Im starting to lose hope marines

I cant take it anymore. im starting to break. its been two and a half years and im showing signs of losing it. I've put every penny into link during this time and completely ignored everything else in my life.
>lost all my friends
>teeth starting to rot because id rather spend $250 on link instead of teeth cleaning
>car is about to die because i've neglected every repair for more link
>incapable of talking to people because ive been shut in my room for so long
>i workout but have lost every other hobby i did for more link, which is breaking my heart. i didnt realize how good those hobbies were for my mental health.
please i need help i cant take this anymore. it makes me feel like even if we make it it doesnt matter because ive already ruined everything.

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It has a cycle you silly man
It goes up for a few days, it goes down for a few days. The trend line is still up.

Faggots here will tell you to suck it up because you’re holding the most valuable asset in the world but I agree with you, the psychological damage is very real.

How many linkies do you have fren?

He’s not talking about the dip he’s addressing the damage to one’s physical and mental health for holding for so long.

by selling you let the kikes win

this is about mental health. not your TA faggotery. there is no fucking point in making it if we all turn into complete mental people.

It will all be worth it in the end, your'e not alone Marine.

Pro-Tip: Reward yourself every time you buy a little more link. Maybe, next time buy half as much link and spend the other half on taking care of your health/hygiene and personal well-being.

We're all going to fucking make it.

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My dearest friend, 'tis with immense pleasure that I inform you that your letter has found safe travel to my destination and landed in my hands. However, this pleasure was fated to remain short lived and bittersweet, for I must also admit to you, regardless of what distress it may cause to you, knowing you went to great trouble to pen it and deliver it to me, that I in fact declined to open it and refused to read the message contained within. Surmising your intentions, there exists no doubt in my heart regarding your sincere worries for my financial well being, but alas your attempts to convince me to modify my investment strategies shall regretfully remain futile, as my stubbornness in this matter has indeed been sealed irrevocably and no other voice shall rock its imperturbable foundations. Allow me then to reiterate my will once more, and do your best to forever remember it for no change will follow: I shan't part ways with my beloved asset for it is my utmost belief that I have invested wisely and foresee infinite potential in its future, and therefore no other possession in this world shall change my decision, not even a mountain of gold! For my possessed asset is indeed fated to be worth more than any other riches in the world. We shan't speak of this no more. Sincerely yours, your beloved friend.

don't look at the charts retard. just put in your wallet and check price once a week or something

All of this is understandable except for the teeth rot. Sell enough link to properly fix yourself up and then move on from it.

It's your own fault you're and autist and can't look after yourself.
However you must hold alot of link so you should be fine.
Stop being emotional is my tip, structure your life so you have breaks and go in the real world.


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Is that Tim Gonzo disgraced former co-founder of digisig?

That's Tom Gonser and he still works at DocuSign.

this is the mental illness im talking about. i didnt even say anything about selling and this retard is talking like hes in the 1800's. all im asking is for a little but of comfort because i have given it all up in the past 2 and a half years and its mentally fucked with me. im sure im not the only one here.
read my post. ive been buying for the past two and a half years. does that mean i look at charts?
i think i will



fuck off normal fag

My overall mental health is ok but I’m starting to genuinely lose hope that we are gonna make it in the next year or two. I have enough money to float until about 2023 but if Link isn’t at least $50 by then I’ll be in big trouble.

based and victorianpilled

I feel you. It's all so tiresome. But I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Praise kek

>Praise kek

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Nigga just buy some teethpaste from dollar tree

>accumulating an internet coin on an asian basket weaving board
>calls me normie
you need help more then me


>its been two and a half years
>teeth starting to rot because id rather spend $250 on link instead of teeth cleaning

oh wow you could have made the same gains made in 2.5 years in 1 month being smart and picking biopharms that had to do with corona virus. Enjoy your rotting teeth and declining health and 2.5 years you will never ever get back while people like me made the same gains in 30 days just by reading the news

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i have half a million dollars, i can buy all gold teeth right now

Idk man you sound like an absolute faggot. Take your shitty blog post somewhere else

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Sucks to finally accept it, huh? Making it won't make you happy, money doesn't play such a big role in making your life happier. It's all about other people.

Stop tunnel visioning on LINK, retard.

kek yeah destroy your life in every way possible to buy sergay another lambo
cant wait for sergey to dump some more on you idiots

Try to balance your immediate wants and needs with your link goals. I’ve had to sacrifice buying linkies here and there in favor of buying nigger tier frivolous stuff like coffee and headphones to make the wait more bearable. It’s okay if you can’t totally max out your long term strategy white man

>they just don't deliver memes the way they used to

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Based as fuck.

I am in a near identical situation. Also going insane.
Do you ever get the urge to just start screaming? Like in MDE's Gym Heaven skit. Not because of anger but just to do it.

yes, everyday. several times a day.
thanks fren
you had two and a half years man

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believe, even if it means sacrificing everything

how much are you holding rn?


