right.
Didn't Bezos sell most of his Amazon stocks in the fall?
..i-is he behind the Corona virus? in some twisted revenge for his expensive divorce or the online bullying he has been a victim of?
>income is a meme
Wheres your income now?
Ben "Ethnostate for me, but not for thee" Shapiro
It makes sense on a certain level while being brainlet as fuck on another. By his reasoning all you have to do is HODL everything forever and you'll never lose money in the stock market.
Bezos sold his stock to fund that climate change charity.
You only have to HODL good companies and you never lose money. The trick is picking the good companies.
Problem is that people werent buying stocks for their cash flows or capital appreciation, but for multiple expansion. Another 50% down can happen.
>profit is a meme
Found the commie bastard.
Some people were. It's the people who weren't who're losing money. This crash was predictable.
Dividends are not based on the stock price, dum dum.
Go back to Yas Forums
These are the people buying stocks in 2020. The amount of carnage forthcoming will be for the record books.
“Yes goyim, leave your shekels with mr Ezra Sheklesberg, he will look after your retirement”
Right, people who bought low debt companies with good fundamentals like Southwest, EOG, 3M will be fine.
What's the problem with my logic? If a companies still doing well and it's selling for cheap why shouldn't I buy it?
Fuck right off you doomer commie tranny board raiding freak.
so he directly traded money for political influence in a radical movement, moments before an economic and political crisis were to appear and disrupt the system greatly increasing the likelihood for radical political movements to obtain control over the state.
Bezos is one twisted fuck, but you gotta respect the game he is playing, he is basically just playing single player at this point.
>Its only a loss if you sell
Yas Forums knows better by now
Can you pay for things in stocks? Because now they cant exchange those stocks for as much currency...which means they've lost wealth. Which means they've lost influence.
Deal with it neocon jew-nigger
Buy companies with solid balance sheets and good margins and you'll be fine.
Ben Shapiro is the embodiment of every smarmy 17 year old on the high school debate team who thinks that they're the smartest person in the world because they have quite literally just discovered that you can make an argument for anything. The difference is that those kids usually grow out of it.
You can get paid for holding stocks. If you're betting on the market price going up or down, you're not investing, you're speculating.
Wow you're really stupid. Do you think socialism could work?
Look at the boomer, it's afraid.
Boomer? Dude is 36
what companies are doing well? they are all levered up on debt to do stock buy backs?
Reminder: paper profits aren't real money
Serious: what are they based off?
we'd all play that game if we could
Bezos basically got that 150m house for free now
Also people haven't made profits unless they sell
>One dollar is always worth one dollar so it never loses value
Kek the cope is brilliant
>I am incredibly wealthy due to my stock portfolio
>Stock portfolio dumps into oblivion
If youre going to claim to be wealthy due to your investments (ie your unrealised gains), then you can fucking accept being poor when they go to shit. Not that any of the guys this post is talking about are poor yet, but Ben's point is utterly retarded.
If you assume dollars are money, they're not, then you've actually lost money the moment you buy stock. As is the case all the other times you buy things.
>The trick is picking the good companies
Bro you just solved stonks, bravo
Ben repeating the lamest cope in the book. You lost money, your asset lost value meaning you lost money.
Aw, christ. Here comes some fag arguing semantics about "money" and "currency".
They can. Stock price typically go down because perception of the company had decreased. If people see the company poorly because of valid reason (like they won't be able to earn as much money), then a company might decrease its dividends.
>it's easy if you do the hard parts right
yeah ok fag
>The trick is picking the good companies.
If that's the case, no one would be losing money in the stock market. Everyone thinks they've picked "good" companies.
yes, more than any other prominent political commentator
Guys, just hold to zero, that way you never lose any actual money.
The company needs money in order to pay money out, so it comes from profits.
The profit of the company
If markets worked perfectly rationally, dividends and share price would be perfectly correlated.
But because the stock market is all smoke up your ass bullshit, the price of shares gets decoupled from the actual value of the underlying company and, at least for the past few days, many companies shares have been leagues more valuable than the actual books of the companies.
Just because a companies share price nosedives It doesn't actually affect the companies ability to operate and make a profit (at least in the short run).
yes, but he's not wrong here
Ben Shapiro? It's hard to tell, his audience is retarded, though.
dude still makes like 1.6 billion every day
Is this guy actually retarded?
BS is a retard. They lost a fuckton of buying power.
100 fucking percent this
value vs money
/thread waste of time
>my car is on empty, but unless I try to start the engine, it doesn't mean that there's actually no gasoline in it
Unironically a bigger sell signal than the Dow Jones dropping 1k points in a single day
What the fuck does the Corona virus have to do with climate change and why would climate change movements gain traction from it?