This is fkn legit

Attached: Buccaneer.jpg (400x400, 140.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:!/trade/0x17540494ad5e39aefd49901774528e9ff17fe40b-ETH

1 dollar tomorrow

Help I have scurrrrvvvyy


based. although Vitalik may lose his mind when he finds out someone messed with his little network

nice scam


this is fucking cringe

Even 1k of this bad boy is a fkn make it stack at this point


Way less than that boss. 100 or less is still a make it stack. Wait till this shit gets picked up by reddit and twitter

Lmao faggots

how are they hiding the transactions from eth explorers?

Says the boy who will never make it and live with his momma until the end of time

Attached: Buccaneeeer.jpg (1212x1929, 902.43K)

God this would be insane if this is going to be the coin we all finally are going to make it with. Should just go to $10 and I could finally join the big boys and not throw $100 bills at random shitcoins.


Got 3K. Should I get more?

did I just take a time machine back to 2018? why the fuck are faggots making good money on an obvious scamcoin that's been airdropped?

This one has 1st mover advantage, and supply is a tiny fkn 1M

Meh. Just got another 1K

good job bizlets falling for another pump and dump scamtoken

How do I buy on uniswap?

stop being retarded and think about it for a second. it's 3 days old, 1M total supply, trading between 200k-250k MC. that's about as low a market cap as you can find in crypto. this is miles ahead of most shitcoins you'll find in this catalog though. ffs, transaction privacy on ethereum. I don't think you understand how much dark money needs to be disappeared on the ETH network. the only other option is moving funds through centralized exchanges to mix other privacy coins. this is trading on actual dex's. 1M is a 4x from buying today. guaranteed this will be 1M mc in a few days.

Truth is there hasn't been any big crash in cryto currencies itself, e.g. that they can be hacked or whatnot. I got burned in 18 and just came back a month ago. Just praying that I am early enough in on the rally

How do they do the anonymous thing?
Btw I belive even most airdroppers don't even know they own the coin bc they didn't add the contract to metamask...

Comfy post

Attached: apubottle.png (789x610, 363.95K)

this fucking guy gets it

Go here. Copy the contract and paste into token selection spot.

How do I buy, plz I'm stupid and can't figure it out.

Can someone tell me if it's true that it's really the only privacy token in existence? Seems hard to believe. How would someone not made something like this already?

yep, supply is probably limited on exchanges right now for that reason.
not clear on the details about how transactions are hidden, but sending tokens calls a smart contract. there's no way to see where it came from to get to your wallet though.

holy fuck I hate how new this post is

yeah sorry, I lost interest in crypto in 2014 and only came back recently. As such I'm not aware of every ERC-20 token in existence

So far the only shitcoin that has at least a function.

Not sure if it is going to hold up over time, but it sets it apart from all the crappy meme coins.

Uniswap. Look at my post above yours. Copy the contract address and paste into the token search/selection space. Swap/send to wallet.

sounds like me except I came back in mid 2017. it's tough knowing we missed out on 50 cent ETH isnt it? but there are a lot of privacy-centric cryptos now, xmr is the best


Attached: 2177126631.png (1000x667, 1.57M)

Welcome to the club. Good to see there are more comeback kids around

Where you watching it?

I did thank you.

Can I hold it in coinbase wallet?

I downloaded the trust wallet. Then I created custom token. Then sent.

No. Use metamask.

if this isn't the biggest sell signal of all time I dont know what is

Attached: 46215437369.jpg (728x680, 68.49K)

>it's still going up
uhh guys

$0.17 now
Up 599%

This is my favorite meme that happens every thread

I didn't buy at $.02

Attached: 1581070313831.jpg (853x547, 105.33K)

im thinking we done done it this time lads

This is unironically a pajeet shitcoin

we can't be stopped

Attached: 1553009282890.jpg (1304x172, 17.04K)

$0.30 now

am I about to make thousands off an airdrop? Thank you based user. I might actually buy this now, I hope you are watching. But it seems there is some legitimate interest in your project.


Attached: BuccaneerCoin.png (1024x1024, 437.21K)

30 cents makes this a 300k mc. we got a ways to climb still....

Holy crap. How do I buy this? I've got 10 ETH burning a hole in my wallet!/trade/0x17540494ad5e39aefd49901774528e9ff17fe40b-ETH

Attached: 1513744434411.jpg (776x827, 144.61K)

I knew I should have bought some last night after the aid drop aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

$1.00 my the morning Lads!

Attached: AFEA39D7-DFB5-43F2-BB3B-E0536ADDE9FF.jpg (526x227, 36.63K)

My tokens don't show up on etherscan

That's the point user, it's supposed to be untrackable.

Add the contract to your wallet:

How to create custom wallet? I put in the contract address. But what about the symbol and decimals

I have 266. Am I going to make it.
Also how the fuck does it work I don't get it?

Uniswap or forkdelta me thinks

Moon Mission confirmed

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