/smg/ - Stock Market General

nig edition

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I was at 30% plus before Corona and now I'm almost and buying price

From the end of the last thread.
Both the US and European markets are entering a downturn together and the repo market has been fighting off a liquidity crisis for most of 2019. This is why the fed is cutting rates. It's to prevent a complete halting of the financial system.

I was +20% before corona and now I'm -10%. I thought I was a smart buy and hold Boglehead but got weak hands. Now I can't think of anything but my stocks for 2 weeks and my work performance is degrading.

how reliant on National Bank pumps and Gov Subsidy can a Market become before it stops being a Free Market?

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Just buy Weed stocks my bros

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I’ve never played the stock market but I’ve been researching options, do you faggots still think this shits gonna dump? Are puts safu?

Everyone and their mother is thinking about shorting so it's time to long, we peak fear

>do you faggots still think this shits gonna dump?
>Are puts safu?

>still no hentai links


Warning, Italy is about to be quarantined


We are not peak fear yet. We are peak fear when the US has a quarantined city which will start to hurt confidence in the dollar.

Hope it happens.
I could definitely benefit from a cheaper dollar.

What is China doing? Still everything on lockdown? Back to work when?

the dollar is only going to get stronger

Market can still drop by allot. Peak fear is when everyone is sick and economy is paralyzed. True, everyone wanting to short, so a bit saturated... Be smart with any pics. Can also go cash or bonds for a few months.

Getting into the market has made me so excited for weekdays, I don't even mind waging as much

I just dump all my money into various ETFs.
Seems like a safe way to make little money over time.
Should i start buying and selling individual stocks to make some money on the side?

I am telling you all, keep your eye on the repo markets. It froze up again after the rate cut and when that happens it means that a major bank was about to go bankrupt and the economy is about to implode for real. The fed is going to cut rates a second time because they dont know what else to do, but it's questionable how much that will help.

Was +100% now +240% for the year or plus minus 20

Only if you want to lose money.

I am bullish

Green monday
Green tuesday

Willl be buying

Not particularly.
I like going to casinos just for the fun of it and so far, to my brainlet mind atleast, the stock market just seem like a less chancy, higher profile casino to me.

Just cut your losses or embrace the hold. It’s not worth cutting years off your life staring at the market every day.

Maybe scrape together extra cash and try to buy some cheapies during the downturn and it’ll make you feel better

Deutsche Bank without a doubt.
This explains why Germany and linked Governments are in complete SHUT IT DOWN mode over possible economic impacts from Corona, they are in panic.

DAE think AAL will plummet any more?


It has one user.

You see

I see the future

Like you know a ball dropped falls

Its just as predictable for me

and guess what i see

G r e e n

Imagine it collapses the same day they do the rate cut

I don't understand why the WHO hasn't declared pandemic status yet
It actually just doesn't make sense to me

Then why are you even asking us what you should do?

>hey I'm almost certain I'm going to make money (because im an inexperienced dummy), should I do it?
Gee idk user

Insee green

I see green


I see green

>less chancy
If you treat trading like gambling, it will be just that.

They dont want the public to panic because that would make things hard to manage.
It's really not that mysterious and confusing, lad

The US
Not even kidding
Apparently, the Presidential election takes precedence over a fucking global outbreak.

their most recent explanation is that "if we define it as pandemic that means we stop counting cases and give up hope of containment"
so it's essentially psychological, and has nothing to do with actual definition of disease.

I'm not a doomer, but I feel like we are staring down a barrel we shouldn't be looking at. I don't know if it's going to go off now or later, but when it does it's going to be rough.
The P word is racist

God damnit, why the fuck would anyone use DB

Same, brother. I used to traditionally love weekends, now I hate them because no market. Two days not doing shit.

>It froze up
care to explain for a brainlet?



>Apparently, the Presidential election takes precedence over a fucking global outbreak.
Of course it does. US politics takes over everything. This isnt shocking.

>New York fed getting $80 to 100B daily in liquidity
>About $25B of that is on mortgages
>This is just the NY fed
Am I understanding this right, that if they didn't do these operations, wherever this money goes to would have collapsed otherwise?

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You know all those motivational speakers and shit? (Ie Robbins, Rohn) where they say you need to find your 'why' and then you'll be excited to wake up in the morning? You've found an opportunity to accomplish your goals (in this case, money) and now you have some fire, some spark, some passion in your life where you are excited for Mondays. This is the shit normies don't understand.

Are inverse ETFs a good way of shorting?

