Ok i just loaded my tdameritrade account with 50k. wat do?

ok i just loaded my tdameritrade account with 50k. wat do?

Attached: td.png (973x1025, 169.16K)

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better to just buy btc & eth rn

i already have 1 btc

Wait a couple of months then buy stonks

A Forbes guy who predicted the crash, almost to the day, claims the bottom is going to be extended and the there'll be ample time to re enter at your leisure. No need to time the bottom if he's right.

I have no fucking clue myself, so ignore me.

buy gold

What's his name?

what ticker?

Buy Chainlink - oh wait - you can't!


Attached: 1560451990914.png (1091x1110, 1.7M)

buy 50k worth of SQQQ and SDOW and wait for 8 months

Apply for an options account.

Buy oil soon. Easy 100% gains over 4 years.

>thinking someone can predict a virus that helps shoot off a crash

Hmmmm yeah I'm calling bull on legitimacy.

I bought a leveraged crude oil ETF 10-20 minutes ago.
It's still dropping, but I hope it bottoms out soon

DRIP you're welcome OP.

Watch the market

You're 2 days late

was it even smart to deposit this much money into td? i figure buy when theres blood on the street but i think i may have acted rather impulsively

buy oil stocks sell 1/2 for 50 per in few weeks

R u sure man? I don't want to get fucked I wanna make money

Sell option contracts, user.

buy like 10 different ones they are down like 60 percent today

virus stocks

So long as it's sitting as cash, you're fine, you can think of it like another bank account... TD is FDIC insured.
The key is not to invest in something just because there's alot of action going on. Even (I would say especially) in this market, you could lose your ass before you even know it.

Still has a chance, market still hasn't fully adjusted for the upcoming fuckery going on, but I agree. Just made 10k today.

Albert Einstein

you have to wait the snowball just started rolling

FDIC will only insure 30% of deposits and zero savings. Only the rich accounts are insured, your account ain’t.

Withdraw all of it
Send to Coinbase and pick an option
1. Wait for CKB listing
2. Send it to an exchange that has a CKB market

Sam hyde.


Do notNubs like you could get skewered in options if you don't know wtf youre doing.
Look into DCAing. By far the most conservative way to make some cash on these cheapies. However DCA is not a get rich quick scheme. It is wealth building though

r u fucking serious?

buy british petroleum, crazy dividend yield

oil stock buys for today



If TD loses all it's users account funds, there is likely something much worse to worry about

SOMEONE GIB ME A 10X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I still stand by the statement that I don't know shit, so don't even listen to me.


Buy oil option calls. Oil is going to rise by the end of the year after it bottoms out.

you are literally retarded and braindead: fdic.gov/deposit/deposits/brochures/your-insured-deposits-english.html


You’re the retarded, FDIC can’t insure everybody when SHTF you utter brainlet.

>You’re the retarded

you need to be white to understand how this works

Avoid all oil for next few weeks. High probability were heading under 20 for us crude these guys are trying to burn your 50k

The oil war just begun. What makes you think it will bottom soon?

GREED and HOPE > anything else

Imagine buying stocks and cryptos at this point thinking you'll make it. kek
You should only be buying physical GOLD and SILVER

Gold is the ancient Bitcoin. Piece of shit metal with no real use whose value would plummet in an actual Apocalypse


I fucking missed the TVIX train SOOO hard. I was watching it at $90, now I'm kicking myself.

Oil is going to 100 tomorrow mark my words

Which ETF?

all in on ONTX unironically

Attached: 1529548192740.jpg (472x472, 40.97K)

Aren't the russians and sand niggers dumping crude on the after burner right this very minute?

Buy high sell low is our motto

Live in Tuapse, full of oil tankers.

I am so proud that my country is fucking the world economy.

just loaded my rh account with 3k wat do?

Attached: rh.png (1080x930, 57.59K)


To be fair, you're only helping to burn down the world, at literally the most inopportune time in the history of traded commodities. China did the heavy lifting this go around.

Get off Robinhood retard

Attached: pepe annoyed.jpg (306x306, 19.83K)

That is the most retarded analogy I have heard yet.

Attached: +_a3981ad5652540b76f783ee032a1e69e.jpg (549x563, 96.78K)

I'm not eligible for options trading yet on td. Don't know when or if I'm gonna be cleared for it

>Wait a couple of months then buy stonks
This. Don't rush it. But don't wait too long.

I mean dude, the virus had the exact same coverage as muh swine flu and muh ebola. You could take one look at the media, turn your head and look at the unsustainable market, and come to a "wow, they are going to blame the crash on this virus. Perfect timing" conclusion. I'm only in crypto, but i predicted this happening in December. I told my dad to pull out of all markets in january. Of course he didn't listen.


OP, if I were you, which I may be if I end up selling a bit more of my crypto stack, I would hold off a bit. Wait a few weeks, maybe a month or two. I'm probably the same age as you, mid twenties. I've been waiting for an opportunity like this, but be careful not to rush in to it. I would invest a solid 50% of it in ETFs and Index funds. 25% would go to bluechip and other reliable stocks (FAANG, etc), and the other 25% would go to high-risk stocks. If there are any anons out there who think this is retarded, please let me know.

Looking at futures, I wonder if there's still a few days left to make VIX based trades. SQQQ seems less risky, but if markets tank again on the opening tomorrow...

It will rise just enough to fuck short positions, then dump again.

XLK puts
V puts