If any of you bought because of this tweet you deserve to be burned alive

honestly how fucking stupid are Americans to buy because of Trump's obvious manipulation tweets?


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honestly feels like betting against trump is a retard choice at this point tb h.

How exactly is he wrong? Regular flu kills kills almost as much as coronavirus. Yet a mass pandemic is being generated by the media.

But he's right.

because corona doesn't have a cure

hes 100% right based orange man is the best POTUS we could wish for

No cure for flu either but vaccine helps build your immune system against it.
I hope Corona-Chan ends all those fucking retarded antivaxxers once and for all

Because SARS nukes your lungs

>orange man bad

Comparing it to flu is delusional cope.

Trump and his cult are a group of idiots. If you're still comparing this to the flu you have zero clue what you're talking about and deserve to lose all your money. Literally the idiotic rich people from Parasite.

does regular flu have a 10% hospitalisation rate?

cry some more

Because he's advocating for people to go to work, and claiming the scientific data from the CDC is wrong because "he has a hunch".

I'm glad this is happening to him. It's all fun and games when he's being socially retarded, but him and Fox News are going to get 30% of their Boomer voter base killed

>doesn't have a cure
lmao, if you're not over 60-70 99+% simply get better.

Also, multiple vaccines are in the pipeline dummy.


You're retarded. You just said CV has not vaccine, and in the next breath you suggest anti-vaxxers will be hurt more by it.
Lmao talk about a brainlet.


Explain to me how the market isn't a meme

i trust Trump more than anyone else in this earth, Qanon a close second.

Does Corona?
Keep in mind that vast amounts of people were never tested.

A. The CDC counts heart attack victims as flu deaths if they happened to have a fever
B. Coronavirus is highly under reported because there aren't enough tests, each test costs 3000$, and there were countless dead bodies in China that were simply counted as "pneumonia victims"
C. Almost everyone is going to catch coronavirus, there's no way of avoiding it now

Yes? I actually gave you the conservative value, "they" are saying it's 10-20%. Italian doctors just sent out a memo (or whatever you want to call it) to the rest of Europe saying to expect a hospitalisation rate of at least 10%.

>Coronavirus is highly under reported because there aren't enough tests
This means that Corona's kill rate is a lot lower than reported.

This. Can't believe you fucking cowards just buying into obvious media manipulation just because your precious internet shekels are threatened for a couple weeks.

Mass graves were invented for the likes of you.

Italy notoriously isn't testing a lot of people.

Influenza doesn't have a cure either.

Your body just fights these viruses off within 7 days.

Lmao it's overreported though, because testing isn't nearly widespread enough to get an accurate figure. Probably something more like 1% when you account for all those people who don't even know they have the disease.

>because corona doesn't have a cure

Its a flu strain bud. A severe one, yes, but still just a flu strain in the end. Unless you're already near dead with a shot immune system, Corona cures itself.

Also its not like vaccines won't be developed in the near future.

Retards and idiots, what Trump is doing is extremely dangrous and foolish but that's who he is I guess

>Claim: ‘It is no more dangerous than winter flu’

Many individuals who get coronavirus will experience nothing worse than seasonal flu symptoms, but the overall profile of the disease, including its mortality rate, looks more serious. At the start of an outbreak the apparent mortality rate can be an overestimate if a lot of mild cases are being missed. But this week, a WHO expert suggested that this has not been the case with Covid-19. Bruce Aylward, who led an international mission to China to learn about the virus and the country’s response, said the evidence did not suggest that we were only seeing the tip of the iceberg. If borne out by further testing, this could mean that current estimates of a roughly 1% fatality rate are accurate. This would make Covid-19 about 10 times more deadly than seasonal flu, which is estimated to kill between 290,000 and 650,000 people a year globally.
>This would make Covid-19 about 10 times more deadly than seasonal flu, which is estimated to kill between 290,000 and 650,000 people a year globally.


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>50-70% of world population will be infected
>~2% mortality rate, WITH functioning hospitals
>20% of cases require hospitalization
>Healthcare system will collapse with the sheer number of cases
>Death rate increases drastically
>Chronic supply chain failures lead to more death

WuFlu is a big deal because it spreads asymptomatically. It is also very contagious. Quarentine makes sense to stretch out the pandemic and avoid hospital overload. This is bad for global markets.

>what is exponential growth
He hasn't built a wall, sucks up to jews, and doesn't use his powers at all; Why the fuck do you still support him? (Assuming you are not a boomer from Yas Forums in which case have fun with the "flu")

>this just in Trump is retarded
Wow, shocking.

Goofy. Death rate is one thing, but if its 10x more contagious everyone will get it, and theres cases of people regretting it, and there is potential mutations.

Reeks of desperation. What is he thinking?

>He hasn't built a wall, sucks up to jews, and doesn't use his powers at all;

Yeah man, look at how willing congress was to work with him on the wall. Even the glowniggers in fbi and cia are helping Trump, and not putting his friends and allies in jail.

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>~2% mortality rate

Tons of people are/were never tested, pretty much only the ones that made it to hospital ever get tested. (this was true in China, and it is certainly true in Europe now)

The mortality rate is FAR lower.