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As a newfag, I want to ask this: Assuming Italy ends up with their economy/ect. fucked into oblivion due to this virus, which stocks/parts of the market would be most affected by this/most likely to crash downwards into below earth levels?

motherfuck normies. normies better consoom so companies i am invested in make money, so i can make money too.

Stop thinking short term
Stop thinking this is just about corona
Stop ignoring the Fed's decade of bullshit
Stop ignoring the yield curve
Stop ignoring the repo market bullshit
Stop pretending the Plunge Protection Team didn't fake the market recovery on Friday
They are desperate to keep the mass delusion going on indefinitely
The future is War

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Rates of lending would shoot up to at least 10% as institutions dont trust each other to be solvent enough to pay them back without hefty interest

Honestly it’s because it is retarded that this user is probably right, contrary investors are a thing, I mean at least a 2% gain open is possible until something happens and then I predict a non stop free fall like you do

>The future is War

Calls on Boeing.

Hey does SMG know any /comfy/ day trader streams newbies can watch during the week?

I'm interested too. Some user with experience in inverse ETF's, please share.

Blah blah blah blah people have been saying the same shit for decades. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow much less even further in the future. Of all the doom and gloom faggots who’ve screamed we were on a spiders web hanging over oblivion and to buy guns and ammo for the second coming not ONE even saw the financial crisis coming and if you bought at literally the worst possible time during that you would still be up big today. Buy stocks niggers or drive ubers until you’re 90 regretting being an idiot

Green mon bullbros

Anons, I'm hearing rumours that the king of Saudi Arabia has just died. What will this do the the stock market and oil price?

Shorting gold mining companies seems very tempting since their supply is mostly inelastic but they're getting pumped up by speculation.
Gold sells off with everything else when funds and banks need liquidity during sudden volatility.

I know the future

Green monday
Green tuesday

Its clear as fucking day. Lewrn to seee.future

not much, who cares about that old crypto jew

true but god damn, six years is an awful long time to wait without knowing if another drop was coming the next month

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The planes that Allah akhbar without arabs!

The DOW has gone up 40x in the last 40 years. The average annual return has been 11.53% including reinvested dividends. This means that an investor in the Dow has doubled his money every 6 years, on average, over a 40 year period! So $25,000 invested in 1980 would be $2 million today.

The coming downturn will not take 40 years. When bubbles burst, everything unravels very quickly. It could take say 3-7 years for the Dow to come down 90% or more. In 1929-32 it took less than 3 years for the Dow to fall 90%. And the situation today is much more serious when it comes to overvaluations, debts, deficits etc.

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What is the biz-recommended way of investing in the stock market online (particularly, in the UK)?

Its dumping now. His death would just mean it dumps less.

Yes but who cares when all you need is to pump out F-15s and other military equipment

What's the next INO this week boys? I didn't pull the trigger last week like an idiot. It seems anytime a company is mentioned in connection with Corona virus it goes on a moon mission. Friday there's was news about SPEX, ENZ and OPK.

Baste bull
We gonna eat da bears


I'm dumping the few shares I own on Monday, going to wait until fear increases , rebuy those shares plus more and then going looooooooong.

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Italy literally just put 16 million people under a month long quarantine. New York declared a state of emergency. The NY --> DC Amtrak is now shut down, along with SXSW. The Fed did an emergency 50 basis point rate cut that only kept the market green for two days, they literally can only do that 2.5x more times.

Either the market goes down or the Fed prints so much money trying to save it that the dollar crashes instead.

I dont think the future is war personally. I do think the crypto selloff Is a harbinger for a very red week of stocks

Did you read to the end?
I'm not a bull or a bear
I'm a buy-at-right-time ALPHA WOLF

Its gren

Look mdore

See deeper



I dunno what bears are.thinking

Like its.expecting a dropped.object.to.go to space

Its green

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are puts on disney safe

Anyone else follow Discover Financial Services?

They have an EPS of like 6 but I've been averaging down since $76 and it's now $62. How dumb is it dumb to be holding a bank right now? Most of their loans are credit card loans and personal loans so lower rates don't really effect their return on capital, the biggest risk is default.

Poor beers gonna rot

I tri to warn

"If you think a recession is coming... you're a fag!!!"
You are a stupid fuck and you would be a liability in any serious situation

kek this. there's nothing wrong with buying long dated puts and hedging your positions but i wouldn't bet on the US collapsing any time soon.

Kek.imagine being a bear into monday