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Fuck the wall street
Fuck the banksters
Fuck the stocks
Fuck globalism
Fuck capitalism

I think golf SUCKS

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Is the panic over? What's the feel in the US?
Time to buy MMM?

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>Wuhan increases patient quarantine to 28 days, since lots of patients are testing positive again after 14 days period.

>The U.S. has the world's highest coronavirus death rate at more than 5% - a number that reflects the country's lack of testing

>No risk of coronavirus at Holy Communion, “Christ never had germs,” says Greek priest

>Looks like Germany is the new Italy. 290 new cases today bringing total to atleast 640.

>President Macron says the "coronavirus epidemic is unstoppable in France," after a meeting with #COVID19 researchers at the Elysee.

>It's a 'false hope' coronavirus will disappear in the summer like the flu, WHO says

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lmao, delusional ass bulls.

it's rough out here
lots of sneezing and coughing

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Something, something fear comes later.

Why contain it?

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What’s the long term plan here, are you trying to ween yourself off all the stimulation and decoombrain yourself? Revive your erotic imagination?

What kind of girls did you used to post before this?

Chances of IOC calling off the Tokyo Olympics?

EWJ puts looking attractive

Well that is the problem, and there is only one way out. Organic economic growth. Not this derivatives off of debt currencies off of this or that crap. It makes the house of cards more complex and riskier.

A contraction would only prove good in the long term. Forget the short term that's how losers think. That's why we keep running into the same issues over and over. In fact now they are being multiplied even because of the irresponsible handling of the economy.

Better to have little with peace and quiet than much with great frustration and toil.

49%-78% of American workers live paycheck to paycheck. You're telling me that the number increasing seemingly is good for economic outlook? What happens when great turmoil strikes and people say screw it and lash out. Even now I'm seeing a rise in people having to take on multiple income sources just to make ends meet or get ahead. It's a race to the bottom man. Fed may actually be spiritually blind and they're taking the American Dream TM down with it.

look at all those sources

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WALLAH and costco was never $280 again!

Back in January I told you all to buy $APT calls and no one listened.
$BGS will pump thanks to this.

> U.S
> 5% death rate
> literally 14 cases

Fuck off reddit

Are strip malls dead in AMERICA?

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lmao it's far from over

did you actually make your case or was it the usual "hey guys buy APT kbye (1 post by this ID)"

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I think those pictures are supposed to create a sort of despairity complex. It gives you a tease, but since you clicked it, the flesh wants to satisfy it even more likely, driving up demand for such lewd and degenerate behaviors. Just a theory though.



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They will made the decision in May.

>that pic

Never has being a schizoid avoidant been so fun

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yo same
to me, avoiding large gatherings of people is already natural

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Yes, both strip and regular malls.

>18,000 people
Oh god damn it I didn’t realize it was that big of an event, I thought it was smaller and more of a sure thing.

Was going to buy after the leg down when someone in congress got it.

I think it’s sissy hypno stuff... just reinforces negative self image. But I guess not everything that gets you off has to be “healthy”

Even grocery stores and supermarkets?
Weren't people panic buying toilet paper in AMERICA too?

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so is there any special way to use the VIX, or is it just a contrarian correlation indicator of sorts (VIX goes up, market goes down, and vice versa)? i still don't know how this DIX dark pool shit works either btw but im trying to learn about these different market indicators like how some information about options like IV can be helpful for trading the underlying stock.

The best part is they're all boomers, so they can't into technology and handle all their shit by sending staffers and interns across DC

It's gonna spread far beyond the attendees

Aw, disappointing.

You don't trade VIX. You trade VIX ETFs. Options IV determines the premium. Take KO for example -- it normally isn't very volatile so a leap OTM option would be cheap because it's very unlikely to happen. Now look at a meme stock like SPCE -- it's extremely volatile because redditfags pump it like a pajeet shitcoin. This means it could hit $80/share in 3 days for no fucking reason, or fall to $10/share. Since a leap call is way more plausible on SPCE than KO, the premiums go up. That's IV.

