Complete fucking bullshit

i feel fucking sick. please let btc go below 8k.

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> He sold


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5 cent spread right now on cpb, unheard of

fuck you swingie

10 cent arb op for a few mins there between Binance and CBP. Unreal.

Chainlink is absolutely shaking up the market.
Anyone trying to swing is playing with fire.

What the fuck is going on? If it's from CPB then is there really something about to be announced on the event? This shit is insider trading. Fucking bullshit.

oops op..... dont refresh if you have a weak heart.

i am a risk taker

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Bear market coin


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Dem tasty swingie tears.

Hey, are you going to swing??

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praise those digits



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Are you retarded? Really?

Did you not see this is a fucking bear trap from a mile away? You fucking retard LOL

Microsoft confirmed
Google confirmed
Oracle confirmed
EY confirmed

Jesus you are so fucking stupid if you sell
The people you are selling to will never sell it back LMFAO

checked and swingpilled

Dubs of truth by the way.

I thought Chainlink was just working with Microsoft and EY for another project? Is Chainlink actually being integrated into Microsoft Azure blockchain?


imagine swinging on the brink of the singularity

IDC if BTC crashes to $4,000 as long as LINK crashes more

DYOR you fucking tard.

I give up helping you people
Most of you are neets, fast food workers, cashiers, general smooth brains who can not comprehend what Chainlink is

Just sell man
Just sell and give up


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Please help me

I bought the dip. Why didn't you?


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Kek, checked

I am convinced the only people who will make it with Chainlink are professionals who visit Yas Forums for fun: people with MBA’s working in the field, Software Engineers, etc.

The rest of you are dumb as fuck and lucky you had AB (who understood 1/100th the picture btw)

I hate you lower class tards
You don’t even know what you own

Obvious pump&dump

Just this once I’ll throw you a bone: no.

>unheard of
You werent here then when it was added to coinbase. There was a $1 spread between binance and coinbase pro.

Assblaster was an articulate larp who turned up more than 6 months after Yas Forums had already figured Chainlink out. He gets excessive credit for his level of influence.

But what could I expect? That the lower class idiots would be able to hold on at 4$ swings?

You retards will be long gone before we hit $10,000/link (which smoothbrains cannot fathom. You are the same idiots collecting your 1-5 bitcoin thinking you will make it.)

Dude AB only scratched the surface of this shit. There WILL be retards who sell at 10 and neck themselves just like eth. But there are also a lot of neets who somewhat understand the big picture on par with AB. The asspain for those with low comprehension will be legendary. Just wait.

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He leaked Link and that’s all he deserves credit for.

>selling this at a $4 swing
I cant help you people

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I was a swingie in the latter half of 2019 and January/first half of Febuary this year and I done pretty well out of it. No more though. Now I hodl. It's gonna moon.

Exactly. AB was lucky he was where he was. That’s it.

That being said, listen to a fucking engineer working in automation today: Do not sell your Link. You will hang yourself. (I’m not kidding. Most of you are lower class and have never imagined owning more than a million. Your lack of imagination combined with your nervous hands will lead to selling early, ten years later you will see link trading at 10k/piece while you are still working at Pizza Hut with maybe a good bit of average normie savings from Link selling early. You will kill yourself. I am serious. The human mind is not strong enough to deal with such mental agony of knowing you could have been free.)

I dropped out and am a underachiever; >drns


T. Working Professional

I'm all in on LINK because I remember one of my clients, we had to wait almost 10 fucking hours to clear a simple ACH payment from a series a funding.

These anons here have no corporate experience, they really don't know what they've stumbled upon until you've seen what happens when the legacy system grinds to a halt. imagine pretending to do fucking work for 10 hours straight because you need this payment to fully clear!

Listen here faggot - work hard and get an actual career making money. Otherwise you will sell early. Your mind is too weak. Mine is also too weak. Without consistent income, you will be tempted at every turn to sell. At 10. At 100. Back to 50. Then at the fabled 1k. Don’t. Fucking. Do it.

>I thought Chainlink was just working with Microsoft and EY for another project?
What the fuck is your mental problem?

checked and swingies rekt

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Yeah. I worked in payment processing before for a MasterCard company. Boomer tech is fucking retarded. Literally basic ass tech stack company’s with IPO AT A BILLION DOLLARS TF?

If you are ignorant to what the technology holds that is okay, accept your ignorance but delegate your trust to those with complete knowledge of what is happening.

Unfortunately you are correct. I learned too much, shit myself and bought in a while ago. Don't care about the swings at all. $4 is a peasant number for this coin. Am going to profit take at $100 and $1000 with 10% of my stack because I am a wagie. But 80% of my stack will remain untouched. Those who know will unironically become the new elite.

Lmao fucking nailed it

If Chainlink is not actually being integrated by Microsoft and EY then what are you excited about?

What the fuck no he didn't. Don't call others newfags if you're gonna come out with that kind of bullshit.

Do you honestly think the link token can reach 1k per token?