Been living off crypto gains for 4 years. AMA

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what's it like eating cat food and living in a box

Which brand of kneepads do you prefer?

I'll bite.

What coins are you in right now?

How much are you worth?

How do you think corona will affect us?

More like living abroad indefinitely.

how much did you invest initially?

Whatever type your mom has. They are black with straps.

Unironically LINK. Some BTC and ETH.

Enough to not have to work again.

Badly. Particularly if you are in the US.

Take that back

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where do you live
what are your weekly expenditures
what do you do to satisfy your curiosity
what do you do as a creative outlet
do you have a social life, are you interested in other people
do you have a long term goal for which you strive

Should i try to trade link or just hold?

Tell us more

Live on a beach in Indonesia . I spend less than 2k a month. I paint occasionally. Meet many different people. Long term "goals" are a meme. Ebb and flow with the present.

Definitely try to trade

Trade it against BTC or ETH but not USD. It will outperform both this year, so if you're not retarded, you will make money.

You will lose money day trading. You can make money swing trading if you stick to your own rules and don't reach for trades. Most people do not understand what this means. Only make trades you see perfectly.

How does one do this?

Can we have an example
>spoonfeed me

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Are you a larper?

>day trading
>be me sell ogn after small pump
>it dumps so me happy
>buy arpa at what i thought was the dip
>today arpa is dumpin
>ogn is mooning

What's the pussy like where you are op?


Infinite. In fact, I'm off to meet up with someone at the bar now. I'll check in later if there's more questions.

How much total do you have in crypto right now and how much liquid cash do you have outside of crypto?

All in. Virtually nothing. If you want to make it, diversification is a meme. Sit in high interest stable coins if you need to.

If you worried about a trade, don't take it.

How are you going to raise a family in indonesia and place kids in school or will you move back home and do that

Ok your all in but how much is all in? 100 I? 1 million?

OP isn’t a faggot this time

Based would like to take some time off to slay but only when the fat Russian scammer sings

how much link do i need to never have to work again

Where is a good place to learn? I only have about 1.5k in BTC and $500 in link (that I bought way too late - thought it was meme bs) I have 100k in cash... wtf should I do?

Whats your current net worth?

How was reporting and paying crypto taxes like?

How much do you have in crypto right now?
What do you use to determine a perfect trade... certain TA?

Do you have an email


Where exactly in Indonesia.
And how hard is it there to get laid as an average looking dude (like me)
I do not have much success with girls at home. But I am not ugly neither

>I have 100k in cash... wtf should I do?
Dump it all into Chainlink and become a full fledged homosexual.

he probably cashes out as he needs it, a little at a time.

Know yourself. That life isn't for me. Too easy. Don't take the kids and a wife meme if it doesn't fit you. Find your own way.

Several hundred thousand. Odd to say, but I'll be a millionaire this year. It's also not as much money as it sounds.

It's always been 10k.

Not that you'll be able to pay for most likely. Alpha is 1k a month. I hold boomers hands at this point. Just dropping by biz for bit.

This is how you do it. Always keep exposure.

Are traps gay?

Dump 69K into chainlink
And buy yourself some tendies today
The tendies are important

sounds pretty gay, i dont want to get my ass rape by tax man

No qt Indonesian gf, why live?

I've lived in Bali for 4 years. All the easy pussy are busted up from fucking every bule within a 10 mile radius

Bali. Lol. Branch out.

I am terrible at trading but I understand the tech
>low general rank

Cool guy over here.

Tell us how much your worth

fucking fagot anonymous fagot won't even tell us his net worth even though he's anonymous

fucking fagooooooooooot

Stop being a faggot. Use decentralized exchanges. That will buy you a few years. If you're good, you can amend your tax before they even understand how to deal with that.

Am I missing something?
>less than 10k invested
>Chainlink was around $.15- $.19
> Theoretical max gain was 32x if just hold and then sell.

$320k isn't enough to stop working for 4 years unless you live like a homeless person.

Bali is pleb tier entry level. At least make it to the gilis.

Did well with ETH first.

You're gay if you let a trap suck your dick.

If you see something early and jump on it, you'll do better than most moon Bois.

Scroll up wagecuck.