Why are people selling their bitcoin to hoard toilet paper?
Why are people selling their bitcoin to hoard toilet paper?
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Its the last x100.
TPcoin is ripping it up this year.
toilet paper is actually used for something
Not selling my BTC.
Of all the things to hoard why tp?
Top kek
I get the meme of tp being valuable during a collapse. But the flu is not going to collapse society.
dunno i mean if i ran out of tp i would just shower and wash my ass. but if water also runs out of the pipes... oh boy. it's the apocalypse. and it would smell like shit.
there are two problems with covid19
1 about 20% of those that get it need to be hospitalized and in intensive care. no country has enough spare facility for this to handle 20% of the population which means quarantines and curfew and possibly disruption of public services but at least supply chains.
2 people panic which hurts more than the underlying cause and can have very severe ramifications very far from the origin of the problem.
Once everyone realizes this is a giant nothing burger hoax created by the media there is not going to be any panics.
> 20% of those that get it need to be hospitalized and in intensive care
i heard it was 0.2%. 20% sounds too high, especially considering only 0.2% of young people will die from it.
This. I’m gonna get seriously paid by the masses ignorance.
I imagine that anyone who works at a toilet paper factory wouldn't care enough to show up to work if they knew a coworker has wu flu
Italy just announced they're 'red-zoning' provinces, you can no longer leave Milan or Venice. Its getting pretty hectic brahs.
1,500,000 old people in america will die from it. not exactly a hoax
WHO recently set death rate at 3.4%. China fabricates data like hell to save economy, look at Italy. Anyway 3.4 is official for now worldwide. Up to 20% ppl need medical care if too mamy ppl are infected hospitals get overwhelmed so death rate will go up a lot. Everyone underestimates this shit a lot and its thanks to China and their lies and censhorship. Watch closely Italy deaths rising every day. This shit will get out of control in the following months. Its really happening this time.
Ok schizo
that's the mortality rate in hospitals and seems underestimated for the entire population if it spreads fast.
for many it will just be like a flu. but the number that needs to be treated in hospital care is way too high for the infrastructure to handle. if can also cause an immune storm that kills the most healthy patients.
What does it mean for Bitcoin. Interest rates are at ATL. Does some of that translate into BTC?
Cockvid-19 is literally airborne aids squared
yeah this is what i'm referring as panic when authorities start shutting down routes and areas and travel. just to be on the safe side have 2 weeks worth of food at home... emergency services may get temporarily overwhelmed.
Ok zoomer enjoy afterlife
It's serious because up to this point there isn't a vaccine. The word is Bill Gates patented the virus. Who the frick does that without the vaccine?
Imagine actually believing this nonsense. Yas Forums never disappoints.
yeah i'm sure the death toll from china is over exaggerated by the authorities there. it's all a hoax...
I ordered a bidet attachment for my toilet. Cost $40.
I win.
It's been stalling in China for a while now. Big measures worldwide will obviously slow the economy so I wouldn't bet for a quick recovery.
But 1.5mo deaths in us is schizo territory.
Just look at shit like or people not buying corona beers, it's literally media induced panic for middle aged women.
The "virus" was just a convenient cover for china to crack down on dissidents and instill fear.
>the media literally always lies, everything they say is the opposite of truth
>except this time, this time I trust them
i think the death toll in the end will totally depend on how fast this epidemic infects the majority of the human population. if very fast the death toll will be insane. if slowly enough it will be way below 0.3%. it's all about intensive care capacity and general emergency services capacity in an area.
in my country for example the intensive care capacity is already stretched thin when there is no epidemic. the doctors and other health workers are already doing overtime when everything is fine. i expect 1-2% of the population gone if nothing changes. shittons of lies and simply not diagnosing the cause will result in much better statistics tho.
yeah i bet they purposefully killed their economy just to snatch some dissidents they usually abduct at daylight on open streets for organ harvest... yeah. sounds plausible.
More believable than panic buying food and water over a fucking cold all because the media wants you to spend money.
Gates supports population control as in resources must equal population and with his conspicuous empathy about it stands to reason he also patented the vaccine
well only a retard would buy anything or such quantity he would not be able to use up if nothing happens.
there is literally no harm in having reserves. i fail to see any validity to your point. giant conspiracy for big fucking nothing is unlikely as hell.
