Is your job recession proof?

So anons, a recession is looking more and more likely at this point. How fucked is your job security?

t. I work in Compliance which will never go away unless all my clients go tits-up, so I THINK I’ll be fine.

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Motherfuckers always need software and have doomed startup ideas, I think I'll be set.

Is my job secure? No, nobodies is. Can I always find opportunity to create income/gain? Yes.

Jobs are too risky to be seen as safe nowadays, generally speaking. Even tech developers who have 500k road poopers willing to work for less than 80c on the dollar. Companies don't care if about you dude. It's all about net for most.

Yea, I work for Coca-Cola so they ain't going anywhere

I work in critical care medicine, so even if I quit I will probably be press-ganged into slaving in the corona mines until my PAPR helmet fills up with my own blood and drowns me. So pretty high job security really

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I work at a helpdesk and really don't know. I pondered this question and I suppose the blue chip company I work for COULD cut us off majorly. But we get so many calls and probably save them a decent deal of money by getting people working I'm not so sure.

I work at a liqour store and am expecting an INCREASE in shifts in light of the pandemonium. I handle alot of cash tho and both of my housemates work in the medical field so I'll almost definitely die

Software engineer. I'll pretty much always have work. And if it gets hard, my family owns land out of the country. I'll go live there with my grandmother and find some remote position. Should be comfy.

Im a site manager for a huge construction company. My department mostly do infrastructure projects which lasts 1-2 years, and are filled up for the next 12 months at least.

Dont know how I’ll do after that

look at these software niggers cope.
Youll be the first to go during a recession.

As a teacher, I'm not sure I'll be at the school i'm teaching in the next 2 to 3 years. The school has been bleeding money for years, because they're more interested in muh fancy football stadium than educating students. I expect layoffs in the next couple years. The absolute state of American education.

I’m in Finance but mostly do corporate tax related stuff. Kind of hard to say. I can easily be culled but at the same time it would make sense for them to cut other people and have me take on those responsibilities since I’m lowest on the ladder and if shit really goes south there wouldn’t even be that much business anyway. Or, since I’m lowest on the ladder I could be first out the door. These are decisions that would be made a great distance away and we’re only just numbers.

dentist, im fine

Design, engineering and programming. The business I work for could go bust, but I have skills that are in high demand and have a contact at a meme company.

>lmao, I'm a cop
So yes

How safe are Corporate Lawyers?

No single job is recession proof

unemployed, living in a third world country, full of mental health issues

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Actually believing the public sector even gives a shit about budgets.

Once you see lower level workers being cut and contracts forcing endings, you may be in trouble. Until then, good luck.

I'm a chemical engineer working in industrial metals.

Our plant has no orders after mid april. Not a single one.


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Comfy, I guess

I work in a gibs office, so I'm either first to go or the last. I'm thinking the latter because gibs are what stop people from rioting.

Funny, my boss was thinking of buying 20 tons of most steel thicknesses we use incase there was a shortage due to corona. Surprised more people haven't done the same thing.

lol nigga your buggy ass software is headed to the trash the second VC money dries up like where the FUCK have you been the past 5-10 years? Do you even know why you are on Yas Forums??

I work in sales, I buy structured settlements. Nobody wants to give up guaranteed income in a recession. I’m so fucked. I have no skills. It’s over.

Equipment and machinery break down. I'll be there to fix it. If not, I can go back to fixing medical equipment.


Hospital monitoring systems. Im one of 5 people in my company who knows how to operate, bug test, and fix the software. Im fine.

My company is probably fucked but we have ~1 year of runway even if we have no money coming in so I think the hope is we can get through this regardless of how bad it gets. Of course if in a year we are in full global apocalypse mode it won’t really matter if you have job security or not. You will need real security and survival know-how.

cope harder

I quit my job 1 january. And now it's impossible to get a job. Fuck me.

i work as a attorney in debt recollection im probably getting more work from this

Yes, I will be able to continue making €13 an hour through this recession. Happy me.

What about us zoomers
How are we even going to find jobs in this near recession after college...
Going to be a forever NEET in 2024

I sell panties and am a cam girl who invests her extra funds.

I work in Oil and Gas as an IT Analyst so I'm probably fucked. Oil is down 33% today which is unprecedented.

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look at pootin's plans my guy this price war is gonna fuck us

The government always pays neets.

