/smg/ - Stock Market General

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Been pondering business cycle theory lately, could somebody give me input on this

Seems to me that in order to press interest rates below their natural rate, only a constant percent increase in credit is necessary, which means that a moderate manipulation of stock prices should potentially be permanent and not lead to either hyperinflation or a recession (e.g. a permanent 1% per year increase in total moneys, suppressing interest rates by 0.5%)

Other than Fed incompetence, then, what systematic forces are at play actually causing booms and busts instead of simply a continuous, slow theft of our assets?

Is it the Fed reacting to any small downturn with a sharp and temporary cut of rates? Or is it simply that Fed monetary policy funnels itself primarily into meme fad stocks and is used politically rather than economically (which would lower the general expected rate of profit in the economy vis-a-vis the interest rate)?

Couldn't the Fed just orchestrate things so that stable businesses could operate at lower levels of interest permanently, funded by our liquidated labours?

SPY down 7.2% pre-market.....

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damn namefag lingered for some reason.
anyway who here 3/13 SPY 285p gang?


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TQQQ has negative cash balance as of today. Boutta get liquidated

Kali Yuga

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Go Green
fuck a vegetarian

Watching some jap on foreign news saying we're in for a -%20 correction globally

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My IRA...

>Seems to me that in order to press interest rates below their natural rate
Your promise is off. The Fed moved on rates because the markets told them to; it's the tail that wags the dog.

I want to buy more puts on open but I don't want to get fucked by some bullshit pump I'm so conflicted.

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Gonna be rich. Been building up cash for a year, time to drip it in.

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On the plus side, when the economy collapses and worldwide economic output craters, Greta and the environmental gang will finally get what they want. AND you'll have cheap fuel to keep you warm in the cold winters.

What to buy into when we hit rock bottom?


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Wait for lunchtime bulltrap


Checked. RIDE IT

Same thought process im going through. Not sure if we get a first bit of pump then continue to dump. Might just try a few deep in the money puts on spy or something at 11am.

identifying where rock bottom will be more important than what you buy. good luck timing it.

How fucked am I? I bought the TQQQ hoping for a monday pump like last week. I've also go 30K in cash

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Reminder to buy the dip and that dividends are you friends.

dow to 3000 eow


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Everytime index futures have gone limit down I have bought and I have never lost money in many years. Buying puts on open would be a mistake

So basically fascism? I guess you would be giving a small group of people the ability to pick losers and winners, which in the long term leads to monopolies. It goes against everything free-market capitalism stands for.


Thread theme:


Preppers were right in the end, literally the only way to survive this if you stacked up on food and medcine for years

>AMD 12% down
Holy fuck. Thank FED for letting me dump my bags on Friday

Interest rates on all loans would have to be mandated for this to turn out to have some sort of easement. Meaning banks may fail left and right.

There is no good outcome to this realistically as the Fed clearly does not seem to see or understand the implications of it's short term decisions. They only make the long term harder for themselves. I think realistically the world govs may just trash the old currency and make a world currency under the guise of "it will work this time, trust me haha". There is no good end to this unless thousands of people die, justice is restored, and governments shrink.

This is far from the bottom

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I've been up all night watching the Euro and Asian markets. Top kek. Something fucking awful is going to happen to society this week.

they're called "hard assets"
things that will have value if money itself disappeared.

It's nothing. Don't care, not prepping, not selling.

>How fucked am I? I bought the TQQQ hoping for a monday pump like last week. I've also go 30K in cash
As of the drop last night TQQQ is about -7% cash balance. The ETF stands a good chance of getting liquidated today. You are fucked

I'm expiring today 300 SPY and 3/16 280 gang senpai

dont worry guys the fed got this, by amplifying more female black leaders

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God damn some TQQQ puts sound like a good idea then

Interest rates would have to be mandated as negative on all loans.*

are we halting trading today? futures look pretty dope.

are we in "BIBLICAL" territory now?

You very clearly haven't bought in the last month or you most definitely lost money.


>It's nothing. Don't care, not prepping, not selling.

I still think the Feds are going to shoot their last load in an attempt to slow the crash, then the real drop will happen

>even lower interest rates
>historically low fuel prices

bros it's going to crash but anyone with cash after today will be able to buy up the top companies for fire sale prices
I'm going to wait until after the massacre, buy some of the normal stuff then start looking at houses lol

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its been biblical for about 10 days now fella where have you been

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Index futures have only gone limit down 3 times since 2015. I started trading futures quite a few years before then and I have always bought when the indexes went limit down and have never lost money. Do not short today.

>Bloomberg's feed is on a holding pattern because everyone in the studio killed themselves.

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>imagine not buying the dip

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how bad guys? i don't really understand financial stuff

Bought the dip for dividends. Planned on some shorts following weeks. Find out I dont have margin account.

Bros we're all gonna make it but I'm gonna be a little late to the party.

it's very good. BUY THE FUCKING DIP

this is good.

>rules have been laid out for trading before market open
>trading will be halted for the rest of the day if people even think about selling and causing a 20% drop
Jesus christ they just locked us in for a bloodbath and its not even 9AM yet

9 bads out of 10

Russians and Saudis are crashing global market with no survivors.

That shit on it self would do -1000 dow, but now we have it and Corona

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>Imagine thinking this is the bottom

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basically money will cease to exist, the world is turning into a mad max tier shithole

Bitcoin in November 2018 bad

Just make sure to sell before the bounce back ends

The fed pump will make a -20% drop impossible



Can’t decide whether to buy more DAL and JBLU airline dip today or in a week. As soon as we hit bottom I want everything. Already bought 30 shares last week.

Expecting a crash today, cat bounce tomorrow, and a further fall on Wednesday.

Imagine having bought the dip last week

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Do you guys actually see this as a dip? Do you not see that this market is overdue for a correction? The Fed REPO pump, banks dry of liquidity, overvalued P/E ratios and non-existent earnings growth in future projected due to virus shutting down the whole fucking China for a month? The buybacks madness, mass ETF investing through robinhood? How do you see this as sustainable in short term is beyond me, this whole thing is ripe for a collapse. Don't forget about overleveraged as fuck hedge funds that are about to get margin called this very week if this continues.

The bulls were really arrogant last monday, they deserve this

The FED will save it aren't they?

>15 minute halts on 7% drops and 13% drops as well
We're all gonna die. It's just become a race to sell before the circuit breakers go.

I'm scared anons

Are my puts going to be worthless?
Will I be able to sell them now?

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>Imagine thinking you can predict the bottom
>Imagine not knowing how to average down and just being an all around retard
Have fun missing the eventual recovery.

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This is the kind of thing that happens in decadent society. Things have been so good for so long, that other things take up the “important” role that used to be occupied by things such as wars and recessions. Can’t wait for there to be some actual real world issues to drown out these pathetic “muh slight disenfranchisement ;(“ cucks

it'll just be a 19.9% drop

When will you mumus learn? Stocks only go DOWN!

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i'ma have to go longer on oil, these are what we like to call cheapies.


>Ahhhhhh only stopped because the circuit breakers triggered
This will be a great day

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>bad student debt
>bad auto debt
>bad credit card debt
>bad corporate debt
You niggas really think there won't be a recession? Just wait until these debtors start defaulting.