Eh. It’s really contagious but I wouldn’t be so sure that

COST baby! You were most likely looking at people from cost. They did panicbuy TP and PT’s but really it’s not that unusual for people to go to Costco and buy a whole lot of shit for the next several months, or all of their roommates, or for the office or whatever. It’s a good deal and it doesn’t go bad.

But the thing is when you have a LOT of something, you tend to use more of it. This is less true of TP but very true with snack foods and sodas and such. So they get to feel good about saving money but if they’re not careful they just consume more as a result.

COST is a buy, I hope I get to buy more at a discount.

People probably raided the other stores too but I’m less interested in Kroger, Target, Walmart, etc. a little interested in Grocery Outlet.

>jews will be the ones that destroy their puts in the US government
reminds me of that jew that invented Zyklon B


I don't understand strip malls.
Is it just the boomers going to them for their groceries?
Don't most millennials and zoomers rent apartments in the cities so they won't go to strip malls for shopping?
Do people still go to Lowe's or Home Depot?

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Pendy, before the world ends, I just want to say I love you.


Housing market prices plateauing before COVID19.


10YT rate on continual decline meaning higher demand and entities wanting to be in safer securities. Market likely thinks future is more volatile.

American household finances visuals (keep in mind this is 2 years old, I haven't found an up to date one yet).

All of this points to higher presumed future volatility and higher risk as well.

Are you sure you you’re talking about a strip mall?
Aren’t strip malls just a bunch of stores that open on to a parking lot usually outside, so you can go there and visit the yoga studio but maybe throw your stuff in the car and then grab a Jamba Juice and what the heck subway is right there and the kids are going to be hungry so hey let’s buy that too?

Yeah, it's not like I hate people, I just don't seek out social contact for the sole purpose of deriving some kind of gratification, it's pretty comfy desu

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Is it better to go inverse on mid caps since they'll drop more?


This is how their properties look like.

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>posts best girl
Truly this is a wise user.

everything is down in weekend trading

>coworker has laryngitis suddenly
>she is coming to work today anyway
Should I bail before she gets here? I think she has corona.

Why are you working on a weekend?


More up to date household debt chart.


Wage charts. Definitely stagnant.

Because I'm a retail wagie

Thinking about buying SPY straddles, what do u guys think

Lmao loser

How else should I get my gambling money?

Nice diggies
fuck the haters
working is a great way to make more money to buy more stocks.

Let's not forget that the average age of people dying because of Corona is 84, literally no reason for the market to wipe out trillions because there's a few old people dying and young people getting the cold. I'm starting to believe the theory that the big boys wants to wipe out some long positions before the bull run continues

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Oh no it’s 2008, definitely don’t buy quality companies after they dip 10+% and buy more if they dip even harder. we could crash anytime and then you’ll be holding the bag for a decade or maybe forever if this is the end of the US.

security. demand a boring secluded outpost where you can sit in your car and watch over utility trucks or construction sites.

Screaming man on boomer tube says time to buy. Gg bears.

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>few old people
20% of Europe is over 65, you think that's just gonna be fine?

inb4 sauce

Did he? What’s old Jim saying about the market today? We got some ER’s to look forward to?

The US economy is propped up by a strong US dollar because the global economy is shit and foreigners are buying the dollar as a safe heaven. People call the US economy strong, but many industries are essentially propped up by government aid / tax cuts. The moment the global economy recovers, foreigners start dumping US assets to return to their own countries, then all of a sudden the deflation of the last two decades will reverse, massive inflation will occur, and the US government will be no longer able to prop up every industry. Farming will collapse and there will major food shortages in US. Shit is going to get bad, so if you're buying this dip, prepare to drop another 80-90%.


ok boomer

I'm clowny for some isolation, what's the pay and how competitive the market?
It should still be fine if they're retired and only half-participating in society like they should be at that age.

>the us dollar is strong because everything thinks it's strong