My job is to trade Bitcoin but shhh don't tell the government that. Don't let them know that I make $200,000 a month trading BTC.

If you're not trading your way to a living them you're effectively a wagie.

you'll be selling a lot more than panties when the recession hits

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We have plenty of open positions for you in the army.

Local government IT paid for a few years at a time by a tax levy. So unless there's a general riot I'm ok

Hoard cash now -> buy hookers for $2 a fuck in a year's time.

Embedded software engineer and most zoomers hate my language of choice: C++(11/14/17) + Embedded systems.
I can also change my work country in a heartbeat.
Currently working for a international corporation in a department in Poland.
I've been bought for a whole year by a client from USA.
So I hope I will be okay.

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I'm a passing tranny and what I sell is specialty, I won't need to sell my ass, not that I was opposed anyways

Cope little brainlet

o no,
even the army recruiters are haunting me on fucking chans of all places.
no lie tho, it was my plan to join if i got kicked out
cyber operations specialist 17C here i come

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I just checked on this board because of this usually I just shitpost on Yas Forums and browse Yas Forums occassionally. So is most everyone certain it's gonna be a recession? I'm fighting with my retarded boomer daily for weeks now trying to convince him how bad shit can get. Going to sleep as well, goodnight bros.

People in IT will be absolutely fucked and I can't wait for it

Buying up extra supply for what? The entire gsc is shutdown from the mines to the end consumer in my industry.

My gm wanted to build up stock for a rush of buy orders too but it seems more and more unlikely unless theres a big bounceback.

riding back into the NEET life through no fault of my own? saddle me the fuck up

everybodies going to flock to the $5 pizzas aha

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I collect rent checks, all my apartments are at the bottom end a very nice school district. During expansion i catch renters trying to move up into the district, during recession i catch recently downsizinging parents trying to stay in the district. Fairly recession proof, unless there was wicked deflation which would catch me in a debt trap.

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are you going to be expanding your real estate nuggets after a crash?
going to be a lot of foreclosures
>duplex life
>multifamily homes are the way

Provincial Nurse in a retirement town. I'll be fine.

but where are you going?

Hopefully my friend, hopefully.

This hilarious. Look at all the McDonalds workers seething that they were too retarded to get an engineering degree and make sweet sweet bank. What you brainlets dont realize is how modernized the world has become that most companies have some form of it that at the very least needs to be maintained if not improved on. If the Bloomberg Terminal is what composes a large part of the business revenue you best believe they’ll fire the entire marketing and HR department before they they think about firing the dudes keeping their income stream alive. This coupled with the fact we can do our entire job working at home and international workers cant communicate for the life of them puts software in probably one of the most comfiest jobs rn. Stop flipping burgers and start learning how to code. Also, hold the pickle you know I don’t like them on my Double QPs.

huh, same but in C, but is changing really that easy

Male nurse? What's that like?

Parent's have hundreds of thousands ready to snap up property investments...any tips?
Are you in a major metro area?
my future is to be the angry chinese landlord lady smoking camels

Plumber doing commercial construction here. JUST.
The only good thing is I have my state license for plumbing so I can strike out on my own if I have to.


Only son of a retired schizophrenic government worker.
Am I going to make it?

My job will continue if you want shit in your stores and you don't want complete, absolute anarchy on the streets.

If you got it, a truck brought it to you.

inb4 durr self-driving trucks

Kek, a pipe dream. You have no idea how many hundreds, thousands of micro-calculations we have to do on a daily basis. When a robot gets good enough to do my job, they're good enough to do anybody's job so we're all fucked anyway.

Sadly right with you user. Unless you're one of the more senior members at the helpdesk it's entirely probable that they'll cut you simply because it seems like a lot of companies don't understand the value. When you get experienced enough you're able to resolve complicated issues fairly quickly as you get used to the specifics of the base of customers/employees you're serving. Managers and others that write your paycheck don't understand what you do if you work for a company that doesn't specialize in the industry, and so to better understand what you do they'll watch how you work, and believe that your job is simple, and therefore it doesn't have much value.

Yes, but quit leaching.

healthcare fag....will have work but income will plummet and kind of already is. nobody wants to enter a hospital right now.

My mother makes a bunch of money, without me, she will just throw it away.
I am honestly making her life better and setting myself for a big inheritance.