What is the dumbest way you've ever made money?

What is the dumbest way you've ever made money?

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Buying stocks because people go bananas over some meme virus and an oil war

one time i actually applied for a retail job. it was in a grocery store. i even shook hands with the manager and scheduled an interview in a day.

it haunts me to this day. that i would ever lower myself to being a stockboy just because boomlarpers on the internet told me to get a job. fuck that shit.

Found simple PayPal exploit to reset any account’s password. Got paid $10k for it. Other than that, selling drugs

buying kinguin codes, saving them, returning them, then sell them out a month later

By selling my labour for an hourly price.

buying chain link.

Ponzicoin, 6x my 1000 dollar meme buy.

made a catfish bot twitter account. problem is i logged in on desktop and it asked for number verification so i just threw my number in not thinking...... my dad recieved notifcation "your contact is now on twitter" .......... you know how it ends

a catfish of some random findom whore i mean
very embarrassing situation for all involved

dogecoin mining

just say they probably used an old number or something. super easy

Steam stealers in 2014.

i bought chainlink on a whim and it jumped up to 4 bucks and i said nice, and promptly sold it

then i put it into tezos and it did the same and i sold it, cashed out because a friend told me coin was for third worlders

then i saw my moms portfolio going all in on google. i told her to sell it right before the corona crash. she did.

then i played with some penny stocks and got burned.

selling used super nintendo videogames i guess
its like nigger have you not heard of emulators

Put 3 grand in Chainlink in 2018

i traded tf2 hats when i was 12. i sold like $500 worth to a friend at a 5x markup (he had rich parents and he was autistic)

but muh authentic experience (unironically)

hes not stupid senpai he knew instantly

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I traded some leftover LTC for BTC which was about $1,000 worth, for shits and giggles I traded that for LINK and my $1,000 turned into $13,000, just pissed I didn't take LINK more seriously.

if the first idea that came to your father's head was "my son must be catfishing people on twitter to extort some money", then you've probably done some other things to jeopardize his confidence in you

hes not retarded. he received the notification, clicked the profile, read it. its not difficult

its funny in hindsight but it wasnt funny at the time

made about $200 in steam wallet money in 2014 christmas sale because of the gem dupe bug

idk if that counts

Selling pics of kpop stars when potato dapps were popular. This was when eth was $800 odd so you'd make a few hundred every flip. I knew a little bit about kpop at the time so knew who to buy for a likely resale. Potatoes were the best.

Buying INO under $5

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I bought muliple copies of a video game and left them unwrapped, 8 years later it had a cult status and I sold my fresh virgin copies to a bunch of autists

By pretending I was a girl and ewhoring myself out online. I made 100$ in one month but it was degrading. I did it for one day and had to talk and think like a complete faggot. Some pedophile eventually sent me 100$ to my pay pal non refundable and I transferred it immediately and closed the account but It was the most degrading shit I've ever done. This was back in the day of skype.

Which game?

Wonderful 101
Actually it's only 5 years after I bought them but I got them for 20 and flipped them for 100

Put my life savings into the S&P 500 during the 08/19 dip. I was +20%, now I'm -20%. Don't buy stocks as a layman kids.

I played Flappybird for BTC in 2015. I actually earned money and it paid out reliably.

The dumbest way is probably recently, from the Buccaneer airdrop

The cheekiest way has to be when I made a fake celebrity sex tapes website and advertised it in YouTube comments. The monetization was a fake lander that gave the user a notification that they had to install some video player to view the video. Every time someone installed it I got paid.

Can you repeat that in English, my dude?

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When I was a kid I would melt a gigantic 15 dollar candle (unscented) into muffin tins
One candle would make 12 pucks
I would shrink wrap them put a sticker on them
I would go to skaters
And sell each puck for 5 bucks
Then I would repeat the process
Made slot of money doing that as a 10 year old
I also sold pokemon cards really aggressively

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Trading imaginary internet coins

Bought and sold Stellar

Had a friend that worked at gamestop, got me some good deals back when powerup had actual rewards (buy 2 used ps4 get 1 free)
Helped me scalp some collectables that soys love, mainly funko pop figurines. Imagine spending 80 on a plastic figurine someone paid 20 for.

