Why are linktards so retarded

high IQ thread for devs.
Why the fuck will anyone pay for the API call when it's fucking free from original source

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Because they won't have a choice.

(Srs answer) because you're not paying for an api call, you're paying to interact with a sentient piece of code with no malicious capabilities...instead of some Russian/pajeet nigger and his 2 week old skin gambling site that can scam or be raided at a moment's notice.

Because /linkers/ are just that, retarded. Link has very interesting applications but because the tech is free a team comes out with a more efficient token or way of applying it well link will drop, and drop fast. Linkers know their coin is propped up by memes, and could be dumped any second. Jerking themselves off is the about their possible gains is the only happiness they have in life/experience in crypto. Sergay is making the smart move and will probably dump and abandon the project once he gets picked up by a larger more lucrative project.

I'd say ATH will be 50-100$ EOY but not 1k.

You do not have even a slight idea of what chainlink actually is

They're cultists please try not to add yet another link spam thread to the catalog.

> You do not have even a slight idea of what chainlink actually is

c'mon teach me

So you want to lecture Linkies about how stupid they are, then you turn around and want spoonfeeding. You had 2 (and a half) years.

Lmao mr “developer” if you would have ever worked with stock/currency APIs you’d know that making over 10 calls per hour is going to cost you money anyway. I don’t give a fuck about shitlink but you are a fucking retard.

he's right though. why would anyone go through chainlink to for what is essentially an API call when the original developer could just go directly to the source? want it "decentralized"? Aggregate several API sources. It's literally all on the coder/contract writer as evidenced by Chainlinks fuckup from a few weeks back where someone at their HQ fat fingered the lookup for gold when they meant to look up the price of silver.

You need to put in some work first, then come back.

because there are thousands of applications you never thought of because that is how progress works

CSMoney and others take % based commission that can be hundreds of dollars. Link will revolutionize ownership of virtual assets.

to hear you guys put it there's really only a handful (logistics, derivatives, and insurance) are the only examples biz anons ever bring up. All of these examples absolutely do not require decentralized oracles. They would in fact be hampered by them in certain instances. Why would I want decentralized oracles to tell me if a house burned down for an insurance payout. They will literally all be hitting the same source of information anyways. what would even be the point. As an insurance company, how am i going to go about getting my money back when that "accidental" house fire end up being simple arson? "Chainlink oracle worked not our fault." ???

Are you retarded ? Chainlink request will take the same http request from API as normal but you need to pay for that req.


Here's a spoiler alert. If you still think Chainlink's primary use is aggregating API calls to feed to smart contracts, then you're over a year behind.

>because there are thousands of applications you never thought of

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You're paying for the security that guarantees trustlessness and automation. Protip, it's not fucking dota players with mommy allowance money that will use this first.

are you retarded too ? after 2 years there are only fucking price feeds that don't even need to be decentralized

If you still think Chainlink's primary use is aggregating API calls to feed to smart contracts, then you're over a year behind.

Not trustless, you have to trust Sergey's KYC. Chainlink oracles are not decentralized, hence why they have 0 users 3 years in.

If you think Chainlink's oracles are decentralized, you need to learn to code

You missed the point completely. Go back to your pajeet JS development, faggot.

Fuck chainlink

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Ok so I’ll be a retarded millionaire

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>implying being a developer demands a high IQ

Why does everyone here think software developers are geniuses? When did copying and pasting codes become an impressive feat of academia.

To answer your question, you’re paying for security and automation.

>security and automation
brainlet detected.
what about steam's existing api that you can use FOR FREE as a NEET developer is not automated or not secure?

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We need PoA (Proof of Autism) validation for the next blockchain

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>implying that’s more efficient than a call center full of pajeets

it's a jason parser that requires a token to use
i.e a scam

Holy shit OP you are so butthurt xrp is worthless trash and can't do anything Chainlink does lmoa link already has more adoption after 2 years than xrp after 8 lmao get fucked shitskin

You are fucking typical chainlink consoomer nothing more

Hey, why don’t you learn what ChainLink is before you try to talk about it?

>Chainlink consoomer

Why don’t you calm down?

More efficient, more secure, more accurate, cheaper, more reliable, etc, etc

Xrp shitskin cope
Remember faggot, link has gotten more adoption in 3 years than cripple has in 8 lmao

I think that you need to learn how chainlink works...
It's just fucking JSON file that you will receive "confirmed" from some node operator...
but oh wait why you need confirmed JSON request from official steam API ???

>More efficient, more secure, more accurate, cheaper, more reliable

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Thanks for articulating your perspective with a cartoon frog picture.

You’re arguing from the perspective of someone who thinks ChainLink is intended to be an API provider that just reaches consensus over various APIs and sends that data to a website. It’s truly exhausting responding to people who have no idea what they’re talking about. If you’re genuinely trying to understand what ChainLink and smart contracts are, I can try to help you, you just need to ask like a normal person would. I’m really tired of this other nonsense.

First of all how can they be more secure when the API call is taken from the same source...

never selling bitch

Think in terms of B2B transactions. Automated smart contracts would save companies money. This is undisputed fact. Automated smart contracts need data to trigger them. Without a trusted source of data (smart contract being fed data by chainlink oracle network) businesses won’t be able to mutually agree on the “correct” data to use. They would both have an incentive to manipulate the data source in their favor if they were allowed to choose which specific API to use. With potentially millions of dollars on the line, they need a way to guarantee that the data is fair and untampered.

Right now companies use trusted 3rd parties to facilitate high value transactions. Trusted 3rd parties cost money. Switching to automated smart contracts would save them money. Companies like saving money, therefore they will want to use automated smart contracts. Automated smart contracts need chainlink

You’re retarded. You would be paying untrustworthy people to vote. That is all. Link is a scam that only works on non technical retards.

It’s nothing. It’s JSON being retrieved, parsed and submitted to a smart contract. Anyone can build it in a few hours.

Kek. True. It’s completely worthless.

Ah man I thought this would be a great thread
Seems you’re a mid level or junior dev who has no idea what Chainlink is

Nobody technical actually believes Sir Gay’s bullshit. Literally zero devs.

>saving money ???
I mean 0,4$ per 1! req. is really saving money... yep they will be saving milions....

Since when are corporate apis free

So not even a solid web scraper then?

Do you know how much money a trusted 3rd party charges? Do you know how much businesses spend on backend office workers? Do you know how much businesses spend filing disputes and going to court?

Compare that to $.4

I will tell you what chainlink is now...
- Ethereum mainnet
- worthless price feeds
- pajeets project are partnering with chainlink only because they want to pump their bags the don't even know what chainlink is...
- pre-minted token in holding off one fat guy and bagholders from ICO
- end

>Official Steam API
>3rd party charges

>First of all how can they be more secure when the API call is taken from the same source...
Oh lord...

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Go read warosu faggot. You had 2 years.
Have sex incel

I’m talking about business practices in general. Which I’m sure you already know. And you’ll probably just keep replying with stupid ass comebacks intended to derail serious discussion and waste my time. Lick my balls faggot

Lmao I just use Ranjeep from Reliable Data sometimes his cousin Pradesh from best data but I'll never use a decentralised oracle network

heard LINK is acquiring some tech from CPC. true if big:

>.1 Link


You’re convincing the wrong guy
I work in network automation and you sound dumb as shit

If you don't use Fine Indian Data for your smart contracts you're a racist. What do you think Rhodes will say? He'll say that Microsoft supports the use of Indian data centers. Biggots btfo