GUYS how does it feel like tell me pls

GUYS how does it feel like tell me pls

Attached: 1583628067789.jpg (600x800, 49.14K)

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gross cheeseburger puss

feels good

Some pussy is better than others
But prime pussy is hnnnggg

what the fuck bros I accidentally downloaded this and sent it to my boss

feels good but smells like fish

have sex with warm grapefruit, feels like that

Feels like a warm, wet...sock? Chamber? around your dick that clenches around you when you’re fucking them right.

It feels like a tight ring rolling up and down your cock. I'm assuming that you're asking about her asshole.

imagine the smell


bags of sand

Based oldfag

Feels pretty good.

And each position feels quite a bit different. Doggy is my favorite.

Some pussies are way better than others.

Why are his balls so small?

Its wet but feels like warm velvet. It’s also very warm


Attached: 1552083391693.jpg (471x388, 13.51K)

That's a man

Just like market buying CKB.

What a spread

God im tripping on mushrooms right now i want some pussy so bad lmao bros FUCK

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>51 minutes

Overrated to be honest but I do suspect I ruined myself with two decades of vice grip beforehand.

Nothing feels as good as cumming inside a girl you love

Pussy is like steak. Some steak is better than others, some can be dollar steak, some can be really appetizing and sound good till u have it in your mouth and you are underwhelmed, and some send you to the fucking moon. All you need to know is that there is rarely bad steak, and that your life is infinitely better with steak included in it.

This. Cumming inside your woman to make offspring is fulfilling your sole purpose in life.

>Imagine the smell.png

Attached: sniff.png (462x725, 179.13K)

when I had sex she was rather loose and her vagina kept making farting sounds when I thrusted, it was fun

>Vagina was loose
>Not realizing you have a pencil dick

bags of sand

smol pp meets caverngina

Its ok with condom. But raw no birth control is best

it feels like it's all you need until you have it

>no birth control
Why though?

Attempting your best to get your sperm to inseminate her egg is your sole purpose being fulfilled. In that moment you have reached nirvana. You wouldn't really understand until you do it

You plan for that shit though, this is why single motherhood is increasing.

Attached: out of wedlock births.jpg (934x1200, 189.87K)

The no birth control part is about the women. They have better sex without it since it lowers their libido. But this in turn makes it better for everybody

And your next gen of kids raised by bitter single mothers live shit miserable lives and die childless. You cuck your next generation all for some "fun". Nice purpose

Why not just do anal? Do you think women just don't have children when you cum inside their vagina without a condom?
If you abort your children you are giving planned parenthood money, which is the most cucked thing in the universe.

>And your next gen of kids raised by bitter single mothers live shit miserable lives and die childless
user, one portion of your post doesn't make any sense. Here's a hint, it's at the end.

34 year old archmage checking in. How’s it going, frens?

How do you tell a good pussy from a bad pussy

His next gen will not have kids because they are raised to be cucks by a bitter single mum. Get it?

>being pro life
The only women that get abortions are women that should have abortions. There is literally nothing wrong with abortion


You're a male. Your lizard brain is just telling you to inseminate as many wombs as possible. Yes, if you raise your child yourself then that 1 child has a better chance of making it. On the other hand if you go Genghis Khan and try to inseminate a different woman every day you WILL have offspring that make it. And you know this. And your lizard brain knows this. Give in. Cum inside as many fertile pussies as possible.

Depends if they are black or not.
I'm not pro-life, I just hate planned parenthood.

Attached: birthrates by race.png (960x720, 43.84K)

>which is the most cucked thing in the universe
Actually, factually, not cumming inside fertile pussy is the most cucked thing. Fact.

Does the lizard brain also tell me to masturbate 40 times a day?
Having your child being raised exclusively by a femoid is even more cucked.

>Does the lizard brain also tell me to masturbate 40 times a day?
Sort of, that's you coping by trying up for the fact that you're not cumming inside fertile pussy. You're trying to chase that dragon but it's not the same.

>Having your child being raised exclusively by a femoid is even more cucked.
In most cases, females will find a beta provider to help raise their child. And, again, this worked fine for Khan. It's a numbers game and, again, deep down you know this. Your lizard brain knows this. Just cum inside fertile pussy.

>*In some cases
Fixed that for you. Most women who have children out of wedlock are impoverished, uneducated, and generally black or brown. I grew up in the "hood" so I'd know. Maybe if you can find an autistic white guy who makes 300k starting from math phd but most black guys make less than 20k a year or don't work at all lol

bad chart though
In norway it is very common to get married after one has kids

It also doesn't say how much the father is involved long-term.

Wtf is happening in iceland

Attached: pres2.jpg (1263x702, 117K)

disgustingly based
imagine """her""" balls knocking against your face

Iceland is one of the most matriarchal countries in the world. Also now cucked too and 11% of the population are foreign-born refugees.

That beta provider will rape your kids. I hear of men raping the kids of their new partners all the time. Your kids are only as safe as their fathers can protect them.

depends how big his cock is
start small and work your way up

This is the plastic onahole I've found most close to vagina in actuality. Others feel good or interesting but this most feels like a regular pussy. There may be others that are more realistic.

Some may judge me for fapping with a Japanese rubber pussy but if you're gonna fap you may as well do it in style

Men don't have sex for the pussy. Our hands feel better. Sex feels good because of the touching kissing sounds and reactions she makes to your movement. The high of conquest too

>and generally black or brown know you can pick the color of the skin of the woman you cum inside, right? I feel like with saying stuff like this you're just arguing for the sake of peace of mind. No need to convince me, bro. Do yourself a favor and really think about you want. Really convince yourself whether you want to cum inside a fertile pussy or not.

>Your kids are only as safe as their fathers can protect them
Then those kids were weak and weren't going to continue your lineage. Remember, it's a numbers game. Cum inside as many fertile pussies to make as many offspring as possible. The strong will survive and carry on your lineage. Aim to make a dynasty to eventually overthrow the jews.

Terrible analogy on a board full of pajeets

You're a virgin, aren't you?