They had these mini SNES consoles once for $60. Only handed out like 10 per store. They went for 250-300 on eBay.
Gamestop autists are truly the worst.

some cs go stupid skin I sold to some idiot

Sold limited edition sneakers to hypebeasts for thousands of dollars, made well into 5 figures. Over a few years.

The world confuses me. How can literal retards have so much money to spend? Are they even capable of dealing drugs?

3rd year of uni got a job in China as an ESL teacher (I'm British with a really thick queen's English accent).
Got paid £2000 a month plus housing (on campus one bed apartment), medical insurance, travel insurance. Plus tickets home every 2 months and original tickets there and back.
Stayed there 6 months.

Every time I'd go from China -> UK I'd fill my bags (44kg luggage capacity) with high tier rep sneakers, and wear near flawless rep gear through customs. Stuff was mainly sourced through TaoBao but eventually direct factories.

Customs got fishy once, I showed my proof of employment (as a high ranking teacher) and got waived through.

In total I got £4000 worth of fake shit into the UK, no customs or vat duty.
When in the UK I sold the gear on stockX (their rep checkers aren't worth shit) and netted a total of £12000.
Used lots of different grailed accounts, debit accounts/prepaid cards and PayPal stuff to move the money.

For 6 months of work I made £24,000, with take-home pay of £18,000. All of it untaxed.

This was summer 2017 height of hypebeast craze, StockX etc. Shit was easy and the moment someone complained I deleted my accounts and made other accounts.

Sell items on roblox, made 4-5k.

This was years ago btw.

a faggot on telegram requested a timestamped dick pic, so i sent him the tip with his message in the background and he sent me back 50 link. I think Link was $1.00 at the time. I sold it for some otehr shit shit coin gamble.. show dinkies get linkies, dump linkies. repeat [rocess/
also user brave breowser with ads enabled and kyc for a few bucks of funny money they wont even let you withdraw.

If you had told me in early 2018 id be making it in crypto, i never would have imagined this.
Ons a scale of 0 - Sergey how totally chainlink am i?

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I let a dude suck my dick for free

I’ve been a weightlifting meathead for 20 years now. About 15;years ago before I ever used steroids or illegal ped’s myself, an older guy in my gym was telling me about the ridiculous amount of money he pays for prescription testosterone. I looked online and found a way to order this guy’s same human grade testosterone prescription free from Greece, the shipping costed more than the testosterone.

Bought a 3 year supply for under $400 and turned around and sold it to the guy for $6000.

Can you all tell me some ways to make money as a dumbskin today?

i got bored while high on opiates and managed to find a bug worth a couple thousand dollars. i had no idea what i was doing either

Drawing furry art

buying link for the meme at .20c

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i remember your thread

Back in elementary school they were in the middle of that super crazy health push, and took out all the soda vending machines and candy and shit. So i started selling soda and candy to kids at my school for like a buck a candy bar, and a buck a soda. Other people tried to muscle in on me once i had already established a market, so i would drop my prices to like 50 cents and eat the losses until the people who were also trying to sell could not make any money from it, then change the prices back to a buck. I made like 300 bucks as an elementry school kid, and only realized after the fact i was basically a drug dealer.

Working as a software engineer. I should steal it.

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youre a biznessman

bug on what?

Listening to people on biz
Despite everything dropping like a sack of rocks I'm up 65%
I should have listened more

RuneScape scams back in 2006
Bought a rare and gave it to a random player few years ago

Should have kept or destroyed it for the lulz. Oh well

I downloaded music off kazaa and sold bootleg CDs to simps at my middle school for $10 a pop

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How come
Dont Link me

Got forty bucks one time to go to a girl in my Econ’s class house and “tutor” her. Sadly we didn’t hook up or anything, but I probably answered a total of three easy questions and got a free dinner and forty bucks. I was stoked

lmaoo that was a weird ass time, could have made millions back then with 0 risk

>sell candy in elementary school
>eat the losses

Cryptokitties, made like $200 but I know a few people that made thousands off that shit

Bought bitcoin at 200 usd and sold it at 2000 :(