I'm selling toilet paper, $100 a roll

>I'm selling toilet paper, $100 a roll.

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I can't wait til Corona really impacts society, those few faggots I see hauling TP out of the store today? Gonna beat them to a fuckin pulp

Also it's not illegal to spit on--or attack--these bottom dwellers when in line at the store.

i do love these people, don't they understand trees are everywhere, and most countries produce TP.
in fairness i got a 9 roll pack in my closet, but theres no way we're going to run out of TP all together.

what pisses me off isn't that I might be denied toilet paper. I have enough control over my life where I would be able to adapt to that situation without it sending me into a fit of rage. what pisses me off is the absolute size of these peoples' tiny fucking brains, and imagining the try hard hell that is their existence. you can make so much money from just your computer, price gouging toilet paper is only good if your time is completely worthless

>No tinned food
>No water
>No blankets
>heard on the radio some boomer fucking retard mention toilet paper
>later that day I heard there was a fight over TP

Just use your hand desu

but hagi, can you shit on street without putting toilet paper down first

Is this just an american thing or what? I usually need to wipe twice or thrice and it's all clean. Does none of these people eat any fiber?

I can shit on your face without toiletpaper :)

That's called assault.

Sure is.

If you think about it logically, its fail-proof investment. Even if he wont be able to resell it, and corona ends up being a meme, he will just use it himself. Its literally impossible for him to lose money on this.

>but theres no way we're going to run out of TP

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stock up on medicines instead

Just one of those packages is literally a year’s supply of toilet paper.

>Cleans his toilet with sponges that he then puts in the washing machine
>only uses toilet paper for poos

I only clean my toilet twice a year.

ew, try twice a week
>use one roll for one clean coz I don't want germs on me bro

I don't it. Why TP? Doesn't really seem like the apocalypse type thing to store. You can just use a rag and some water...

or a month if you're an amerilard

I buy a pack TP like once every 2 years. I live alone and only take 2 shits a week on weekends, the other 5 days of the week I shit at work.

What if there are temporary shortages? How long is an acceptable amount of time to go without toilet paper?
What if we have some disturbances in the supply chain, and there's a 10 day outage? It's just 10 days.

Nobody said they use an entire roll to clean up American doodoo.
Most of us like to have toilet paper, even if it's just twice or thrice.
Running out of toilet paper would be a huge inconvenience, even if I only wanted to wipe twice or thrice for my daily shit.

You have constipation? I go through one roll every 3 days

Imagine having a name for something that shouldn't even be a problem. Society is so soft, this is why Americans won't make it past 2030

I literally shit every day and a double roll lasts me a month easy. believe it or not if you have a proper diet you don't have to wipe your ass 50 times

it's not illegal to punch nazis

If society has a problem with beating the shit out of people taking necessities away from them in times of crisis, then survival of the fittest nuggAH

Would require time travel.

>What is cloth?
>What is paper?
>What are leaves?
>How did humans poo for millennia?

>What is a bidet?

>One roll lasts for 3 days
If you use it only to wipe your shit off your ass, you need to see a doctor. Or learn how not to use several feet of it at one sitting.

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warosu.org/biz/?task=search&ghost=&search_text="i am a literal nazi"

i'll buy all of them

e-mail me at ([email protected])

I have hundreds of thousands of toilet paper rolls
i'm creating a monopoly, so when the world comes to an end, i will sell each toilet paper roll for $1000 each.

I'll even pay an extra 5% for each roll, $105/each roll final offer

let me know.

looking forward to your e-mail.


I have zero desire to buy hand sanitizer or any of this shit. Its not going to save me from corona, and if I get cornoa so be it.

y so people want this shit do bad? Same with TP. I'll just use a rag, wtf are people freaking out about?

If corona ended society, we know exactly who to kill. These selfish fucks. They're the first in line with their hand out for money from the govt. They're the first to sue a small biz for slipping on the floor/too hot coffee. You know the types?
Yeah, hope they know they're painting bulleyes on their backs on the off chance society collapses

I just go right in the shower and clean up. This hoarding should still be illegal during a crisis.

I will just wipe my ass with a wet towel these people are fucking morons

I don't get it. Toilet paper is not that necessary. If I need to clean my ass and I don't have it, I'll just use the bidet and problem solved.

Make sure you horde bottle water too, you never know if COVID-19 will make your well go dry or if your public water supply will stop working.

Get a bidet. One roll lasts me 2 months. Two squares for an initial wipe to remove large debris. Then spray the bidet. Then 2-4 more squares to dry everything. This is with half my pooping todone at work as well.

I'll coof on them

What the fuck going on in Australia mate?

The big toilet paper shortage!?

fucking cunts mate

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Picture implies it was their own idea. No, no, no... they're just doing what the news is pushing them to

guess what... in med countries we have something called bidet, but guess what too... a shower does the same work, it's just slower
toilet paper is faster and you don't have to use your bare hands to touch the shit, but come on, you have to be extremely retarded to buy toilet paper if it ever went above $2 a roll

You think the rest of the world hasn't already passed on that idea?
>mmm smoosh shit back up my ass pls

One time I actually used one of those squirt gun things in the middle east airports and it didn't even work I still had to use TP. But without TP I would just use a rag. I've actually used leaves before when I was camping and forgot TP. It wasn't that bad, actually probably more effective than some really cheap TP. You got to find the right texture leaf though.

As someone who has never used a bidet, please tell me how it actually works.

You squirt water up your ass and then you have feces smeared all over your legs?

You use your hand to wipe? Now you have feces on your hand?

Someone please educate me.

Oh it's autralia? That makes more sense, I knew amerisharts where too relaxed about wiping for this.

im gonna short Kimber Clark once people realize there WONT BE ASS WIPE SHORTAGES

okay, so first, you sit down on the bidet and use hot water, soap and your hand to clean up your arse... right after, you use the towel near the bidet to dry your cleaned ass
wonderful, now you stand up, pull up your pants and wash your hands

congratulations, it's done

So you actually touch your shit with your hand?

Chang isn't hoarding to wipe his ass, he's flipping this shit at his gas station for a profit. He does the same thing when 2 liters are on sale.

>not using a bidet

>capitalism is good!

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its China you fucking tard

mmmm.... :3

can I have a whiff 0WO

It is

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>extreme poverty

Price gouging is completely okay when a manufacturer or big company does it.