>Falling for the a commie meme flick
Never gonna make it

the exact figure for hosp rate while important, doesn't matter when you consider that the virus brought wuhan's healthcare system to its knees and appears to be doing the same to the italians in their infected regions.

wuhan literally built hospitals and locked the city down and italy has imposed social distancing and a lock down to prevent complete havoc.

i don't know what flu season's like in your neck of the woods, but i can't remember the last time that happened here

Ok then what is it then?

Italy has a little over 500 "severe" cases, their hospital system is perfectly fine.

Regular flu right now is causing MANY more severe cases in Italy right now.

>290,000 and 650,000 people a year globally
Not enough desu

the health care system is literally collapsing

the flu doesnt do this
this is insane what is going on

Can someone tell me if this thing is airborne?

He didn't need Congress, the president can do it on his own.

oh no no no no

*wheezes with laughter*

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The best way to look at it is through the Diamond Princess cruise ship.

>locked down for 3 weeks
>nearly 4k passengers
>elderly people are overrepresented because muh cruise
>cruise ship is a perfect incubator for disease
>constant testing

The outcome:
>only 1/5th are infected (unchanged for over a week)
>only 7 people dead (all very elderly)

So the exaggerated mortality rate among the infected on this ship is 1%, all of whom very elderly.

That means that in the outside world, the mortality rate is far below 1%.

>chink engineering fails
>"corona did this"

You are the perfect useful idiot.

Trump was a mistake, Yas Forums never should have helped get him elected. He killed America's chance at survival by sabotaging America's abilities to fight viral outbreaks.


He did need congress.
Congress said no to the will of the people, so Trump turned to the Pentagon for military funding for the wall, which was granted.
Truly based.

Lmao, the world just laughs at this jewish cuck president.

haha he actually fired the epidemic response team, simply because they were obama era, and never replaced them.
You cant make this level of incompetence up.

You can't fight something like the common cold or the flu. Nor should you try to, really.

So? Most people recover from it, especially those under 50. And a vaccine is being developed now for the next outbreak



That is just false, looking at 4k people on a cruise ship to determine mortality rate of a disease is dumb as fuck. Even with your bullshit number, even with the best case scenarios, we're looking at 10s of millions dead

Oh fuck off you retarted manlet
I hope and pray is going to be reelected

>You can't fight something like the common cold or the flu. Nor should you try to, really.

Someone gets it.

All philo-semitic politicians are a mistake

Does it matter? The point is that Italy is already running out of beds for people and they're going to begin rationing it based on "survivability" aka age.

Locking 4k people in a disease incubator is probably the best way to actually determine mortality rate.
The disease gets every opportunity to spread, and it is possible to easily keep testing everyone.

So long as you take into account that the number is highly exaggerated because it was obtained in an incubator.
Doubly exaggerated because the elderly are overrepresented (muh cruise).

Are people seriously buying into the whole "world ending pandemic" thing the media has been trying to sell? Bet you fucking idiots thought WW3 was really about to start as well

>The point is that Italy is already running out of beds
No they're not.
A total of 600 or so people are tagged as "severe cases" of Corona in all of Italy. Italy's hospitals are more than capable of handling that.

I mean obviously. Of course what the big man on TV is saying HAS to be true, right?

still 32 people in critical condition
mortality rate in the real world will be more like 5%-10%

>still 32 people in critical condition
Not all of those are "critical".

>mortality rate in the real world will be more like 5%-10%
You're saying mortality rate in the real world will be 5x-10x higher than in an incubator with an overrepresentation of elderly people.
You have brain issues, mentally.

>mortality rate in the real world will be more like 5%-10%

Lol no

>it's just the flu bro

It is.

Coronavirus has a mortality rate like 10 or 20 times higher than flu. Google it, because im too lazy to source you(Flu kills 0.1%-0.3% Coronavirus is between 2%-3% at the moment). Coronavirus is also far more contagious than regular flu.
Him saying this is like saying bows and arrows are more deadly weapons than nuclear bombs because more people have died to bows and arrows.

>Coronavirus has a mortality rate like 10 or 20 times higher than flu.
No it doesn't.

Tons of people are not tested for Corona, pretty much only the severe cases.
This was true in China, and it's certainly true in Europe right now.

The actual mortality rate is probably about the same as the regular flu.

See Even in an incubator with an overrepresentation of elderly people, the mortality rate is 1%.

People who believe corona < flu are genetic dead ends. Let them first get broke for not understanding that they havent seen the other side of the distribution and then die out because of the virus

Why are amerifats too retarded to grasp the concept of exponential growth? Why are mutts in general such useless brainlets?
It says a lot that a lebanese (Nassim Taleb) is by far the most reasonable man in the USA, the """white""" americans are useless trash.

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We're entering crab market mode now. Put big money on options both ways and you'll come out good when it rebounds or when it crashes.

>under 60
>die out from Corona

We have an incubator, you dillweed: the Diamond Princess.
For over a week now, the infection rate has remained stable at 20%, and the mortality rate at 1%.

And this is with a ship full of oldfags on a cruise.

most people live in shitholes, once this spreads in aids ridden Africa and India people will die en mass
mortality rate in first world countries won't be as high but the overall mortality is much much higher than you can imagine
and even people in first world countries will drop like flies once the hospitals are overrun and supply chains collapse
italy will run out of icu beds in 2 weeks or something, keep an eye on the situation there

Tons of people never go to the doctor for flu as well. I am one of them. What is your point?

>most people live in shitholes, once this spreads in aids ridden Africa and India people will die en mass
It's been in Africa and India for weeks.