Fellow nice guys, how do we profit off bad boys?

Fellow nice guys, how do we profit off bad boys?

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this dude is as based as it gets

become one

It's almost as if women also enjoy the fun and amusement of trolling.

you can get away with a lot of things when you attractive

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He’s a manwhore nigger. Not based. Based men don’t ride the roast carousel on tinder but get a 16 year old virgin and groom her to be a servant and good house mom.

simps try to get 1 girl and marry her for ever and ever like a loser that isnt man enough to spread his seed. run along simp MEN not boys are talking in this thread you smol unused dick virgin

each to his own.. also Minja is a slavic name, so hardly a N-word.

cope, seethe, have sex, etc

Producing a bunch of single moms is not eugenic. That’s how you end up lik Africa you dumb nigger. Quality over quantity. My kids will beat the shit out of your single mom retard spawn

stop crossposting from Yas Forums to Yas Forums you absolute fucking retard
get corona and die faggot

Sell him steroids obv

Real chads don't have to drum up 'clever' Tinder bios, nor do they have exes body parts tattooed on them. This guy probably gets insecure pussy, but also cries over 'the one that got away'. False chad.

have sex

Nigger is a state of being. Many slaves are peak nigger.

Dilate Jew boy

seething virgin mad his smol dick has never gotten use

Back to discord tranny. You don’t even have a wife or kids. Cope harder fag

Lol ok dude, have fun being a faggot while I plow all the hot chicks on tinder
>t. fucked 60+ bitches from tinder

>bragging about number count

My blood line will enslave your single mom nigger bloodline. Cope std nigger. Have fun with roast beef. While I build a big and strong family who’s future will be secured with chainlink. You are niggers to us.

Pretty cringy desu. Especially cringey that he went to the same school as me. probably has a micro penis

kek the assumptions the smol peepee virgin makes in his rage trying to lash out at manly chads that do get laid. everyone mogs you in life little boy

chad might be hot, but that dude's retarded. Illinois state? lol
he's two standard deviations more attractive than me, and i'm two standard deviations smarter than him

Embarrassing faggot lmao the other user is right

another smol peepee virgin lashing out defending his smol penis buddy. top tier lols at you seething virgins. not sorry everyone mogs you guys in life and in sex

Mate read what you're posting. You're an embarrassment

>brad whiteknight defense force

Lmfao slavs were the original niggers before we made it to Africa. Slavs are at best, 2 steps above a nigger, in between the 2 being the sand nigger.

kek like I give a shit what you think virgin

>just change your skeletal and facial structure bro!

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>retard-tier niggers that fell for the kike programming

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So what's stopping you from getting even 1 girl?

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smol penis virgin lashing out like the others cuz he's not a chad


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kek keep seething virgin

Except you're the one coping.

If it's so based, what's stopping him from doing that?

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sucking Brads dick online won't get you any pussy you virgin incels lmao

This. It's not about the "nice guys" vs "bad boys" thing, attractive people can be whatever the fuck they want and they'll still be attractive.

Again, what's stopping you from marrying that 1/10 roastie of your dreams?

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>While I build a big and strong family who’s future will be secured with chainlink
I hold more LINK than you. Holy shit the absolute state of incel cope. Have fun scraping the bottom of the barrel for women when i get to choose damn near any woman i want to start a family with when i settle down.

>not keeping them housed & cared for in your harem compound where they're not allowed to leave

lol always a virgin calling others incels. ALWAYS
keep stroking your smol peepee and wishing a girl will love you someday user

Why are you quoting roasties?

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You stick your dick in holes that hundreds of men have already creampied. You are a faggot.

*yawns in your face*
you gotta come up with better stuff if you want to keep entertaining me incels, these copes just aint gonna cut it

>You stick your dick in holes that hundreds of men have already creampied
See, this is where you are wrong. Being a chad, I am capable of not only sticking my dick in women that have yet to be creampied, but am also capable of doing this multiple times in a very short time span. I have been the first to creampie many women, and will continue to be. When you think "Damn this girl has already been creampied", it's guys like me who did it first. Then little ugly faggots like you come along, thinking you found the best women in the world only because she's had 3 or 4 cocks shoved up her pussy. Little do you know, girls like that are dime-a-dozen for me. The more attractive you are, the more choices you have, meaning you don't have to settle for nasty roastie whores. Only faggots do that shit, not real chads.

It's not incel cope, it's bluepill cope. Incels are already blackpilled and know that true love doesn't exist. Bluepilled faggots still believe in it and think settling down with a 1/10 roastie will fix their meaningless life.

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Except you're incel.

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Same shit I guess, could all be summed up into "bitch nigger faggot cope" imo.

Didn’t read.

You sleep with roast beef on tinder. You stick it in used holes. Nuff said

What the fuck is going on itt?

*yawns again in your face but louder this time*
You incels are getting so boring, even bullying you is boring. I hope you can post better than this....

Kek alright man, good luck out there. Hope you find what you're looking for.

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At first it was just a nuisanse. The communications started to become better. Then as the transport and logistics became more accessible the society degraded more and more. Until the internet destroyed everything. No remorse with sick roasties. The ill society JUSTed itself.


Again the actual virgin is calling people incel again. hilarious. the absolute state of cope... no y..you're the i..incel

Make fake tinder profile
Sell meat for $$$

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sell coping solutions to desperate ethniks like this one