I printed out my wallet on MEW and sent my 6k LINKS to a paper wallet.

I lost the paper! I checkedall my files and folders :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


Attached: stack-of-golden-bars-in-the-bank-vault-60756080_Large.jpg (750x469, 78.97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


6,000 link burned forever? thanks for your service. you weren't meant to make it if that makes you feel any better

>gets done a solid





post proof

>not responsible enough to put $25k in a spot where he'll remember it

you don't deserve 6k links

I am praying for you bro

$t Anthony $t Anthony please come around
Something is lost and must be found

dubs and OP finds his wallet


Attached: GONE.jpg (1328x68, 9.12K)

This is why you don’t smoke weed kids

well, this is a sign from sergey.
You didn´t ever deserve to /make it/
Sorry user, but you would have sold too early anyway. See this as a lesson.
And thanks for never selling.
You should have gotten a fucking Ledger, like every sane person on this board.
Back to the wage cage now!

Put a sharpie up your butt with timestamp, and I'll send you 200 link.

This is the great thing about coins like LINK. People buy them and consider them worthless, it was only a few hundred bucks, right? But then the coin moons and they're panicking because they forgot all their important info

Get fucked man. Let this be a lesson to take care of your things. This is like losing the title to your car, except when you lose it the fucking car disappears too.

this, i'll throw in an extra 100 since i feel bad

bs you aren't gonna give him $1300 to put a sharpie up his ass

PROVE you have 200 link and 100 link

im gonna add 50 for the memes

He is ready lmao

Attached: pepe-laughter.jpg (250x211, 8.6K)

Well, I bought most of my link between 20-30 cents. I'll give you 30 minutes from now to do it, or not, your choice

I dont hvae a sharpie and dont want to stick anything up my butt

Give me something else to do, and ill do it

Shit I'll do it

>asking people to prove they have low 3 digit link
jesus christ we're gonna be so rich

Guys ill do the sharpie challenge if OP is too pussy to do it

god, makes me wish I bought more

I put a sharpie up my ass if someone sends me LINK for it. I am a poor LINKlet from Belarus

Literally who country
Whats it like user? How does it compare to other eastern yuro countries?


This video will show you everything you need to know about these fascinating, culturally rich people.

I never got out, because I can not really afford it.
So no idea how it is somewhere else. But we have no tax on crypto here
And yeah, it is nice if you have a good salary. But other than that it is just a struggle to get through the month

What do you do for a living?

Unlike OP i dont throw away 6000 precious linkies
And unlike OP, I deliver

Care to deliver to me anons?

Attached: 20200308_182529.jpg (1543x1874, 1.51M)

the few, the proud, the stinkmarines

Fucking faggot, just like OP

Fuckin based

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no not gay its just like using my squat plug

Horrible, my condolences.

I am op.

Apart from a private key. Or the wallet file. How else can you access or recover a address?

Here's what I think happened. I deleted the wallet file on my PC as I thought I had a printed copy.

I then must have ripped apart my paper copy, thinking I still have the wallet file on my PC.

I feel so sad :(

I can't believe everything that's happened in the last two and a half years gone. That was my only wallet. All of my link

Time to buy XRP. It's your second chance.

You had the funds for 6k of LINK and couldn't bother to spend 60 bucks on a Ledger? Bruh.

Attached: 10xnci (1).jpg (1024x904, 100.74K)

Fuck off idiot. People here kept banging on about paper wallets

One last thing that can be done. Did you write down the 20 words shown when you made your wallet?

absolute fucking retard

Paper wallets are dumb for that very reason fuckface.
You get a hardware wallet when you have significant funds. Hell, myetherwallet has a very good free app that for intents and purposes acts as one since you make the wallet on your phone and can't access the wallet without your phone.

You never deserved to be rich.
Deal with it and necc yourself once we hit $1000 EOY
You propaply also don´t understand what LINK does if you followed the advice here to only have a paper wallet
Absolute retard.
I feel bad for you

buy matic sir


No, because I thought I have the printed long string and wallet file on my pc.

Worst thing is. It was nearly 7k link :(


Seriously OP. I'm trying to be nice go myetherwallet.com and under the create wallet you will find the mewconnect app info.
Download that app and create a new wallet that way.
Also did you happen to remember if you wrote down 20 words when creating wallet? If so your LINK can be saved.

Everything thing is ok I found his wallet and cashed out . Headed for Thailand now about to spread some aids

PEOPLE RECOMMEND back in the days. Stick with a paper wallet. Heck even ASSBLASTER. recommend a cold paper wallet. I was waiting to cash this out at 100$
Today I was sorting out my folders and stuff and then realised I can't find the document!!!! I checked pc and deleted the file way back.

One very last thing. Did you search through all your drives for 'UTC' file? The wallet probably starts with UTC.

>Don't leave your LINK on coinbase
hahahahaha can't believe you faggots honestly believe having your own wallet is the safest way to hold crypto

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Mate, take it to a recovery shop then. Deleted sometimes means it's not deleted. 30k USD is worth it.

Well done, you slightly increased the value of everyone else's link

No because. I printed OUT the private key and kept the Wallet file on PC. Since I had 2. I just used these as my way of access.

Burning a whole 6k? Thanks OP, you're doing us all proud. We'll make sure to spare you a nanosecond of thought from our hyperyachts while you wage away in an office

You can recover the wallet file if you are in posession of the PC / hard drive which was used to initially create it. Look into Recuva or some shit like that. Worst case bring it to a professional.
If it wasn't super long ago the file shouldn't be corrupted yet.

Keep keystones on a USB zipped inside a zip file. Keep paper backups in a Fireproof safe.

Do it!
And I'll give you 420 link!

This. For 6k LINK, just take it to a pro.

UTC file? How would I search that exactly?
I found one UTC. That was the stupid wallet which I created for IFEX and bought stupid scam CPChain

I'm lying in bed complementing suicide tomorrow.

How would I search that file type exactly? Using windows machine.

>sing windows machine.
Dude take it to a professional for data recovery tomorrow. There is a decent chance they can recover it. If money is a concern, tell them they can take a 10% finders fee of the LINK if they recover it.

I'm worse off than you so far OP, I have a macbook pro in my house which has a lot of BTC on it from around 2012. The hard drive is dead and I have to look at it everyday knowing there's possibly a million on that shit fucking brick.

Honestly I don't know how many I purchased back then. A lot though.

I can't fucking do that too. I have a small harddrive so it's overwrite stuff. What's more is I registered run CCleaner and Wipe the free space. On certain drives. I have two drives. Will look tomorrow with a fresh head. So stressed and pissed and now I'm laughing what more can I do.

This. Fucking idiots gloating about MUH KEYS until they get lost or stolen with zero insurance.

What the fuck is wrong with you people if you're actually telling the truth. You can recover it by taking it to a data recovery shop.
I don't believe you.

You're just trolling. You aren't this computer savvy and retarded at the same time. Fuck off.

Dam annon. That feeling will be there till we die

I've tried. I even took it to a 'specialist' in the city. The hard drive is fucked.