Go live your life.

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Fren, start living your life today. No amount of money will make you happy. I promise you, no matter how rich you get, it wont make you happy.

It might make you feel accomplished, but for a short time.

Realize this and understand whats important for you today. Live day by day and enjoy the little things. We all die in the end and life is too short to be sad and worry. Get over yourself and live your life today. Be rational, lower your expectations and take one step at a time.

Get health insurance.
It is like 20 minites of phonecalls
Call a local dentist.

My teeth are ZINGIGNG

I have 0 enamel.
Just brown nubs.

Dentist fixes them and makes them look like teeth.
They last like 5 years..
Look normal for couple years..
Then fallout again..

Save 50-100 a week for rec shit.

Go paintballing.
Go to some random shit.
Get a gf.

Fix your car sometime..

Just do small shits like that.

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think about the 18 year old girls you can pay to shit in their mouths once you become a millionaire. Imagine the rush of power when you litterally shit in a cute 3.14's mouth. Also the power rush when you ignore all the people than never believed in you. That being said, buy more link

ok. heres what you need to do, marine. youre experiencing hodler ptsd. you need to FORGET ABOUT LINK for a few months. seriously. you wont miss the moon mission. just take a 3 month sabbatical from link, let your system clean itself of sergey's DNA. let your linkies sit. they will be there. it is even better because when you check the price in 3 months, it will probably be a lot higher than it is now. you can even check it once a week or every 2 weeks, BUT ONLY ONCE FOR THOSE 2 WEEKS if you don't want to miss the moon mission in case for some reason it moons like crazy very soon. the rest of march, do not think about link. the rest of april, do not. and for may, maybe tune into SmartCon, but DO NOT THINK ABOUT LINK OR NUMBER GO UP/DOWN until then at LEAST, which is exactly 2 months. trust me. over the holidays i didnt pay attention and returned to normal life, it was wonderful. i didnt miss a thing.
>what if it dumps and i-
who cares. you cant catch every single dump. not without losing your sanity like you have. and it sounds like you got a nifty stack. a 1k stack and up is totally fine. im trying to work on a 2k stack and i may top out at 2.5k. that is fine. just stop going on Yas Forums, stop talking to discord trannies, stop everything related to link for 2-3 months. you will be fine, everything will be fine. if anything your asset will probably appreciate significantly, all the while you were just living life not paying attention to it. again: FORGET ABOUT IT FOR AS LONG AS YOU NEED TO.

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Is he ok

He is and I am fuming. Wasn't even a suicide, just an idiot trying to get a selfie and he fucking lived.

Compared to my savings I put really insignificant amount of money into crypto, but I just hate myself since I did that. Regarding the trading I feel like I didn't do any good decision ever, last time I failed to sell ATH which is even hard to explain how could I fuck up so much since I was trying to sell it. And we are talking gains or losses of few tenths of dollars at max, but it still sucks. Trading is just constant reminder of how much I suck and series of surprise of new ways to fuck things up . Last night I dreamt about bitcoin falling in huge steps all the way down to $1800. Did I manage to buy it? Nope, I fucked up somehow and hated myself even in that dream for a while.

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>hodlr ptsd
>sergey's dna

this unprecedented level of cringe is why this generation of linkies deserve to suffer and be purged

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you will always be poor because you believe that an asset worth

dero is holding sat value and pumping get in her boys on hotbit a couple of k shall be enuff long term

Covert your link to xtz u niggers. I want to help you make it, I´m not lying like the rest of the fags on this board. At least with tezos syou make stakin gains, so the price moves are not as painful

thanks frens but as always easier said then done. especially with this virus shit going around i want to be in my room more then ever.

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Wrong. He's another retired boomer who just delivers the mail or answers the phone for digisign

>2.5 years
>coin does 20x
>loses hope

Interesting post OP only because I literally used LINK gains to pay an oral surgeon out of pocket(no insurance) to remove all 4 of my wisdom teeth about 10 days ago. I sure waited to fucking long, I'm almost 30 and have been in some serious fucking pain. One of them was degrading rapidly and I figured they all may as well go. Invest in yourself as well sir! Godspeed we will all make it.

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fuckin based and revolutionary war pilled

Very based and redpilled.

Kek. Same. Although I sold 40k at 4.60 because I have a lot more I can sell when link reaches $10+ $20+ etc etc. if you just accept that it’s ok to sell on the way up and take profits mentally it’s not as stressful. Doing this will allow you to have more flexibility over other opportunities that may come your way. Have a strong cash position is always advantageous especially when such things like a pandemic happen. It’s hard to take profits and see the price rise further. You’ll feel like you shorted yourself but accept that you can’t time the market nor can you predict the future. Hope this helps I also have a lot of chainlink and I feel the same exact way for a time. But coming to terms with be ok taking profits has taking a lot of stress off my back.

>a share