Chainlink X Microsoft

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The current nothing burger hasn't even ended yet, and they're already preparing to feed me another on

>Microsoft Integration Consultant

Attached: 1583161788497.jpg (777x777, 382.6K)

Happy Kwanzaa, nigger!

This has nothing to do with Link

>It is well known for providing highly secure and reliable oracles to both large enterprises (SWIFT Google, Oracle) and leading smart contract development teams.

swift confirmed, google confirmed, oracle confirmed, microsoft confirmed, dumps to 2$

mmmm more cuppas and biccys

Link truly is a fucking garbage shitcoin. Sub Tron tier.

Link not being in the top 5 is just absolutely hilarious at this point.

Nothing to do with Chainlink.

If only all this happened in 2017, we would be $xxx digit easy

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Image size 777x777 and dubs

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it will all pay off soon, stay strong fren

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this has been priced in since what, the ICO? we've all seen the video of sergay talking about cryplets. wake me up when new news comes out otherwise it's down to $1.80

>not even top 10
>"microsoft is priced in"
Imagine being this deluded.


I was doubting this event, but then I saw these dubs, thanks user

nice digits fren

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"DAML and chainlink have no working relationship"

Fuck me.

Delet this

Let it dump in peace for once. Need it to get to sub 3.50

there is nothing i can post except we're all gonna make it

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If you want to deploy DAML-based applications on different (blockchain) platforms, you as the app creator have to do that.
DAML is a programming language.

Why the fuck are they at a chain link event

Because DAML applications are meant to be cross-platform. The dude explicitly mentioned blockchains too.
These applications will need Chainlink to be supported on blockchains.

>Oracle smart insurance

holy shit

Daml is a fucking programming language. Hate that brainlet asking that question

To be fair, the speaker didn't know enough context to clarify either.

Fucking this

>not even top 10
>Microsoft is prices in


My dearest friend, 'tis with immense pleasure that I inform you that your letter has found safe travel to my destination and landed in my hands. However, this pleasure was fated to remain short lived and bittersweet, for I must also admit to you, regardless of what distress it may cause to you, knowing you went to great trouble to pen it and deliver it to me, that I in fact declined to open it and refused to read the message contained within. Surmising your intentions, there exists no doubt in my heart regarding your sincere worries for my financial well being, but alas your attempts to convince me to modify my investment strategies shall regretfully remain futile, as my stubbornness in this matter has indeed been sealed irrevocably and no other voice shall rock its imperturbable foundations. Allow me then to reiterate my will once more, and do your best to forever remember it for no change will follow: I shan't part ways with my beloved asset for it is my utmost belief that I have invested wisely and foresee infinite potential in its future, and therefore no other possession in this world shall change my decision, not even a mountain of gold! For my possessed asset is indeed fated to be worth more than any other riches in the world. We shan't speak of this no more. Sincerely yours, your beloved friend.

wow almost like the market has woken up to the fact that 'partnership' is a fucking meaningless term and doesn't mean shit for the platform if no one is using it, and even if they were, it still wouldn't mean shit in real terms because staking isn't live.

All the hype that can be priced in is priced in. You will wait for Chainlink to deliver or you will complain like a post mainnet top buying peice of shit

Just look at all this cope

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Nobody cares about an overpriced web scraper. Kys

Then why price go down

Hate to burst your bubble but I'm a Microsoft Integration don't have to work for Microsoft to Integrate their products.

Welll that's nice but why does the Microsoft link lead to chain.pleb?


Cause representatives of two companies speaking at the same event means fuck all.

This is a Microsoft Integration Consultant organizing a Chainlink-oriented event, pleb.

The hyperlink for Microsoft doesn't lead to the Azure page it leads back to chain.pleb like I'm being scammed by one fat Russian man

>The hyperlink for Microsoft

Gosh I am so excited for you linkies THIS time it will be different I can already see $10 TONIGHT and $1000 by the end of the week quick go look at your charts Link is extremely bullish right now thanks to this partnership with microsoft gosh linkies get your ducks in a row and hodl the line marines you are about to be the new elite in just a few hours

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What product(s) do you do Microsoft consulting for user?

On the blog post, click the "" hyperlink at bottom.

> What?
You wot mate

might be a mistake

>Microsoft is hosting a Chainlink event
>"guys this url has the wrong redirect"

Some Financial Services products for SMEs

Yeah, fix also the hour of beginning, proof read before making shit public.

I though azure and link were already working together

Bill Gates

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can already tell this is bs because Sergey is not going to get up at 6am

The event is that early to counter Bills Jet Lag

I swear if Bill shows up we're going straight to ICO prices

Do you brainlet even understand what you are saying?

Do you not get the joke that bullish news causes Link to dump?

Gates is already in his New Zealand Apocalypse Bunker. If anything you might see a body double.

if bill gates shows up that shit will dump no like no tomorrow

>I swear if Bill shows up we will definitely dump
Is that better for you?

Where is all this bill gates shit coming from. I'm very bullish long term and am all in but this is like some advanced reverse psychology fud.

lmao I'm just shitposting. As if that boomer fart would attend a literal who Blockchain conference at 8 am. I bet he already calls his kid to fix basic computer stuff on his full surface lol

It's always been like this.

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the elites think that at some point, Bill Gates will come out holding hands with chainlink staff to make a special announcement

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Damn you must be new here

The Link holder IQ distribution is real