I am not going to spend a single cent on extra food because I am not some paranoid prepping faggot. All you people look like retards.
but it's not ""extra"" it's kinda like shopping for the weekend only it's a longer weekend. you buy the same amount of food with different schedule. how much of a brainlet one has to be to not get this?
it's not like i care what happens to you just interested in the though process that results in not trying to prepare for shit when it looks like it will actually hit the fan for once in this century.
So you think it's gonna hit the fan.
We don't at all and won't live in anxiety for months and become sedentary, stop seeing friends, be paranoid everytime someone coughs.
The day shtf it's not some rice and toilet paper that will save you.
Shit is not going to hit the fan and I am not going to waste my time or money on shitty canned foods when all the rabid retards are crowding markets like spooked sheep. Its a cold that will blow over and nothing is going to happen.
Apparently they're going to fork toilet paper to have bigger squares.
>So you think it's gonna hit the fan.
this time i give it a real percentage chance partly because i know how retarded my government is and how they always react to every problem with a political move instead of a professional partly because this epidemic barely started and already killed more than the last two big deal total already cause shelves in markets to empty and already set people against each other.
panic is worse than the disease is but that is bad enough this time. so yeah i'm not going to go nuts and prep for the end of the world but 2 weeks of extremely disrupted services is a very real possibility now.
i know i will get this shit in most likelihood and i know it won't be worse than a cold most likely. this got nothing to do with why i stock up on some spare food whenever i can. i look at the maps and i can tell there are already thousands of undiagnosed cases around here. (migrant workers moving though between infection and death hotspots and their home) when most people realize the virus is already here and will not be contained at the borders shit will turn on it's head quickly as far as food and necessities go. also suspect most of the emergency reserves and rations will turn up on the black market for exorbitant prices. i expect shit going to south within 2 weeks and if it doesn't happen i didn't buy anything that won't last till september at least.
best to stock up on normal prices now imo.
>Its a cold
no cold requires 20% hospitalized that get it. stop spouting this retarded shit! not even the funny kind of flue comes anywhere near close.
nobody would care if this was just a cold.
I will give you a percentage chance. 0% nothing burger
Its a cold and the only people who die from a cold are old people. nobody of reasonable health will die.
normies are retarded. Nuff said
imagnie having a weak immune system.
the weak should die so the strong prosper.
the fun thing about sars and mers and covid19 is they are very likely to kill those that have a strong immune system. which also never happens with the common cold.
just google cytokine storm if you want to know more
i don't even get the toilet paper thing... wtf do you need toilet paper for if the world's ending? if you get to a point where you can't buy toilet paper, the place has probably already gone to hell in a handbasket. Likely no utilities, no water, no electricity, you're going to have much bigger problems than whether or not you have soft stuff to wipe your ass with.
that's 4x as likely to kill a chinese as a white man
>but why get toilet paper?
You want to be sick without any toiletpaper? It's not exactly a big expense when compared to even a month's worth of coffee or other commodities.
On this day, I knew, I would use my Linkie gains to make this chick mah bottom bitch
true, but still calling it a common cold is just stupid. some people overreact some are not taking it seriously enough. i personally don't think i can do a fucking thing to avoid it and whatever happens will happen.
what i dom't want to experience is hunger or inconvenience just because some people who did not took it seriously suddenly panic and mass raid the stores when supply of goods is disrupted internationally. that's all.
there is no reason to panic but also no reason not to prepare some. i always had 72 hours of food and water at home. that's the bare minimum reserves if you only expect a local crisis or disaster. i think for a global crisis 2 weeks supply is minimum.
for apocalypse you need to think self sustenance that requires a lot more effort let's not go there. i just hope i die before the internet dies.
frankly paper tissues are even better than toilet paper you can use them for a lot more like clean small wounds as napkin whatever... so i would skip that and just stack tissues.
lol toilet paper
wipe your ass "clean" with tp and then throw it in a trash bin, and it sits there for days roting
sounds like a third world practice
People who think this is anything more than a cold are absolutely living in paranoia. I am not going to give any of the kikes my extra money on their lies.
>about 20% of those that get it need to be hospitalized and in intensive care
HAHAHAHAHAHAA ya maybe if you're 1210 years old
oh boo fucking hoo, can't leave for a week or two. Who cares
I really hope this forces us to finally transition to using toilets with bidets.
>People who think this is anything more than a cold
It's actually a lot more than a cold, but a lot less than something that you should worry about. Calling it a cold is extremely disingenuous. Calling it something to be panicked over is also extremely disingenuous. Meet somewhere in the middle.